Lol, Jenn! I might have to change my bedmaking ways now that I know yours!!! My kids make a mess of their beds. It drives me batty. And I always hated making beds when they had a bedrail-when we took that down with Kate, it was a glorious day, lol.
They are super excited about having bunk beds, I have to say. Let's hope they stay excited about sharing a room all the time. I don't think they get it that will have NO place to really be alone after that.
Ya, making the top bunk sucks, but on days like today when you can tuck a sheet into the top so it hangs over the edge making a "fort" that minor inconvenience of bed making is so worth it! I put their pillow pets, flashlights, toys, and the portable dvd player in there and they stay busy "camping" for hours.
I love the idea of trundles, but my kids would never sleep if they were within poking distance of eachother. Plus bunk beds free up so much space!
LOVE the fort idea, Corey. LOVE. And I worry that with the trundle, they will be too close as well. Not to mention we have to keep all other furniture away from the bed, and we probably can't afford the space to do that.
Sonya-foam mattresses, huh?? I would never have thought of that!!! But that is a good idea. I am also curious about cost?
Next up will be to find some. And then I will need help with organizing the rest of the room. Seriously, IHNI how we are going to manage the closet space because their closets right now are FULL. IDT I can combine them!!!! Plus they each have a full bookcase in their room, plus toys and a gazillion stuffed animals, and they each have full dressers!!!! OMG-we have to find some better ways of organizing everything. And clearly, some things will have to go. We have time, but I want to start scoping out organizational things now. (I love PBK, but no way I am spending that kind of money on that room. I want to find cheap options that we can use in a playroom or something in our next house.)
Thank you all again for the input on the bunk beds. I feel so much better about getting them now!!