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Post Info TOPIC: Kindergarten chit chat


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Date: Aug 18, 2010
Kindergarten chit chat

SG starts Friday and she's so excited.

I have a question:  what's a AM class?

ETA:  I mean, I know it's class in the morning, but you get a choice or what?

-- Edited by Juanita on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 04:59:01 PM



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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Juanita wrote:

SG starts Friday and she's so excited.

I have a question:  what's a AM class?

ETA:  I mean, I know it's class in the morning, but you get a choice or what?

-- Edited by Juanita on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 04:59:01 PM

We have full-day K here. 8:00 to 3:00 just like 1st through 5th.



Robin, mom to Henry and Mark



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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Robin wrote:

Juanita wrote:

SG starts Friday and she's so excited.

I have a question:  what's a AM class?

ETA:  I mean, I know it's class in the morning, but you get a choice or what?

-- Edited by Juanita on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 04:59:01 PM

We have full-day K here. 8:00 to 3:00 just like 1st through 5th.


we do too, that's why i was wondering..




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Date: Aug 18, 2010

crystal wrote:


kris wrote:

Jake started one week ago today!

Every night before bed we chat and I ask him his favorite part of the day.  Tonight I asked what his favorite part of Kindergarten is.  His reply?  "Nothing."  hmm I said do you like riding the bus?  "No, it's too hot."  He couldn't tell me any favorite part at all.

He has seemed different to me the last couple of weeks.   Pretty sassy, back talking.  This was before K started.  Now that it has started I try every night to talk to him and he doesn't want to talk about it.   I can tell he's tired.  I know he is trying to adjust to his new normal and it's taking some time.  I've pushed bedtime up to 8:00 p.m.  We start brushing teeth at 7:30 and book reading, chatting and bed.  He's pretty whiny most nights if things don't go exactly his way (which I attribute to him being tired).  He wakes up every morning begging to sleep just a little bit longer.

Tonight at dinner he did tell me about a game they played in gym class so I was excited that he opened up and shared a little.

kris, mason was going full day pre-k last year.  before school, he was going to bed at 8:30 and waking at 7ish.  i had to keep moving his bed time back because he was so grumpy when he got home.  after a couple of months he was going to bed at 7pm.  i was shocked, but that really was the time he needed to sleep.  he would still wake at 7am and he wasn't grumpy any more when he got home from school.



the grumpier he is the early I start bedtime!!

the earliest I've tucked him in is 7:45 p.m.  We'll see how it goes and if I need to back it up some more.




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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Juanita wrote:


Robin wrote:


Juanita wrote:

SG starts Friday and she's so excited.

I have a question:  what's a AM class?

ETA:  I mean, I know it's class in the morning, but you get a choice or what?

-- Edited by Juanita on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 04:59:01 PM

We have full-day K here. 8:00 to 3:00 just like 1st through 5th.


we do too, that's why i was wondering..



They base it off of zones so that they can figure out transportation. I don't know if you can ask to change it but you are assigned.


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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Juni wrote:

We are definitely working on bedtime a lot more now. I am starting bedtime routine at 8 (unless it's a bath night, then earlier) and aiming for them to be asleep by 8:30. It will help a lot! We are really chill about their bedtime in the summer because it stays very bright outside until about 10 o'clock so we stay out and play a lot longer.

We had late bedtime during the summer.  My favorite time outside is between 7-9pm.   Now her bedtime is 8(or close to it) and we started that the weekend before she started school.

This is Raven's first full week.  I couldn't ask for a better start to k.  She loves her teacher and has a BFF from last year in her class.  Hasn't been extra tired either. 

She is being so responsible with her lunch.  Everything is reusable and I was worried that she would throw something away but she hasn't. 



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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Juanita wrote:

SG starts Friday and she's so excited.

I have a question:  what's a AM class?

ETA:  I mean, I know it's class in the morning, but you get a choice or what?

-- Edited by Juanita on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 04:59:01 PM

Here am or pm depended on where you live(no choice).  They still do that for preschool but K is full day now.




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Date: Aug 19, 2010

Juni wrote:

Juanita wrote:


Robin wrote:


Juanita wrote:

SG starts Friday and she's so excited.

I have a question:  what's a AM class?

ETA:  I mean, I know it's class in the morning, but you get a choice or what?

-- Edited by Juanita on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 04:59:01 PM

We have full-day K here. 8:00 to 3:00 just like 1st through 5th.


we do too, that's why i was wondering..



They base it off of zones so that they can figure out transportation. I don't know if you can ask to change it but you are assigned.

so what are the hours the kids go to school?




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Date: Aug 19, 2010

Juanita wrote:


Juni wrote:


Juanita wrote:


Robin wrote:


Juanita wrote:

SG starts Friday and she's so excited.

I have a question:  what's a AM class?

ETA:  I mean, I know it's class in the morning, but you get a choice or what?

-- Edited by Juanita on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 04:59:01 PM

We have full-day K here. 8:00 to 3:00 just like 1st through 5th.


we do too, that's why i was wondering..



They base it off of zones so that they can figure out transportation. I don't know if you can ask to change it but you are assigned.

so what are the hours the kids go to school?



Morning goes from 9:10 until 11:55. 




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Date: Aug 19, 2010

okay, thanks Juni

it's so funny how different everything is depending on where you live!



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Date: Aug 19, 2010

Juanita wrote:


Juni wrote:


Juanita wrote:


Robin wrote:


Juanita wrote:

SG starts Friday and she's so excited.

I have a question:  what's a AM class?

ETA:  I mean, I know it's class in the morning, but you get a choice or what?

-- Edited by Juanita on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 04:59:01 PM

We have full-day K here. 8:00 to 3:00 just like 1st through 5th.


we do too, that's why i was wondering..



They base it off of zones so that they can figure out transportation. I don't know if you can ask to change it but you are assigned.

so what are the hours the kids go to school?



Here, when you enroll you can put in for a preference. They try to oblige, especially if your reasoning is good (like work scheduling or something).

We didn't put in for a preference, and Hannah got a.m. - She's not a morning person at all, but I'm glad at least that the day won't feel gone. She'll go from 9:10 to noon, and then we'll have the afternoon to do whatever, instead of waking up, eating breakfast, getting ready, eating lunch and not getting home until 3:30-4:00,  and me leaving at 5:30. So, it worked out well for us.



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Date: Aug 22, 2010

Jillian is doing really well :) She is in full day K, from 8-2:30.

She loves it. I was a bit worried, because she's kind of shy at first. I was scared she wouldn't talk to anyone and kinda keep to herself. But, I was wrong. lol! She was chatty cathy! She has made tons of friends (she's so excited about it!) and the teacher said she is adapting very well.

I'm so proud of her! I still can't believe she's in Kinder, and I miss her when she's gone all day (Ryan as well! but, I've had a couple of school years to adjust to that. Not with her though) but I'm really glad she's enjoying it.

Tomorrow starts week 2, hopefully it goes as well.. although I'm hoping mornings go a bit better lol. She's kinda a beast @ 6:30 am lol



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Date: Aug 22, 2010

I found out at least 3 kids from our church are in Gavin's class! And there's a possibility that two kids from his preschool class could be too but I will probably find out at open house. I was figuring on there being none since it is a magnet school and not a home school, kwim? So excited! There is a little boy in his sunday school class that lives one street over and they will be in the same class. That should be super fun for him!

I'm excited for him to make friends again (he did a great job last year) but also hope that he stays as close to Owen as he is. heart.gif



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Date: Aug 22, 2010

And, our letter from the school mentioned 6th grade buddies. Too cute. Then it made me think about when he have another kid and I totally freaked out thinking about how one of the two could be a buddy to another child we had which would make them a 6th GRADER when our third goes to Kindy. That seems insane!!! I better have two more close in age just for the fun of it. LOL


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Date: Aug 26, 2010

Natalie started on Monday.  She's ok with it - I wouldn't say she loves it. She's kind of uneasy because she says she doesn't have any friends.  I tried to remind her that noone has friends so everyone is in the same boat.  smile.gif  She also seems extra whiney/crying at home so I'm thinking its because of the changes she's going thru?  Not sure.

I'm sure she will be fine once she adjusts, but she's definitely not a fan of change.

Our Kindergarten here is from 8am to 1:30pm.


~ Mommy to David (7 years), Natalie (5 years) and Diego (3 years) ~


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Date: Aug 26, 2010

So we went to open house tonight and I am SO glad he got into this school. I love it and I really liked his teacher. Well, first impression anyway. One of his kids from preschool is in his class and sits right next to him. Four kids from church are in his class and one he already knows so that is great. They live right around the corner from us so I think we will finally get to know them and become good friends. (We are going to his birthday party saturday. :)

So excited! My Dad will drop him off in the morning and he will ride the bus home with our neighbor friend and my Dad will get him from the bus stop. I was worried because he would have gotten done at 11:55 and Owen at 12 and I wasn't sure how it would work but with him riding the bus home it will be perfect! Plus he REALLY wanted to ride the bus and now he can ride with Garrett. Yay! I am so excited.


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Date: Aug 26, 2010

Juni wrote:

So we went to open house tonight and I am SO glad he got into this school. I love it and I really liked his teacher. Well, first impression anyway. One of his kids from preschool is in his class and sits right next to him. Four kids from church are in his class and one he already knows so that is great. They live right around the corner from us so I think we will finally get to know them and become good friends. (We are going to his birthday party saturday. :)

So excited! My Dad will drop him off in the morning and he will ride the bus home with our neighbor friend and my Dad will get him from the bus stop. I was worried because he would have gotten done at 11:55 and Owen at 12 and I wasn't sure how it would work but with him riding the bus home it will be perfect! Plus he REALLY wanted to ride the bus and now he can ride with Garrett. Yay! I am so excited.

Most kids this age love riding the bus. 




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Date: Aug 26, 2010

Alicia wrote:


Juni wrote:

So we went to open house tonight and I am SO glad he got into this school. I love it and I really liked his teacher. Well, first impression anyway. One of his kids from preschool is in his class and sits right next to him. Four kids from church are in his class and one he already knows so that is great. They live right around the corner from us so I think we will finally get to know them and become good friends. (We are going to his birthday party saturday. :)

So excited! My Dad will drop him off in the morning and he will ride the bus home with our neighbor friend and my Dad will get him from the bus stop. I was worried because he would have gotten done at 11:55 and Owen at 12 and I wasn't sure how it would work but with him riding the bus home it will be perfect! Plus he REALLY wanted to ride the bus and now he can ride with Garrett. Yay! I am so excited.

Most kids this age love riding the bus. 



I know! He has been asking since he saw them at my school. First I was told you ride a shuttle back to your home school and then take the bus. Then I was told the bus doesn't run mid afternoon. So we just planned on picking him up. Then tonight they had the bus schedule and the drop off is one block from our house and the time works perfect so we are all so excited!


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Date: Aug 28, 2010

well our kindergarten debacle deserves its own special post and i will write that up shortly.

that said, school started thursday and its 745-330. and she is in the before & after school program. so on the days i work she goes to school around 615 and gets picked up by mommadad around 430 (i think.) poor kid. in daycare i usually dropped her off around 930-10 if i was off and picked her up at 4. now she has to be there by 730.

needless to say, i continue to support later school times because this all means that i only get to "sleep in" every other weekend when i am off. :cry

they have uniforms. but its really lax- any color solid polo shirt w/black, navy or khaki bottoms. they are not particular about shoe/sock color or hair accessories, etc. no doubt this contributed to my confusion on the uniform issue. we've been there for two years now and i never realized the school kids had uniforms.

c says they have a "short nap" and she also was more tired than usual the last two days.

c is sooooo excited that she can finally play on the big kid playground she's been admiring from the daycare playground. the school playground has her beloved swings.

meet the teacher & classroom orientation is sep 2 and maybe then i'll have a better understanding of what is going on in kindergarten. i'm still kind of confused but i really like the school so i'm not worried. only frustrated...



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Date: Aug 29, 2010

Oh my goodness! The big day is tomorrow. Clothes are laid out...backpack is packed...snack will be picked out soon. Checks are all made out for PTA membership and school supplies.

We just decided on an after school activity. He is going to do the YMCA sports program. It is a 12 week course that goes from September until December. The do basketball, volleyball, lacrosse, soccer, flag ball, frisbee golf, etc. It's $45 - does that seem like a decent price?

Anyway, I think he is going to have a great school experience. My biggest thing is that I wish I wasn't working so I could take him everyday and bring him to his after school activities. :( But he will have a great time regardless. Plus, there are tons of volunteering things that are done at night and at home so I don't feel like I can't help in that regard.

My sweet mom wants to volunteer in the class. I think that's really great. I don't know what I'd do without my parents. heart.gif

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