Nope not a baby. : ) I am trying to get a small at home business going, I've been making blankets, little girl dresses, bibs...and I need help coming up with a name for my little venture. Any ideas? Help me out here. I am drawing a complete DH said to call it Three Heads. LMAO Um no.
The best I could think of was Three Hearts, but it sounds dumb to me.
Anyways, so I like word play on the So/Sew - Sew Sassy, Sew Chic, etc.
Because I'm bipolar, I also like going in the completely opposite direction and having a random name. One of my favorite wahm companies is Red Peach, and it was because she thought of a cool logo first and named the company around you. Her company doesn't have a damn thing to do with peaches, lol.
Anyways, so I like word play on the So/Sew - Sew Sassy, Sew Chic, etc. Me Against the 3 of Ewe, lol.
Because I'm bipolar, I also like going in the completely opposite direction and having a random name. One of my favorite wahm companies is Red Peach, and it was because she thought of a cool logo first and named the company around you. Her company doesn't have a damn thing to do with peaches, lol.
Anyways, so I like word play on the So/Sew - Sew Sassy, Sew Chic, etc.
Because I'm bipolar, I also like going in the completely opposite direction and having a random name. One of my favorite wahm companies is Red Peach, and it was because she thought of a cool logo first and named the company around you. Her company doesn't have a damn thing to do with peaches, lol.
Tons of places you could go with it, either way.
Good luck.
did you used to have that sewing show on cable (it might have been local though) called "sew what's new" - LOL.