Not a great appointment but my u/s is scheduled for 9/2 :)
I gained um 7lbs but I seem to be down 3 of those today so I think it's mostly water since I am def not eating enough to have gained that much. Midwife blamed my inability to graze all day and said that larger meals spike blood sugar and create fat even if i'm not consuming the calories to go with it. So now I try to really graze and chug the water. the midwife I saw yesterday was super harsh and almost made me cry
Drama from the appointment is that the baby is WAY higher then it should be. She couldn't find the heartbeat which was making me panic and then she started feeling around and was like "really it's way up here" and found it immediately way up and to the left of my belly button. At 17 weeks baby should still be a few inches under the belly button. She is wondering why but didn't seem overly concerned and just said we would see what was going on at my ultrasound in 2 weeks. I'm trying not to freak out and Joe forever the voice of reason was like if it was a major concern they would be checking it out now (he's right but I'm still a little freaked)
I have been googling and it really can be nothing but there could also be issues and I guess I'm not understanding why she would make me wait two weeks to see if there was a problem.
i'm sure they would have moved your u/s up if they were overly concerned, so even though it is impossible not to worry because that's what pregnant people do;), try your best to relax.
as far as your weight goes, i think this woman needs to stfu. i know atleast for me, i tended with all three kids to gain in spurts... more than i "should" one month and less the next. i am sure it will all even out in the end and baby will be just fine.
do you have to see this midwife? she sounds kind of brutal.
i'm sure they would have moved your u/s up if they were overly concerned, so even though it is impossible not to worry because that's what pregnant people do;), try your best to relax.
as far as your weight goes, i think this woman needs to stfu. i know atleast for me, i tended with all three kids to gain in spurts... more than i "should" one month and less the next. i am sure it will all even out in the end and baby will be just fine.
do you have to see this midwife? she sounds kind of brutal.
Nope I was trying to see them all since any of them could be on call when I go in labor but I am not seeing her again (with my luck she will be the one on call) I have two favorites and I also have to cycle through the actual drs. so avoiding her should not be a problem.
And I know everything is more then likely fine. I am definitely just gonna go with it for the next 2 weeks.
PS my headache saga is on Facebook from this morning - I just took the fioricet. I hope it works because the witch said if it doesn't she is sending me to a Neurologist. You know, because pregnant women never ever get migraines. :eyeroll:
I have had two ultrasounds already and everything measured perfectly both times. And they never had trouble finding the heartbeat either, it was always exactly where it was supposed to be. This is new since three weeks ago, the last time I was there.
From everything I've found (and yes, I googled because YOU should not be) it was only (And before you start thinking it: not "mostly" with a few bad stories that I'm leaving out to not panic you... ONLY. On-ly.) high fluid levels or coughmultiplescough. But I've seen that picture, so if there's a second one, it's a helluva hider.
Seriously though, I know it's hard not to panic, but if they aren't, you shouldn't. Period.
ok, that midwife seriously does need to stfu. I'm sorry she was so harsh.
ITA with Leah-if they aren't worried, you shouldn't worry. But I think if you are concerned, you should do just as Joe said and call to talk to the OB.
If it's any comfort, my ds was riding around in lots of fluid. That's just how some kids like to ride in there. I would be surprised if there was a problem. I also think there could be two because your u/s were early. But I also think your voice of reason is right. Call your doctor. Explain your concern and get in to see the doc. That is why they are doctors and it's their job. Let him/her do it.
i'm sure they would have moved your u/s up if they were overly concerned, so even though it is impossible not to worry because that's what pregnant people do;), try your best to relax.
as far as your weight goes, i think this woman needs to stfu. i know atleast for me, i tended with all three kids to gain in spurts... more than i "should" one month and less the next. i am sure it will all even out in the end and baby will be just fine.
do you have to see this midwife? she sounds kind of brutal.
I've only read this response so far because I'm drunk, LOL, but ITTTTTTTTTTA with everything Corey has said.
Like you said, you're already down a few of those pounds. You've lost SO much weight in the past couple of years that that biatch needs to lay the fuck off. Weight fluctuates from day to day and hour to hour. A quick snapshot of your weight once a month (or your blood pressure, or your protein, or your baby's heart rate) is a good check-in, but not nearly accurate or reliable enough to bitch about.
i'm sure they would have moved your u/s up if they were overly concerned, so even though it is impossible not to worry because that's what pregnant people do;), try your best to relax.
as far as your weight goes, i think this woman needs to stfu. i know atleast for me, i tended with all three kids to gain in spurts... more than i "should" one month and less the next. i am sure it will all even out in the end and baby will be just fine.
do you have to see this midwife? she sounds kind of brutal.
I've only read this response so far because I'm drunk, LOL, but ITTTTTTTTTTA with everything Corey has said.
Like you said, you're already down a few of those pounds. You've lost SO much weight in the past couple of years that that biatch needs to lay the fuck off. Weight fluctuates from day to day and hour to hour. A quick snapshot of your weight once a month (or your blood pressure, or your protein, or your baby's heart rate) is a good check-in, but not nearly accurate or reliable enough to bitch about.
I'll hurt her. Just sayin'.
OMG this was the best post ever to wake up to LMAO
It was the different causes for high fluid levels that has me concerned.
My voice of reason has decided he wants me to call and speak to an actual dr. LOL
i agree with the others that if it's a problem, they wouldnt be waiting 2 wks - they dont mess around with fetal stuff. but i'd definitely just call the doctor. sometimes, for me and whatever my scare-of-the-day is, it's the only way to get my mind off it - just get the reassurance.