right now, i just have it on the fridge. ideally, i'd like to start framing them and puting them up on the walls. has anyone done this? any pics to share?
I recently thought about just taking pictures of all of the artwork and putting it on a digital picture frame. But right now I already have four. one for each kid so Im not really sure. I rarely save them though. blush.
We have super-crappy kitchen cabinets so I tape their artwork to the fronts of the kitchen cabinets. Improves the look of them immensely. I also tape them to the pantry door.
I don't think I've ever displayed stuff on the refrigerator.
We simply put them on the bathroom door (our bathroom door is smack in the living room area (small apartment). We change it by the season. Winter just came down, summer art going up slowly.
We also keep labeled large manilla envelopes for relatives. As stuff comes home from school or they paint, etc- I divide the items up. when the envelope gets stuffed, I drop it in the mail :) I share our clutter freely.
I have some of Hannah's framed. My favorites are either framed or seperated for her hope chest (which I don't open often to put things in because I get all emo.) Anyways, I've been wanting to do a clothesline, but haven't gotten around to it. Mostly it goes on the fridge until she brings home something she likes more. Boring, eh?
I am going to hang a curtain rod on Elizabeth's door and put her artwork there using a curtain rod. In the link you can see how to do it with clips, but you can also use ribbon with clothes pins attached on the ends to make it more colorful. Granted it might not be that great if you do lots of opening and closing of the door, but hers stays open all the time. There are also some other good ways posted in the link too.