LL, i missed the part about 5 trying to get custody.
i think that he should be responsible for providing all childcare when he's "unemployed." is he still doing that during the off season? he can be completely responsible for both of them during your work hours in lieu of contributing toward childcare expenses.
i bet having both of them EVERYDAY would get him changing his tune quickly.
LL, why is 5 allowed to decide what travis is and is not allowed to help with?
You know I am not entirely sure how this happened???
I think because he is the "custodial" parent he thinks it gives him all the power and I just let him walk all over me because it is easier and because deep down I am still terrified of him.
LL, why is 5 allowed to decide what travis is and is not allowed to help with?
You know I am not entirely sure how this happened???
I think because he is the "custodial" parent he thinks it gives him all the power and I just let him walk all over me because it is easier and because deep down I am still terrified of him.
maybe it's time to get the court involved again.
he should not have this much control over your life anymore.
LL, 5 is a jackass. EJ has left me alone today so I will focus my hatred towards him.
remind me how old Travis is now? You are his mother. Don't you get some say? It's not like 5 is home and wants to spend time with him.
and do we really think anyone will grant 5 custody of Lucas? Honestly, I'm surprised he got custody of Travis.
He is 12.5 (crazy right?!?!) 5 actually pretended that he was gonna be home early this week to spend time with him before school starts. It hasn't happened yet and yesterday my dad ended up picking Travis up so he wasn't allowed to babysit at my house but he was allowed to go with my dad who had Lucas????
He seriously makes no effing sense and what it boils down to is he saw me and Joe together Sunday when he dropped Nikki off after church and couldn't handle it.
The fight about him trying to take Lucas started when I went off on him about jpoint custody meaning he had some kind of responsibility for his kids during vacations and days off from school and that it isn't fair that I have to take all the time off. He could never get custody (I suppose I shouldn't say never but I think pigs would fly first) but he could get ugly and make my life hell which is really all he wants to do anyway.
LL, i missed the part about 5 trying to get custody.
i think that he should be responsible for providing all childcare when he's "unemployed." is he still doing that during the off season? he can be completely responsible for both of them during your work hours in lieu of contributing toward childcare expenses.
i bet having both of them EVERYDAY would get him changing his tune quickly.
I would never voluntarily let him have that much contact with Lucas.
He is court ordered to pay 47% of child care and if I can get Lucas into the afterschool program I will be having it enforced. I am also plan on having the state attach his check for my child support vs him paying me directly so that when he is on umemployment it will just come out.
LL, why is 5 allowed to decide what travis is and is not allowed to help with?
You know I am not entirely sure how this happened???
I think because he is the "custodial" parent he thinks it gives him all the power and I just let him walk all over me because it is easier and because deep down I am still terrified of him.
maybe it's time to get the court involved again.
he should not have this much control over your life anymore.
We are moving out of the complex ASAP and I will do a more structured visitation to see Travis. I love seeing him everyday but being this close has caused too many issues.
LL, i missed the part about 5 trying to get custody.
i think that he should be responsible for providing all childcare when he's "unemployed." is he still doing that during the off season? he can be completely responsible for both of them during your work hours in lieu of contributing toward childcare expenses.
i bet having both of them EVERYDAY would get him changing his tune quickly.
I would never voluntarily let him have that much contact with Lucas.
He is court ordered to pay 47% of child care and if I can get Lucas into the afterschool program I will be having it enforced. I am also plan on having the state attach his check for my child support vs him paying me directly so that when he is on umemployment it will just come out.
that is very smart. I think in Indiana, if cs is over a certain amount they have to do that way.
and idk if you have many big complexes there, but many of the ones we have here are doing no deposit specials b/c they need tenants so badly.
Yup we are checking CL we don't have a lot of complexes here. Most things are private owned. and I know it's picky but there are certain places I don't want to live. Joe would prefer to move out of town but knows I don't want to pull Lucas out of school once it starts. (plus my job is here blah blah)
It's a full moon this week and I swear 5's moods change with the moon and next week he will be fine but seriously he needs to get over the fact that I have clearly moved on and me being pregnant and my boyfriend moving in does not in any way shape or form make me an unfit mother.
Speaking of movies ;D, I saw "The Switch" on Sunday. Super-cute! Totally predictable but still really good.
The Sunday before that, I saw "Eat Pray Love". Did I already tell y'all that? It super-sucked.
I never read the book. And after watching the movie, I'm so glad I didn't.
Keep in mind I haven't read the book, but in the movie Julia's character leaves her dh (who loves her and wants to go to counseling to make their marriage work) because she decides she doesn't like being married. Then she goes on a year-long trip to "find herself". She didn't have to go that far. I could have told her what she'd find--somebody really immature and selfish.
Also, the scenes in India (I think?) grossed me out. It made me want to buy insect repellent and take a shower. In one scene, she's sitting at a long picnic table, eating. There are flies landing all over her food. Blech.
Speaking of movies ;D, I saw "The Switch" on Sunday. Super-cute! Totally predictable but still really good.
The Sunday before that, I saw "Eat Pray Love". Did I already tell y'all that? It super-sucked.
I never read the book. And after watching the movie, I'm so glad I didn't.
Keep in mind I haven't read the book, but in the movie Julia's character leaves her dh (who loves her and wants to go to counseling to make their marriage work) because she decides she doesn't like being married. Then she goes on a year-long trip to "find herself". She didn't have to go that far. I could have told her what she'd find--somebody really immature and selfish.
Also, the scenes in India (I think?) grossed me out. It made me want to buy insect repellent and take a shower. In one scene, she's sitting at a long picnic table, eating. There are flies landing all over her food. Blech.
Then the movie went on for HOURS.
Don't waste your money.
Thank you Robin! I almost jumped on the bandwagon and read it just to see what the hype was about. I'll not bother now and save the energy and time for something else.