I feel like I am taking over this folder whining... so I apologize in advance!!!
Over the weekend my boobs have been hurting so much. Today has been the worst by far. I remember feeling like this when I was pregnant with Lucas (before I realized I was knocked up) I took a pregnancy test today and it came back negative, but it might still be too early to test?????
My doctor had us "try" on the 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th day of my cycle (and we also snuck in the 10th... even though he stuggested we wait.... we almost made it lol)
So if I am pregnant the possible conception dates range from Jan 25th to Feb 4th.
I would LOVE to find out I am pregnant but if I'm not it would be nice to know that too... so I can start on the 2nd round of provera and clomid.
UGH Kari. The 2ww is hard enough, let alone dealing with these meds and all!!!
Ok, so do you have any idea of when you O'd? Did you use OPKs or anything? If not and you didn't conceive this month, I would highly recommend them. I know in your case, you might use more than I did, but I found them to be very very helpful in figuring out exactly when I O'd-and I was temping too!!! But sometimes the shift wasn't obvious-but with the OPKs as well, I knew to the day when I O'd. I LOVE the digital ones with the smiley face, but they *are* expensive, and if you go through a whole box a month, it is a lot. I had both those and the cheap strips. The strips were not obvious for me, so when I was getting close and wasn't sure, I would use a digi to verify-that worked well and I didn't waste a lot of the digis. But using the OPKs gave me peace of mind. I knew with the + plus my temp shift that I definitely had O'd and when.
If you did use them, when did you get a positive? That would make it easier to tell how many days past O you are, and if it is early for testing or not.
I guess you don't have a clear cut idea of when AF should be due? Hmmm...tough one to call because if you O'd earlier in your cycle, then it should be late enough to get a result from a test (what kind of HPT did you use?), but if you O'd later, it might not. Plus if you are having symptoms that are not the norm for you, that would lead me to believe it might be earlier in your LP. When did you start having post O type symptoms? Such as the sore boobs and anything else you can think of? That also might give an indication of when you may have O'd.
I feel like I am not offering any help here at all-all I have are questions!!! This whole thing is such a pita, isn't it? TTC is hard, even if it doesn't take very long (and I can't complain-it only took us 3 cycles, which isn't long-but those 3 cycles felt like forever!!! my BIL and SIL who just got pg started a month before us, and she has no health issues or anything, so sometimes it just takes a while. But this cycle when she conceived, she was using the OPKs I had left that I had given her-Bill told me I was an idiot for doing that, lol, because now she is only 6 weeks behind me but she has a history of delivering early, so our kids are going to be VERY close together and we'll have to deal with planning parties closely spaced forever. But I digress...). When we just happened to get pg with Kate, it was a bit stressful, but in the end it was so much easier!!!!
So what is the plan from here? Did your doc tell you how long to wait before testing?
I have no clue when I O'd. I did not use OPKs this time around but I will for sure be using them next time!!!!!
To take my temp do I need a special thermometer?
I used first response to test (not the digital ones though) I've already gone through a box of three so I went to the Dollar tree this morning and picked up 5 for $5 total.
I started having symptoms last week. My boobs have started hurting even more this weekend. Yesterday I started having headaches.
Your questions are helping! I am new to this whole trying thing and I am still learning!!! Oh and congrats!!! I don't think I've had a chance to tell you that. I am so excited for you guys! When is your due date?
If I am not pregnant then I will start over with provera then clomid with mucinex (and OPK's this time around for sure!) The Doc told me to test 2 weeks after our week of secks. So I have RX's for 2 more rounds. Then if I am not knocked up by then I go back in April and we up my clomid dosage.
You are a huge help! Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge. It is all so confusing to me. I tried doing the courses on fertility friend but I was a little overwhelmed. I think I need to just read a book about it instead of trying to read a large amount of stuff on the computer screen.... maybe something like fertility for dummies (off to see if they carry that in the library now)
I have no clue when I O'd. I did not use OPKs this time around but I will for sure be using them next time!!!!!
To take my temp do I need a special thermometer?
I used first response to test (not the digital ones though) I've already gone through a box of three so I went to the Dollar tree this morning and picked up 5 for $5 total.
I started having symptoms last week. My boobs have started hurting even more this weekend. Yesterday I started having headaches.
Your questions are helping! I am new to this whole trying thing and I am still learning!!! Oh and congrats!!! I don't think I've had a chance to tell you that. I am so excited for you guys! When is your due date?
If I am not pregnant then I will start over with provera then clomid with mucinex (and OPK's this time around for sure!) The Doc told me to test 2 weeks after our week of secks. So I have RX's for 2 more rounds. Then if I am not knocked up by then I go back in April and we up my clomid dosage.
You are a huge help! Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge. It is all so confusing to me. I tried doing the courses on fertility friend but I was a little overwhelmed. I think I need to just read a book about it instead of trying to read a large amount of stuff on the computer screen.... maybe something like fertility for dummies (off to see if they carry that in the library now)
Definitely get Taking Charge of Your Fertility. Great book.
Yes, you do need a special thermometer for temping, but they are cheap. I like the BD one best-it seems also to be the most popular across the board. Temping is a hassle, IMO, but definitely worth it if you want to see if you are O'ing and all of that. Also, you could try and keep track of cervical fluid. Even with the mucinex, you should see a shift in your CF when you are getting more fertile-and that is the best time to GIO (get it on). Also, if you are not producing enough CF, Pre-seed is a great lubricant that won't kill the spermies.
Ok, so if symptoms started last week, it depends on if things started up right away after O or took a few days, but it *could* be too early to test. I will tell you also that I have known some people who have had frustrating times with FR. A girl on my TCOYF message board recently got a BFP, but her FR tests were all negative. Don't know if she got a bad batch or what, but the internet cheapy was right, and then she ended up getting a digi, which said pregnant.
So if you are not pregnant this cycle, you do the provera right away, is that right?
Hopefully it was just too early, but if not, I think that at least using the OPKs will help. You may not want to jump into the whole process of charting, but doing the OPKs and checking cervical fluid would both be pretty easy and helpful. I have everything crossed for you and hope it works out quickly!!!
The earliest I have seen BFPs on my other board is 9dpo-and it is more typical for them to happen closer to 11-14dpo. I got mine at 11dpo (that is days past ovulation), so don't stress about it yet.
Oh, and thank you!! I am due August 31st, but will have a scheduled c/s the week before. We haven't scheduled it yet, but I am sure we will soon. I go on the 22nd again, and he might schedule it then.
i'm 9dpo today, and i can't stand the wait! i peed on a stick today and it was bfn i know, i know, maybe too early. i'm having a ton of symptoms, so if i am not pregnant, i will be super sad. i totally know the feeling though, about just wanting to know! it's like, not being pregnant sucks, but not knowing sucks way more!
i'm 9dpo today, and i can't stand the wait! i peed on a stick today and it was bfn i know, i know, maybe too early. i'm having a ton of symptoms, so if i am not pregnant, i will be super sad. i totally know the feeling though, about just wanting to know! it's like, not being pregnant sucks, but not knowing sucks way more!
aw crystal...i didn't know you were ttc!! Good luck, Girl!!
So today was my day to POS.... BFN. I don't know why I was suprised and disappointed seeing how this was my 5th test in a week and a half but for some reason I thought I would still get a magic positive today. Oh well....
My boobs stopped hurting about 2 or 3 days ago and now I am wondering if all the symptoms I am feeling are maybe because my SIL is staying here right now and she was on her period. She started staying with us right when I started my meds and we both started our periods on Jan 16th (mine was provera induced and the first one I've had since August before I stopped taking the pill) She is moving into her own place at the beginning of March so hopefully if that is what DID cause all of my symptoms it was a one time thing!
I started my next round of provera this morning and I called in my clomid refill. Bring on Round 2
So today was my day to POS.... BFN. I don't know why I was suprised and disappointed seeing how this was my 5th test in a week and a half but for some reason I thought I would still get a magic positive today. Oh well....
My boobs stopped hurting about 2 or 3 days ago and now I am wondering if all the symptoms I am feeling are maybe because my SIL is staying here right now and she was on her period. She started staying with us right when I started my meds and we both started our periods on Jan 16th (mine was provera induced and the first one I've had since August before I stopped taking the pill) She is moving into her own place at the beginning of March so hopefully if that is what DID cause all of my symptoms it was a one time thing!
I started my next round of provera this morning and I called in my clomid refill. Bring on Round 2
I'm sorry, Kari. That absolutely stinks. It is only the first cycle, so don't get too discouraged. It took Bill and I 3 cycles this time, and my BIL and SIL tried for 4 or 5 cycles this time. It will happen!!! Hopefully this next cycle will be it and you will be pregnant in just a few more weeks.
Crystal-how are you feeling about things today? Any twinges or feelings? I agree with you that not knowing is the hardest. That time when you read into everything you may be feeling, but aren't sure what is going on...blah. I hope this is the last cycle you have to worry about all this...
i'm 9dpo today, and i can't stand the wait! i peed on a stick today and it was bfn i know, i know, maybe too early. i'm having a ton of symptoms, so if i am not pregnant, i will be super sad. i totally know the feeling though, about just wanting to know! it's like, not being pregnant sucks, but not knowing sucks way more!