My niece is making a bar table top for her husband as a present, and is having everyone she knows save their bottle tops, however it's a huge undertaking and eventhough she's in college, they are cheap and drink cans, lol. But we're all trying to recruit people so we can make this project happen for him.
Would anyone be willing to save and send me their bottle tops from their beers?
I was going to suggest the same as April. My friend went to a wine bar and asked for corks and they collected for her. Maybe a local bar would help ya out.
We do not consume high volumes of beer, but I will tell rich to save any.
Thanks girls - I don't know if she's recruited some bars, but if not, I'll definitely make sure she does. That's a fabulous idea that I would have never thought of! Corey, I'm sure she'd love to have them from there - That table is likely to follow them to a million places (he's in the military, she's student teaching in London, etc.) so I'm sure they'd love to have some rare ones in there (and that takes the pressure off of Joe, who has made it his personal mission to drink good beers that no one else will have the tops for, lmao.)
We drink a lot of craft beers here (and when I say "we", I mean John buys it, I take a few sips and switch to something mild like Honey Brown, LOL), so we can send you some random weird ones with names like Moose Drool and Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale. :)