Make phone calls Do a gazillion loads of laundry Approach my ds about the items left in computer room w/o a scene Find a place for the pile of stuff to take to Ohio Clean cat boxes
I am just going to start there and hope it leads to bigger and better things.
Pick out Hannah's clothes for tomorrow Finish paperwork to return to school Purchase school supplies Dishes Fold the 2.5 baskets of laundry waiting to be folded Wash more laundry (blech) Gather meal plan
Pick out Hannah's clothes for tomorrow Finish paperwork to return to school Purchase school supplies Dishes Fold the 2.5 baskets of laundry waiting to be folded Wash more laundry (blech) Gather meal plan
Our timing stinks! We will be going through your way either in the middle of the night Wednesday or morning on Thursday. I will let you know if it looks like we might be going back through Sunday at a reasonable time. You would make a great halfway stopping point. Unfortunately I will not know what time until right before we leave.
Pick out Hannah's clothes for tomorrow Finish paperwork to return to school Purchase school supplies Dishes Fold the 2.5 baskets of laundry waiting to be folded Wash more laundry (blech) Gather meal plan
Our timing stinks! We will be going through your way either in the middle of the night Wednesday or morning on Thursday. I will let you know if it looks like we might be going back through Sunday at a reasonable time. You would make a great halfway stopping point. Unfortunately I will not know what time until right before we leave.
You guys are welcome anytime! Do you have my number? If not, I'll PM it to you and you can just keep it handy. You don't even have to call - just don't tell anyone how little off my tini-challenge I'm blowing off that day! ;)