Woo-hoo! Henry asked me to play "pretend school" with him yesterday. Aside from some pretend-kindergarten this past summer, we haven't played pretend school in a few years. He was the teacher, and he taught me about the constitution and math, then we switched classes, and he drew a cell with all the parts and quizzed me on them--nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, etc. He was even joking around and talking like I know his science teacher talks.
Such a refreshing change from last year when he didn't like school and couldn't wait to leave. He hasn't complained at all so far. I know it's only the 2nd week of school but I am so, so glad to see this good attitude. I've missed it. (I'm wondering if the change has to do with his friend Chad being in a different class. Chad is a school-hater.)
Now I just have to wait to see some actual grades but I bet he'll do great.
I told my mom about how well Henry was doing and how I was going to spoil his teachers with gifts. She said she was going to do the same. :D