I can only describe it as living with a teenage girl with the worst PMS. He's a nightmare, seriously.
It has been the hardest weekend in a long time.
We started a sticker chart today so that I can have some kind of reward for good behaviour. So far so good but i'm not holding out much hope. when he is unreasonable, he's crazy.
Anna has been worse than usual lately. Not bad, by any stretch, but just more tired, emotional, then she gets all manic (again with the tired), then frustrated, etc.
And she talks. OMG does she talk. Like Robin said, it is like she has to be good and quiet all day long and by the time she gets out of school, she can hold it in no longer. It is kinda cute, but kinda...well, not.
I can't complain-she is still not bad by any stretch, but her behavior is definitely off.
Yesterday, as soon as we had rest time, she fell right asleep. Girl who hadn't napped in forever couldn't help herself. And had we been home at naptime today, she probably would have taken another one. So for her, I think a lot of it is just pure tired.
Lauren's having a hard time too. She is all over the place with her behavior lately. I know she is just tired and trying to adjust so I am being easy on her and just praying for bedtime to hurry up.
And much like you said Laura, Lauren and Anna seem to miss each other a lot in the day but they also seem to fight worse then ever now too. :(
Oh and I sure wish someone would have warned me that 3 year old drama was going to be this bad. Anna and her friends fight all the time at preschool. She comes home crying all the time b/c so-and-so is not her best friend today....
Anna has been worse than usual lately. Not bad, by any stretch, but just more tired, emotional, then she gets all manic (again with the tired), then frustrated, etc.
And she talks. OMG does she talk. Like Robin said, it is like she has to be good and quiet all day long and by the time she gets out of school, she can hold it in no longer. It is kinda cute, but kinda...well, not.
I can't complain-she is still not bad by any stretch, but her behavior is definitely off.
Yesterday, as soon as we had rest time, she fell right asleep. Girl who hadn't napped in forever couldn't help herself. And had we been home at naptime today, she probably would have taken another one. So for her, I think a lot of it is just pure tired.
She has been an absolute turd with Kate though.
This sounds EXACTLY like Holly. Just substitute Lance for the recipient of the turd-ness, lol.
yeah things are a little weird around here too. she doesnt start till tomorrow - but i've noticed lately that she is more dramatic than usual (she is ordinarily REALLY low-drama) - but like today she fell off her bike and cut her hand a TEENY BIT (like picture a little pebble dent) and she was an absolute wreck over it - then it became "why doesnt CARA ever get hurt?!? why is it ALWAYS ME!?? i'm so mad at YOU MOMMY because CARA didnt fall" etc on and on - then it got wet in the bath and stung a bit i guess, and she flipped OUT again - just stuff like that. it's really out of character.
i didn't even want to open this thread ;) I don't know how things could get worse in the crazy department...she is soooo difficult right now. (I thought 5 was the "good year" lol) she is just full of drama and I have no idea where she comes up with half of it either.
And then with no warning... she's CrazyPants McMoodSwing. And when she goes there, it's baaaaad.
But it's not surprising to me. I'm pretty sure she's always going to have flair for the dramatic. I think it's in her dna, lol.
Really, this is us exactly.
Why the hell do they warn people about the terrible twos? Fives are WAY worse (and also way better but it's like flying first class - the wonderful behaviour makes you know how much better it could be - you never fly coach the same way again)