also, plain old water is so important. asides from all the chemicals you are putting in your body (yuck), one thing about diet drinks is the fact that is you drink non-water, it makes you pee out more than you drink in - and this makes you dehydrated. and, when you are dehydrated, your body will hold onto water - so you will carry extra weight that is water because your body is actually dehydrated even though you sip a diet drink all day long.
you really need to drink a lot of plain water to help boost your metabolism and not retain water. its SO important!
we realised this in another way recently - Tim who is skinny as a stick, tore his groin muscle a few months ago. we had both the sports injury specialist and the osteopath say that the injury was due to dehydration. thing is tim drinks liters and liters of orange juice and aquarious sports drinks per day - and both specialists said that they dehydreated him. now tim limits himself to 2 glasses of oj per day and many liters of water.
Honestly, my personal opinion is to steer clear of the HCG "diet." I guess my take on it is that it is not good in the long run. 500 calories a day is not healthy. Of course you are going to lose weight eating so few calories, but at what cost? Everyone I know IRL has gained all the weight back (and typically more) once they go off HCG.
Feel free to ignore, but I just think that if you are really wanted to be "healthy" (vs. losing weight quickly) HCG is NOT the way to go.
I do want to be healthy, but I also want to lose weight quickly. :)
I started dieting on my own 4 weeks ago. I joined the YMCA, signed up for their ActiveTrax program - which tells me my workouts for the week and how many calories I can eat. I've stuck to it and have only lost 7 lbs. I went off big time this weekend, but the 7 lbs was prior to that. It's just discouraging. It's so hard to get to the gym any more than I already am, and I'm so hungry all the time.
I feel like I need some kind of a boost, or I know I'm just going to give up. 7lbs in four weeks is not cutting it for me. It actually pisses me off. I feel like, what was the point of denying myself yummy foods and being away from my girls to go to the gym for 7 measly pounds.
I think you have the wrong attitude Anything more than 2 pounds a week is an UNhealthy weight loss. I don't know how much you have to lose, but it certainly did not take only a month to gain 20 pounds, it's unrealistic to think you can lose it that quickly. Plus, I guarantee, most of the weight you lose with these fad quick diets will be back on in a years time. eat healthy. Exercise a lot. Don't deny yourself- eat a dessert once or twice a week. Go out for a nice dinner- but 80% of the time make healthy food choices. Eat non processed foods. Eat carbs before 12:00, protein and veg on the evening. Watch your portions. Exercise. Expect to lose 7-10 lbs a week. And gently increase your food consumption once you get to your goal weight - then keep up the exercise. This is a change for life, not a diet. That's the only good way IMO....
I'm wondering if that's really what you meant...? (Seems way too high. I'm thinking 1-2 lbs a week, no?)