I was wodnering if any of you have had trouble breastfeeding at places like bob evans, ponderosa, or denny's.
I have to say the best place for that is ryan's buffet.
I heard some people got kicked out of bob evans and ponderosa for breastfeding and that is so wrong.
I need help on locating the best places to do this becuase I don't want to give any businesses any money for not supporting us mothers who prefer the tit over the can.
I was looking on activeboards directories for a parenting site. found this one.
im from NC, USA. but gonna move up north some where. the rent is too high here and my hubby lost his job so we gotta find another place to go and it's tough with the baby. arg.
Welcome to MomSquawk! I never had any problems in any restaurants, honestly. I was discreet about it though. I tried to stay covered as best as possible.
i agree, people do get uncomfortable. but, that is their problem. and, i think the more they see it, the less uncomfortable it will be for that person.
I have never had an issue with nursing my kids out in public. Though I admit once they get to the nosey nursing stage I usually will just feed them in the car before we go in to eat if we are at a restaurant.
thankyah both of u.... i just think that ppl have made seeing breasts a huge deal when they are ok with seeing blood n guts on tv lol. I think it's too sexualised all the time when it's just a body part.and that body part has a purpose to feed the baby!