Its so different knowing this is your last, so you have to hold tight to all of it...But..
Adelaide is now 2! She turned 2 on July 8. When you ask her how old she is, she says she is 6.
She had her 2 year check-up and is developmentally on track. She is in the 94% for height and weight, no concerns. She wouldn't let the doctor look in her mouth though. He had to fight her on it and then he finally gave up..She's a stubborn girl. And so funny.
She loves horses and wants to ride one so bad but I'm thinking she is too young. She is also not a baby but not a big girl..She is a little miss..And a princess. And she is so loving and so sweet. Its so lulling. I almost want another little girl! LOL She says the sweetest things, "Hello, beautiful mother!" or "You have pretty hair!" Her vocabulary is astounding. Its amazing how different the two are--they fight like crazy but then I turn around and they are snuggled in the recliner watching Good Luck Charlie (she loves Charlie) or watching Colin play his DS (its a hand me down from his big sister)...Its a good pairing b/c when he gets upset or frustrated, she goes to him and hugs him and rubs his back and says, "Shh..What's wrong, dear?"
The doc suggested preschool but I don't know if *I'm* ready for that yet. I think she'd be fine even though she is very shy and still hangs on to Grant and I alot. But she is starting to branch out and make friends, though she loves babies more than anything. Show her a baby and she is in heaven.
Colin is still tall and underweight for his age. Can't believe he is in first grade!
He goes to the ENT on Wednesday to get his adenoids checked out. We discussed his behavior and his constant sleepiness and the doctor agreed that there is no reason, especially with the 12 hours a night he gets, that he should still be tired during the day. His tonsils look good so its the adenoids next. If those check out fine, he goes for allergy testing to see if it is allergies to something causing him poor sleep. He is a horrible snorer and a mouth breather like I am, and I have sleep apnea. It runs in the family.
After that, he goes for learning evals to see if perhaps there is an underlying issue that contributes. Fun times.
Thanks for reading. I should share more but I don't really feel like I have a place these days since I spent the past year isolating myself with schoolwork and the kids.
It's good to hear from you! I am glad you sweet girl is doing so well. I hope you have some answers for Colin soon. It is amazing how fast time goes by when you have children.