Curious to know what others are doing. How do you handle homework time? Do your kids do homework as soon as they get home? Do you allow them to decompress a bit first? What's working best for you?
As soon as we get home, Mason has a snack and drink and we talk about his day. This lasts for about 20-30 minutes. After that, we do homework. I found that the longer I wait to start, the less he wants to do it, so we just try to get it out of the way. But, the short break first helps too so he doesn't feel like he just got home and I'm jamming it down his throat.
We suck. I encourage Kiera to do it while she is at her grandma's in the afternoon,but, grandmas sometimes arent into it, or she is tired,etc. So, she decompresses, and has fun in the afternoons. And then occasionaly, before bed, she will do a bit of homework in lieu of reading. (we get the week's homework on Monday, to turn in on Friday). She does it in pjs with a lap desk. Honestly it is sometimes the only focused one on one time we have any way.
The past few years it has been, "Quick before bed get it done!" So this year it's as soon as they walk in the door. Grab a snack and start the homework. It's working so much better!
I make him do it as soon as he gets in the door. Actually that is a lie, I tell him he cant have any tv, computer or iPod time until it is done. He does it almost immediately once he knows that. He has gotten really good about it lately.
We suck. I encourage Kiera to do it while she is at her grandma's in the afternoon,but, grandmas sometimes arent into it, or she is tired,etc. So, she decompresses, and has fun in the afternoons. And then occasionaly, before bed, she will do a bit of homework in lieu of reading. (we get the week's homework on Monday, to turn in on Friday). She does it in pjs with a lap desk. Honestly it is sometimes the only focused one on one time we have any way.
same here. Ethan goes to aftercare. Sometimes he does it there, sometimes not. It's usually just a work sheet so I'll try to get him to focus on it while I'm making dinner. Studying spelling/math/reading--we do that right before bed. Otherwise we have too many interruptions.
They come off the bus, and head straight to the kitchen table for homework, even if Grandma is here and not me or Ed. It has been a firm rule in this house since day 1. We have some sort of activity or sports practice most nights during the week anyway, so there is really no other option. I find that once they are out of "school mode", it is harder for them to get back to it later in the evening.
It depends on the day. Two days a week I take her straight from school to dance so she does it after we get home and after dinner right before bed. The other days I give her an hour to play and decompress and then she does it while I make dinner. I am surprised by the amount she has this year though.
Last year, we were pretty flexible, and it didn't always get done before bedtime, which made the next morning a nightmare. This year, I'm soooo much more organized (at least in comparison ), and Holly is allowed snacktime while watching one show, and then she knows it's homework and reading time.
So far, she hasn't balked much at that, although some days are easier than others. ("But Mooommmyyyy, it's BORING!" ) I think having a set routine for it helps it feel more like "This is just what I do now" instead of "Can I get out of it? Hmm..." -- at least over here. She loves school, but when she's home there's so much else clamoring for her attention that she'd rather not be stuck at the table working on things.
So far, we haven't had any homework (not even reading) but this is just week 2 for us.
I have no idea how we will handle this. Charlie goes to after school care, we pick him up between 4:30 and 5. Supper takes until 6:30ish and 7:15 we start getting ready for bed.
Last year, he only had reading. Three books, send back when mastered. So if we didn't have time one night, it wasn't a big deal (though we mostly had time).
Our curriculum night is not until next week so I have no idea how this year will go.
we're only in week 2 also, and we havent gotten any homework yet - just this one thing where they have to make a collage, but we have a week to do it.
my gut is telling me that i should let her have a snack (she's a grumpy type if she's hungry), and then focus her to do homework, and then they can play after that, while I'm cooking. once they're playing, i canNOT pull them out of it.
my bigger concern is how unmanageable C gets if R is occupied with something else. i feel like i need to be available to entertain C (ie, not cooking), so that C doesnt distract R. then, though, we have the prob where R is jealous of whatever i do to entertain C, and cant focus anyway. nightmare. i have to throw piano practice into the mix as well - only 10 min a night, but a tough 10 min for sure!
if homework is reading, i'm assuming i can throw that in before bed - R reads well enough that C will sit through it, and i always reserve about a half hour of reading time before bed. i hope she doesnt have as muhc homework as i'm thinking she might.
I just wanted to quickly add that when we try and do homework in the afternoon, as a requirement after dinner, or other structured time, it becomes a battle. Lots of dilly dallies and I dont want to's on her part andharassment on my part. But, when we have it take the place of the night time book a couple times a week, it is one on one time that Kiera, one of us is sitting (laying sometimes, lol.) right next to her and so she really enjoys it and it doesnt feel like homework to her. She gets to show off where she can and help where she needs it.
Every kid is different, but, that works for us right now.
I just wanted to quickly add that when we try and do homework in the afternoon, as a requirement after dinner, or other structured time, it becomes a battle. Lots of dilly dallies and I dont want to's on her part andharassment on my part. But, when we have it take the place of the night time book a couple times a week, it is one on one time that Kiera, one of us is sitting (laying sometimes, lol.) right next to her and so she really enjoys it and it doesnt feel like homework to her. She gets to show off where she can and help when she needs it.
Every kid is different, but, that works for us right now. Will probably change as homework takes longer!
I just wanted to quickly add that when we try and do homework in the afternoon, as a requirement after dinner, or other structured time, it becomes a battle. Lots of dilly dallies and I dont want to's on her part andharassment on my part. But, when we have it take the place of the night time book a couple times a week, it is one on one time that Kiera, one of us is sitting (laying sometimes, lol.) right next to her and so she really enjoys it and it doesnt feel like homework to her. She gets to show off where she can and help when she needs it.
Every kid is different, but, that works for us right now. Will probably change as homework takes longer!
Curious to know what others are doing. How do you handle homework time? Do your kids do homework as soon as they get home? Do you allow them to decompress a bit first? What's working best for you?
First, the kids go to the bathroom, wash their hands, and have a snack. They usually watch TV while they eat their snack.
Then they play outside for a little while.
We usually do homework after dinner but if I know they have a lot, then I'll get them to start it right after snack. Also if they want friends to come over, they have to do their homework immediately after school . . . before the friends can come here.
Last year we did the homework right as soon as he got home. That was a fight so what I do this year is he comes in, he watches CyberChase, has a snack, does the first half of his homework, plays, dinner, reads to Adelaide at bedtime. I am sitting there but I make it to where he isn't necessarily reading for homework but to his sister..He is more relaxed that way and does a better job.
Honestly, I sometimes have a hard time understanding what his teacher wants exactly. The spelling test this week are words that start with "sh" and "ch" but there was no list provided..Just a pictures. So I picked out the ones that I thought he was capable of and we did those. He did good..
we're only in week 2 also, and we havent gotten any homework yet - just this one thing where they have to make a collage, but we have a week to do it.
my gut is telling me that i should let her have a snack (she's a grumpy type if she's hungry), and then focus her to do homework, and then they can play after that, while I'm cooking. once they're playing, i canNOT pull them out of it.
my bigger concern is how unmanageable C gets if R is occupied with something else. i feel like i need to be available to entertain C (ie, not cooking), so that C doesnt distract R. then, though, we have the prob where R is jealous of whatever i do to entertain C, and cant focus anyway. nightmare. i have to throw piano practice into the mix as well - only 10 min a night, but a tough 10 min for sure!
if homework is reading, i'm assuming i can throw that in before bed - R reads well enough that C will sit through it, and i always reserve about a half hour of reading time before bed. i hope she doesnt have as muhc homework as i'm thinking she might.
Could you give C "homework" too?
For Colin's spelling test, I gave Adelaide paper and a pencil and as I was saying the words for Colin, she was "writing" them too..It kept her calm and happy. I know C is older than Adelaide...But maybe something like that would help?