Well, according to DH we weren't officially trying, he just wasn't using any protection! AND, when I'm in baby-making mode he gets a lot more lovin' than normal, so it's not too hard to coerce him. I've been trying to seriously talk him into one more for about a year, a few months ago he finally caved. BUT, if I thought he really didn't want one, I wouldn't have been so eager. AND, he's the best daddy in the world, so I know he'll be great with a third.
My hopes are getting really high now....I may not officially believe it until Thurs. or Fri. when my period is due and my line should be a lot darker.
Well, according to DH we weren't officially trying, he just wasn't using any protection! AND, when I'm in baby-making mode he gets a lot more lovin' than normal, so it's not too hard to coerce him. I've been trying to seriously talk him into one more for about a year, a few months ago he finally caved. BUT, if I thought he really didn't want one, I wouldn't have been so eager. AND, he's the best daddy in the world, so I know he'll be great with a third.
My hopes are getting really high now....I may not officially believe it until Thurs. or Fri. when my period is due and my line should be a lot darker.
well, you've used 2 out of the 3 pack of tests, might as well take one tomorow too
I see the second line....thats what my first few tests with both Aubrey and Austin looked like. It wasn't until after my period was probably a week late that they were as dark as the "control" line. Congrats to you and your DH!
I took another one today. :) It's starting to hit me now! Still a little in disbelief..... I started a medicine yesterday for my bladder infection that turns my pee orange, so that is the reason for the slight discoloration. I spoke to the nurse at my OBs office and she said the medicine would not have an effect on the pos. or neg. of the test, and that if there was a line, I'm pg!
Well, this was what I was looking for! I just took another, yes ANOTHER pg test. This one I took in the evening, and I had just peed an hour before taking this one. I guess I really am prego! Obviously I'm not saying anything to my people in real life (except my parents.) That's why I love having this board, so I can share my joy so early on! I think I'll wait until my 10 week app. and ultrasound before I tell the world (aka Facebook.)