we're only in week 2 also, and we havent gotten any homework yet - just this one thing where they have to make a collage, but we have a week to do it.
my gut is telling me that i should let her have a snack (she's a grumpy type if she's hungry), and then focus her to do homework, and then they can play after that, while I'm cooking. once they're playing, i canNOT pull them out of it.
my bigger concern is how unmanageable C gets if R is occupied with something else. i feel like i need to be available to entertain C (ie, not cooking), so that C doesnt distract R. then, though, we have the prob where R is jealous of whatever i do to entertain C, and cant focus anyway. nightmare. i have to throw piano practice into the mix as well - only 10 min a night, but a tough 10 min for sure!
if homework is reading, i'm assuming i can throw that in before bed - R reads well enough that C will sit through it, and i always reserve about a half hour of reading time before bed. i hope she doesnt have as muhc homework as i'm thinking she might.
Could you give C "homework" too?
For Colin's spelling test, I gave Adelaide paper and a pencil and as I was saying the words for Colin, she was "writing" them too..It kept her calm and happy. I know C is older than Adelaide...But maybe something like that would help?
This is what we do, too. If Kevin doesn't sit down with us, Kyle gets upset that he doesn't get to watch TV, or play a game, or do whatever it is Kevin's doing.
It's nice because Kevin is getting some practice writing letters and such. Or he'll choose to draw, which he loves to do.
We let the boys have some down time after school, and then we'll usually tackle homework right after dinner. They get out of school until 4, and so I'll get started on dinner right away and we eat around 5, so there isn't much time before dinner anyway.
We do snack time and then homework 90% of the time. I only get about 45 minutes with Hannah at the most on nights that I have school, so sometimes I let it slide - but undoubtedly Joe forgets or gets busy and then we have to do it in the morning, so we come in, grab snack and get right to it so that it's then out of the way and she can enjoy the rest of her night.
Thanks for this thread. We don't really have regular homework- just a different wipe-off sheet each week that he is supposed to practice daily and turn back in on Friday. We keep forgetting to do it. I think we'll do it right when he comes in the door. It seriously takes 5 minutes, there is no reason for me to keep forgetting about it.
we're only in week 2 also, and we havent gotten any homework yet - just this one thing where they have to make a collage, but we have a week to do it.
my gut is telling me that i should let her have a snack (she's a grumpy type if she's hungry), and then focus her to do homework, and then they can play after that, while I'm cooking. once they're playing, i canNOT pull them out of it.
my bigger concern is how unmanageable C gets if R is occupied with something else. i feel like i need to be available to entertain C (ie, not cooking), so that C doesnt distract R. then, though, we have the prob where R is jealous of whatever i do to entertain C, and cant focus anyway. nightmare. i have to throw piano practice into the mix as well - only 10 min a night, but a tough 10 min for sure!
if homework is reading, i'm assuming i can throw that in before bed - R reads well enough that C will sit through it, and i always reserve about a half hour of reading time before bed. i hope she doesnt have as muhc homework as i'm thinking she might.
Could you give C "homework" too?
For Colin's spelling test, I gave Adelaide paper and a pencil and as I was saying the words for Colin, she was "writing" them too..It kept her calm and happy. I know C is older than Adelaide...But maybe something like that would help?
This is a great idea. Honestly, our biggest obstacle to homework is Noah. If I'm trying to get Ethan to focus, he's interrupting. If we try to distract him with Wii, Ethan wants to know why he can't play.
As soon as we get home, Mason has a snack and drink and we talk about his day. This lasts for about 20-30 minutes. After that, we do homework. I found that the longer I wait to start, the less he wants to do it, so we just try to get it out of the way. But, the short break first helps too so he doesn't feel like he just got home and I'm jamming it down his throat.
This is exactly what we do and why.... now that we are back in the routine it isn't such a fight like it was the first few days either. Everyday he is supposed to review his weekly spelling words, sight words, and vocab words. Then he usually has to practice counting (last week it was 1-50, this week 1-100) then every day he has to do something like write a sentence using 4 sight words. Draw a picture to illistrate 4 spelling words. That sort of a thing. If he sits down and gets it down it's 15 minutes tops.
For the most part the routine has been for him to come home, finish his snack (he starts it on the short walk home) and then sit down and do his work. I don't know why I never thought to give Owen "homework" to do at the same time. I'm going to do that because he will just sit and interupt or run in and out of the room.
There are two nights a week that I don't get home until 5:30 and typically Doug doesn't work on his homework with him. "I didn't know he had homework." Even though he has been to all the meetings I have and we have had conversations that he has homework every night. I was annoyed at first but he gets home and plays/wrestles with the boys and they get a lot of bonding time in then so on M/W I get home and we do homework while Doug is cooking dinner. So, it all works out.
Gavin has been doing really well getting his homework done but it is very age appropriate and a lot of it is interactive so it isn't super boring. For example - hop on one foot and record how many times you were able to. Bounce a ball and write how many times. Play catch with someone and draw a picture or write a story about it. I really love his school!
connor doesn't get home from school until 4 and i work at 7, so he has to do it right when gets home. he is not allowed tv, etc until it is finished, although i do let him eat his snack while he is working on it. grace works on something at the table also...stickers/pasting/etc and jamison has a snack in his high chair. if everyone isn't at the table connor spends too much time worrying that he is missing out on something and can't concentrate.