Have you heard about this new book? It's a memoir written by Rahna Reiko Rizzuto. I first heard about it on The View last week, and then found more about it on the Today Show:
She was a SAHM to two young boys, and then was given the opportunity to spend 6 months in Japan to do research for a book. She left and while there came to the realization that she "didn't want to be a mother anymore." She returned home and ended her 20-year marriage, leaving her 3 and 5 year old boys as well.
What do you think? Obviously there are a lot of people condemning her decision, calling her selfish. And there are few who are supportive.
i saw her interview on some show recently too. She came across a little defensive, i thought, but that may be because she has gotten so much bad publicity about it. I don't know - on one hand, had it been a man, it would not even be a story, kwim?
i think motherhood is so idealized that its very unpopular to admit that it's anything but the Best Thing Ever.
as lizzy said, its different for women. in a divorce/separation, the mother usually has primary custody. if the father holds up his end of the deal, interacts with that child on schedule or more frequently then he is viewed upon favorably.
but virtually no one can comprehend a mom willingly choosing to let the father be the primary custodian. rather, it is the mother's job (more than anyone) to selflessly serve that child. i think that if it were not for the judgement andexpectations of society, there are many more mothers that might choose to walk away or be "part time," if the option were to present itself.
it's not exactly a cakewalk, kwim?
ultimately, she will deal with how her children feel about that.