Nope, not this year. I'm overwhelmed with things to do as it is. It's too hard any more to take time out to take pictures. I enjoy looking at others', though.
I think I might do it. I actually have not done it before, but I am feeling a bit nostalgic. I don't know if it's because we waited to send E to kindergarten or just the simple fact she is growing up, but this is my last year before official school. It would be good to have a documentation of it.
Nicole, welcome and my understanding is that you document your child(ren)'s day from the moment you get up until bedtime using pictures. I don't know that there is any right or wrong way to do it.
I love looking at those!! so fun to catch a glimpse inside someone's life. I, unfortunately, am not organized enough to do one. I tried one year and have alot of pics from that day and then my camera died - i do enjoy looking back at it and wished I had done it.
good for you Kari that you have these....I hope you do another this year :)
I skipped last year, not sure if I have it in me to try and remember with four kids though I have to say it would be quite interesting but just one more thing to add to my plate in a
I was just talking about this w my husband the other day. I did it for the first 2 or 3 years and have really regretted stopping. Definitely in. In just a couple years both of the big kids will be in school all day. :) and :( about that!
I always love looking at everyone else's. We've done it ever single year and I love being able to look back and see a snapshot of our life. I just looked at the one I did last year and I didn't realize how much our lives have changed just in a year.