I was just thinking about this the other day, how funny it is that these things come in waves.
I'm 18 weeks, we had our big u/s the other day and, for those who didn't see on facebook, we are having another boy. I think he will be called Jacob, since that is dh's #1 choice. I'm equally keen on either Jacob or Daniel. I am feeling good, kind of tired but otherwise I don't really feel pregnant. My placenta is apparently right in front so my OB has to put the doppler almost on my hip to get the hb, and this is why I hardly feel any movement yet. The u/s went well I think, made me feel much better about my health issues this time round and I'm starting to let myself believe that everything will go well.
I was in Walmart yesterday and had a quick look through the baby boy clothes and absolutely nothing was looking cute to me, making me a little sad that we weren't having a girl. When I got home though I went through Joe's old things and was really pleasantly surprised, I hadn't realised that we had saved so much (a good friend had a boy a month before I had Bel so I had given most of our boy stuff to her but I had saved all of my favourite things just in case) and it was all the cutest things that have memories attached so I'm feeling much more excited about the cuteness part. And yes I know how silly that all sounds.
Lucy I'm so happy that you ultrasound went well, and I love love love the name Jacob! I love going through the boys infant clothes...it really does bring back great memories. For now, those are in deep storage at my inlaws farm.
I've been pretty sick for a few days. I thought I had turned the 1st trimester corner after 2 really good days, but then everything came back worse than before.
I have an appointment in 2 weeks and we'll get to hear the heartbeat. We've seen it, but there is something about that 12 week appointment with the heartbeat that always helps me take a deep breathe.
We won't discuss names at all until we know gender. We disagree too badly as is when it comes to names, so if we can remove 50% of the options, it will save on the debate.
Otherwise, good! If I could fast forward a few weeks I would- but I also know it could be worse so staying positive!
I'm 19 weeks now. Feeling pretty good. I'm starting to get tired again, but nothing like I was in the first tri. I've also started to get bad reflux at night which sucks, but other than that I'm gelding good.
Yay for all the preggos! Lucy, when are you due, we must be very close. I'm due February 24th.
I posted this thread and then forgot about it (I was gone all weekend)
I am 17.5 weeks. Big u/s is Friday (it is actually a level 2) and I am like Jenn and have refused to think of or listen to names until i know what sex of baby I am naming. Naming Jules was a tad nightmarish and I hope this one is easier (doubtful)
I have really bad heartburn/reflux most days, Pepcid AC is my best friend. I never got my energy back was just less tired but I am starting to be super drained again. I need to go to bed earlier but I really like my quiet time at night plus it is insanely exhausting taking care of a baby while growing a baby.
So we have one boy and one girl so far. I think I am a boy and Jenn is a girl, lets see if I am right and if we get 2 & 2.
Wondering how everyone is doing. Anything exciting happening? Or are you just cruising along?
Jen you must be coming up to the big u/s time...are you going to find out what you are having?
Anyone any closer to deciding on a name or are you not discussing it yet?
Do we have any new members to add to this thread?
Dec 7th at 8am we find out :)
We are probably going to bring the kids with us to the ultrasound. I don't love it to be honest, but scheduling with the US place, and with Travis's schedule right now has been brutal (student teachers have observations, so whenever he isn't teaching right now he is evaluating his student teachers where they are student teaching). I can't get a sitter that early, so, I think they come. We will actually have the ultrasound tech write down the gender for us. The boys both want a sister and I'd rather avoid the temper tantrum mis scan, lol
No name discussions. We just don't have the same taste in names, so we'll wait until we can limit it to one gender :)
Baby's latest trick? Kicking/punching me right in the belly button. It HURTS! I don't feel the baby moving a ton yet, but when I do the little bugger is usually kicking me right in a place to stop me in my tracks.
Jenn I can't imagine taking the kids along to the scan, but it will probably go much better than you anticipate. I promised Joe and Bel that they could come to ours cause I thought that it would help make it more real for them, but then I backed out and went ahead and did it while they were in school.
Nothing new happening here really. Still just cruising along. Movements here are really strong and have been for a few weeks. I don't remember being able to see kicks so early from the outside, as usual dh is completely creeped out by me saying I can see or feel the baby move (he was like this with Joe and Bel too so no real surprise there).
I think we are going to call him Benjamin now. We have been trying names out for a few weeks at a time and this one seems to be sticking longer than Jacob, Daniel or Caleb did.
I'm a little ticked off lately too cause I keep seeing women with these cute sticky out bellies, but I, apparently, am not looking pregnant at all. I think I must have a long torso or something plus I was over weight to start so people just must be carrying on assuming that I'm still overweight. When anyone finds out I'm pg they look shocked. I want a cute belly!
Nothing new happening here really. Still just cruising along. Movements here are really strong and have been for a few weeks. I don't remember being able to see kicks so early from the outside, as usual dh is completely creeped out by me saying I can see or feel the baby move (he was like this with Joe and Bel too so no real surprise there).
I think we are going to call him Benjamin now. We have been trying names out for a few weeks at a time and this one seems to be sticking longer than Jacob, Daniel or Caleb did.
I'm a little ticked off lately too cause I keep seeing women with these cute sticky out bellies, but I, apparently, am not looking pregnant at all. I think I must have a long torso or something plus I was over weight to start so people just must be carrying on assuming that I'm still overweight. When anyone finds out I'm pg they look shocked. I want a cute belly!