So, within the last week Owen has developed a near crippling fear of flies. I'm not joking. I wish I wish. Full on girl scream and he just completely loses it. Runs for his life or totally hides and just can't control himself.
I don't know wtf happened but he is terrified. He is refusing to go outside at my mom's house now and sits inside on my dad's lap while gavin and my mom play outside. He LOVES to be outside. This is the weirdest thing. He's afraid of nothing...except for bugs but it has been manageable. Now he is deathly afraid of flies and I don't know wtf to do.
Get a spray bottle with water and spray him. Tell him it protects him against the bugs and see if that works
I will try. The problem is, the *second* he sees a fly, he loses it. Completely. But I will definitely try. I may even just try giving him a spray bottle and have him try to spray the fly instead of getting scared and maybe that re-focus will help. Thanks for the idea!
good idea about the spray bottle. i dont know where these kids come up with the fears. cara has a fear that things are going to fall off of the walls. it's subsided a bit now, but like a year ago it was becoming a problem. she was constantly cringing. she also has a weird thing with birds (she's afraid they're goign to fall on her i think, which sort of ties into the wall thing). R had a million and one fears at around this age - i'm really glad most have gone away now. i think with owen, its a good idea to give him a feeling of control over the situation. does he know the shoo fly song? maybe you can use that as a distraction too - tell him it will keep the flies away.
Sarah got stung by a bee when she was about his age and became terrified of them and any other flying insect.
It stunk, it kind of ruined our summer because every time she saw something flying she would FREAK out and one of us would have to come inside with her.