Just wondering if you read the reviews of products before you buy something? And if you do how much weight do you give them? If you looked at the reviews and they were very mixed would you still buy?
The reason I ask is I think that it would be a nice thing if Santa brought something for the kids to share and I am looking at the Crazy Fort ( http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4247860 ), seems like people either love it or hate it and those that love it say that the only reason the people who gave bad reviews is because they didn't read the instructions and so that is why they had trouble with it. I am very much a 'read the instructions' kind of person so I'm thinking we will be ok.
We have a set just like that one. It was a birthday gift. The kids don't play with it all that often, but they have fun with it when they do. My 7 year old can build on his own, but otherwise I have to do it. Yes, you have to be fairly gentle once it's built, and the pieces come apart fairly easily, but it's still fun. I didn't look at the price. I think around 25-30 would be a fair price.
I don't mind 1-2 poor ratings, because some folks are just never happy. For the product you shared, I'd be a little more hesitant. It seems to have a lot of complaints- BUT- I've also never owned nor seen it in person.
Maybe put it together in advance and it is seems flimsy, return it?
I do. I try to look at various sites since target, walmart, amazon each have their own reviews. I am very hesitant to buy something really poorly rated but you also have to consider the amount of reviews and what they are actually complaining about. If the complaints are geared towards missing parts of set up I don't care too much if it is something that can easily be returned or whatever.
I'm with Jenn though, I would be hesitant with the product you shared. Especially because I think it is something you could elsewhere that actually has good reviews, kwim?
Also, I think the price is pretty steep for what it is. I looked on amazon for it and there are a lot more reviews - 46 - and it is still rated really low. I try to stay in the 4 and up star range and it has 2.5 stars there. I'm also thinking that part of it is having children that are too young to do it by themselves and personally, that would drive me crazy to have to help them every single time.
I read reviews on some things. Toys, not really. Clothes and shoes, yes. How much weight do I give them? It depends. Some reviews are obviously from bad customers lashing out. I ignore those. Mostly I pay attention to what's relevant to me.
One thing I am very mixed on is pointe shoe reviews. I read the reviews but tend to take the "this shoe hurts" and "this shoe is bad" reviews with a grain of salt because of the very individualized way pointe shoes need to fit. I pay more attention to how the various aspects of them (shank hardness, vamp, profile, etc.) compare to others that are supposed to be the same.
Thanks everyone for the input. I'm not normally a review reader since I kind of think that people only go write a review if they feel REALLY strongly in either direction, mostly badly.
I was going the Crazy Fort direction because they sell them in B&N and I have coupons. Juni, thank you for pointing that Toobeez one out, I glanced at it but came away with the idea that it was way more expensive, but actually it doesn't seem so now. Off to read more reviews...