I am 35w3d. I've had high blood pressure with this pregnancy, just like with the previous two and the baby has some issues with her kidneys (which I haven't really talked much about because, well, I'm just hoping for the best) so I've been going 2 x per week. Tuesdays for a biophysical profile and Fridays for an NST/reg. app. with my OBGYN.
Yesterday the Fetal Maternal Specialist doctor told me that the fluid has been decreasing for the last three weeks, and that it even looked like less than what it was measuring. She said it was not low enough to be worried yet, but that it needs to be checked 2 x per week instead of 1. I don't know what it is measuring, but I will be sure to ask Friday, as I've of course been googling this topic.
So, did you ever have low amniotic fluid with any of your pregnancies? If so when was it diagnosed and how did the handle it? Isn't it normal for fluid to decrease toward the end of pregnancy? They told me to pay close attention to movement and call if I thought movement was decreasing. Are there any other signs that it is getting worse? I have been having WAY MORE braxton Hicks contractions this time around than I did with the first two, and I'm wondering if it's related.
Thank you ladies for your help with my issues! I did join another board's expecting club - but it's unorganized, frustrating, catty, annoying....I don't ever post topics on there. I really just frequent it because I like to see what everyone is naming their babies. Even though I don't post much here, I have known most of you for over 6 years now - I totally respect and trust your input more than those crazies on the other board!
Barbie, I haven't experienced this, but just wanted to send P&PT. You could be gone ten minutes or ten years and ALWAYS find us here to support you. Keep us updated momma, you're in my thoughts.
With Bryce during labor his heartrate dropped twice I was going to emergency c section if it happened again. They broke my water there was nothing! They had to stop my labor and I had an amnioinfusion (tube putting water in) luckily he was born fine.
My ob was an idiot at my 40 wk 2 day appt I measured 35 wks two cm smaller than the week before a sure sign of decreasing fluid.
Since that every pregnancy I had ultrasounds at the end. Owen was fine fluid wise. Keegan my level stayed at 8. I was monitored weekly from 35-36 weeks just to check fluid.5 is immediate delivery. Ryder I hovered between 9-10 which I was going to be checked again at 39 wks but he came earlier.
It can be scary but sounds like they are on top of it.
Dorian delivered jack early because of low fluid as well.
Thank you Sara! What I've read is that anything 5cm or below is considered low, so I think I'l have a better idea of where I'm at after Friday's app. when I aske what I measured.
Another strange thing, for me at least, is that I lost a pound this week...With my first two I gained 48lbs. and 50 lbs. So for with #3 I've gained 26 lbs. - which is weird for me because My GOAL was to stay 35 or less and I'm seeing that I may actually make that goal! But now I'm wondering if it's all fluid related..
I ended up having an induction around 36 1/2 weeks with Holly because of low fluid. I'd been measuring small with little change at multiple appointments in a row, so they sent me for an u/s and found that the fluid amount was too low to be comfortable with. Everything turned out fine, obviously.
I haven't dealt with this, but wanted to tell you that I am thinking about you and praying for you, Barbie!!! And ITA with Jenn-we are always here to support each other, no matter how long it has been!
Thank you everyone. Maybe I'm just in denial, but I'm feeling very positive about things actually - and I'm usually a major worry-wart/hypochondriac. The baby has been moving A LOT, so that's reassuring....
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MomSquawk -> About Mom -> Any experience with decreasing amniotic fluid?