John is doing a 5k walk/run this weekend for the Miracle Babies Foundation. Miracle Babies was founded by Dr. Sean Daneshmand, who is the perinatologist that delivered Mason.
MiracleBabies aims to become the nation's premier non-profit resource for neo-natal intensive-care unit (NICU) patients and their families. Our mission is to provide financial assistance and support to families in need with newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit
We have seen families' lives turned upside down as they rise to the challenge of caring for a premature or sick newborn that must spend time in the NICU. In the face of dealing with the uncertainty associated with the prognosis of their child's outcome, parents of these patients often face severe financial hardships, such as losing their homes and even their livelihoods. This is why we need to help.
MiracleBabies is a non-profit organization maintained by volunteers, many who are parents of prematurely born children. There are numerous ways to help, whether it's by volunteering your time or making a donation.
To this end, Miracle Babies is committed to assist families of NICU patients with the items as follows (although the list is not restricted solely to these items):
Co-pay assistance for medical equipment (i.e. oxygen, apnea monitor)
Hospital grade breast pump rental assistance (lactation consultants highly recommend hospital grade pumps for moms that have a preemie)
Car bed for babies that are discharged under 5lbs
Prescription Medicines
Baby Supplies
Baby Clothing
Infant Car Seats
Strollers (often a luxury for parents on a tight budget)
Educational Toys
Children’s Books
Special Formula
Funeral/Mortuary Assistance (the death of an infant in the NICU is so often unexpected that the family is not prepared for the financial burden of having to prepare for the necessary funeral arrangements)
Rent/Mortgage Assistance
Sibling Childcare
Lodging Assistance for Out-of-Town Family Members
Telephone/Cell Phone Payments
Utilities Assistance
Bus Passes
Gas Money/Card
Car Repairs
Car Payments
Every little bit helps! Thanks for your consideration!