Here is a really good website for keyboarding skills.
I showed it to Henry, and he started right away. I think he's on Lesson 8 or 9 now. You must get to 3 errors or less, I think, before it lets you move on to the next lesson.
Also, Henry still looks at the keys instead of just the screen but I think that's fine for a 10-year-old. After he finished all the lessons this way, then he can start over without looking.
Cool, thank you for this! There was a great program like this associated with the virtual school that Justin was registered with, and as I just switched back to straight homeschooling I was hoping to find a replacement. Yay!
i think i may still have a disc for it somewhere. It has different ways to do lessons, like metronome, speed etc. It teaches first finger rows then i and e and then the rest. you do practices and then a test and there are racing games. YOu have to type at a certain speed to win the race or another car passes you and if you make a mistake a bug hits your windshield. You can make it so you can keep going or you have to backspace and correct.