We have Joseph's parent teacher conference first thing monday morning and both dh and I really want to be there so we will end up having to take both kids along with us. They haven't allocated school time for these things this year so we have to have them before or after class time so I know they won't have kid care available at school like they did at his preschool during that time. Do you think it will upset his teacher to have Joe (and B, of course) in the same room during our conference? I don't want to get on his teacher's bad side but we do really both want to be there. When they had the parent orientation night at the beginning of the year they were very specific to say 'no children' on the paperwork (and there were still a few parents who brought their kids) but they haven't said anything this time.
April, we don't have family here and the only people who could possibly watch them are friends who already have their own kids to get to different schools. Plus Joe normally gets on the bus at 7.55 and our conference is 15 minutes away at school at 8.
I think dh would be ok about staying home with the kids while I go but I'm always worried I'm going to forget to ask something important, I know lots of people don't have the luxury of having a dh who could take time off work to go so I know I wouldn't be the only one that was the only one to go. I guess I'll ask him tomorrow about me going alone, probably me forgetting to ask something is better than Bel butting in every 2 seconds and no one getting a word in edgeways.
I ditto what April said. It is very distracting for a teacher if the kids are in the room. Also, the teacher may not be able to address anything with Joe right there. Maybe she wants to discuss something with you and not have Joe hear it. I am sure if it is the only way you can do it the teacher will be fine, but maybe ask her before hand without just showing up with them.
ITA with the others. I absolutely would not take the kids. I think it would not only be very distracting, but part of the point of having no children is so that the teacher and parents can talk openly about the child, both any strong points as well as any issues-which you really can't if that child is there.
If you absolutely can not find child care for the kids, I would go alone. You and DH could sit down and make a list of questions so that you know what he as well as you hope to discuss during the conference.
I know sometimes it is a necessity for parents to take their children, but if you have the option not to, you shouldn't. I know when I was teaching, that was one of the things teachers complained about most on conference days because it really inhibits honest communication between parent and teacher.
Lucy, ftr- I think schools should have a kids craft room or something going on for the very situation you are talking about, or for the single parent so you can meet while the kids are occupied. (Actually, I do remember having this very thing in middle school. The art room would be open and we would keep working on our art projects during evening conferences, and when we were done we would show our parents around our school)
I often thought the same of the last church I went to who wanted us at all these things, but only had childcare during Sunday services.
Just my input. We've never gone together. I'd like to but someone has to watch the kids. The teachers would NOT be happy if we brought kids and the kids who do come have to stay in the hallway. These are always older kids who can take care of themselves with a book. Do you have a teenager in your neighborhood who babysits? You should ask around. You could schedule an evening conference.
Jen, they had just that very thing at Joe's preschool. One of the rooms was open and you could sign your kid in for the 15 mins of conferences, one of the regular subs was there with her college age son manning it. And then we took Bel in with us and they had a little pile of building blocks and baby dolls at the far end of the room for her to play with.
Kristi, they haven't allocated early release days or anything for PT conf times. We had two choices either 8am before school or he would do them sometime between 3.15 and 4.15 monday thru thursday. I don't think they are doing them for everybody just those who request them (we didn't request one but were told that we should do one) Joe is going to be starting speech therapy at school in the next couple of weeks so I'm hoping that that is the only reason why they asked up to come in. We haven't heard of any teenagers who babysit round here but I should ask the moms at the bus stop.
Melissa, we never went out without the kids, even when my parents came to visit we didn't do that just because they only saw them a couple times a year so when they were tiny it was strange and now they are older they are hard work. (When my bro was 8 and I was 3 we tied our aunt to a kitchen chair and left her there till my parents came home from their night out, I could totally see my two working together like that to do something similar - I'm not sure how may parents would hanlde it ) We have started to go out a bit on friday mornings after we drop the kids at school, now that B goes too.
We have Joseph's parent teacher conference first thing monday morning and both dh and I really want to be there so we will end up having to take both kids along with us. They haven't allocated school time for these things this year so we have to have them before or after class time so I know they won't have kid care available at school like they did at his preschool during that time. Do you think it will upset his teacher to have Joe (and B, of course) in the same room during our conference? I don't want to get on his teacher's bad side but we do really both want to be there. When they had the parent orientation night at the beginning of the year they were very specific to say 'no children' on the paperwork (and there were still a few parents who brought their kids) but they haven't said anything this time.
Am I worrying for nothing do you think?
I am with you there, Lucy! We've got no family in the area and with Addy being so anti-everyone but Mama, it makes it hard! I was just wondering what we were going to do but I rather like the idea of having one of us go while the other stays home with the bebe.
I feel you on the night out too! Its hard being in an area with no family around to help out! Hats off to you!