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Date: Aug 17, 2010
Kindergarten chit chat

So I thought it would be fun at least for a few weeks to just post in here since a lot of our kids are starting kindy this year. I can't believe it! I'm so excited for Gavin!

We just got the letter today...he will be AM class. Going tomorrow to get some more paperwork done and then we will have the meet and greet in a week. YAY!



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Date: Aug 17, 2010

Jake started one week ago today!

Every night before bed we chat and I ask him his favorite part of the day.  Tonight I asked what his favorite part of Kindergarten is.  His reply?  "Nothing."  hmm I said do you like riding the bus?  "No, it's too hot."  He couldn't tell me any favorite part at all.

He has seemed different to me the last couple of weeks.   Pretty sassy, back talking.  This was before K started.  Now that it has started I try every night to talk to him and he doesn't want to talk about it.   I can tell he's tired.  I know he is trying to adjust to his new normal and it's taking some time.  I've pushed bedtime up to 8:00 p.m.  We start brushing teeth at 7:30 and book reading, chatting and bed.  He's pretty whiny most nights if things don't go exactly his way (which I attribute to him being tired).  He wakes up every morning begging to sleep just a little bit longer.

Tonight at dinner he did tell me about a game they played in gym class so I was excited that he opened up and shared a little.



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Date: Aug 17, 2010

Congrats, Juni! Hannah's in a.m. class, too. Yikes, cuz I am so not a morning person, and neither is she, lol.

Kris, I'm sorry that Jake is having a rough time adjusting, but I hope he'll be a pro in no time, and really start enjoying it. I'm not looking forward to the routine shakeup.

Hannah's orientation is tomorrow. I feel like I'm going to barf.



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Date: Aug 17, 2010

kris wrote:

Jake started one week ago today!

Every night before bed we chat and I ask him his favorite part of the day.  Tonight I asked what his favorite part of Kindergarten is.  His reply?  "Nothing."  hmm I said do you like riding the bus?  "No, it's too hot."  He couldn't tell me any favorite part at all.

He has seemed different to me the last couple of weeks.   Pretty sassy, back talking.  This was before K started.  Now that it has started I try every night to talk to him and he doesn't want to talk about it.   I can tell he's tired.  I know he is trying to adjust to his new normal and it's taking some time.  I've pushed bedtime up to 8:00 p.m.  We start brushing teeth at 7:30 and book reading, chatting and bed.  He's pretty whiny most nights if things don't go exactly his way (which I attribute to him being tired).  He wakes up every morning begging to sleep just a little bit longer.

Tonight at dinner he did tell me about a game they played in gym class so I was excited that he opened up and shared a little.

cry that stinks.

hopefully it's just a matter of adjusting.  R's starts half-day for a month and then goes to fullday, so hopefully that phase-in will prevent this kind of transition.  i worry that she'll be tired too - she's definitely not used to being out of the house for that long, and we didnt do daycamp this year.

R doesnt start till the 7th. we went today for the vaccines and to drop off the paperwork - i'm getting so excited!!




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Date: Aug 17, 2010

we go for Kiera's screening tomorrow and will tour the school. still no word on her teacher, etc. Occasionally she will ask "worried" questions like "they dont nap at kindergarten do they?" or "Im going to have to ride the bus, huh mom." I think she will do great, I think she is just tired of waiting for it to start. too much anticipation.



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Date: Aug 17, 2010

We are definitely working on bedtime a lot more now. I am starting bedtime routine at 8 (unless it's a bath night, then earlier) and aiming for them to be asleep by 8:30. It will help a lot! We are really chill about their bedtime in the summer because it stays very bright outside until about 10 o'clock so we stay out and play a lot longer.



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Date: Aug 17, 2010

Kyle's first day was today, and he did great. He was pretty excited last night and didn't put up any resistance in getting a bath and to bed, and this morning he got dressed without me having to tell him a billion times.

We walked to school, and he took his time and asked questions about playing on the playground, the crossing guards, how this is a different school than his last, etc. Once we were there, the kids were outside on the playground for morning recess before the first bell rings. He looked at me and said, "Mom, can you stay with me for a little while?" heart.gif

I stayed, as did most parents, until they marched in their lines in to the building. So proud of him!

After school he said he had a lot of fun. His favorite part was how his teacher sang a song and played a guitar. He said, "She's going to be a star!" I'm so happy about his teacher, she seems great. Looking forward to a great year.


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Date: Aug 17, 2010

I started school with Brittany yesterday. She's not old enough yet to start not liking school, thank goodness. One thing is driving me bonkers, though. She refuses to sound out words by herself. She's still insisting on me walking her through each letter. Grrr!


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Date: Aug 17, 2010

Joe started last monday. He seems to be enjoying it so far, which is a nice change from last year. He has a male teacher which I hadn't even considered as a possibility but am so glad about now. During swim lessons this summer I noticed that he has a completely different disposition with female teachers than with male teachers - tries to slack off and get away with messing around with the female ones :eyeroll.

He rides the bus everyday which he likes, I am so happy to not to have to deal with school traffic and drop off lanes. It is only a 10-15 minute ride on the bus so he probably gets home quicker than if I went to pick him up.

I'm so excited for him, I know that so long as he doesn't let his stubborn side take over he is going to have a great time.


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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Lucy wrote:

Joe started last monday. He seems to be enjoying it so far, which is a nice change from last year. He has a male teacher which I hadn't even considered as a possibility but am so glad about now. During swim lessons this summer I noticed that he has a completely different disposition with female teachers than with male teachers - tries to slack off and get away with messing around with the female ones :eyeroll.

He rides the bus everyday which he likes, I am so happy to not to have to deal with school traffic and drop off lanes. It is only a 10-15 minute ride on the bus so he probably gets home quicker than if I went to pick him up.

I'm so excited for him, I know that so long as he doesn't let his stubborn side take over he is going to have a great time.

Does Joe get on the bus by himself? I don't think Dominic could do it, I think he would wander off or totally get lost so I will have to pick him and take him everyday.


-- Edited by Domimom on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 12:18:41 AM



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Date: Aug 18, 2010

I just got the postcard in the mail for Dominic to go to his screening on August 31st. I thought school started August 30th but I guess it is later for kindergartners because it says September 7th is the first day. I guess at the screening they will tell us if he is am or pm class. I hope pm because he is not a morning person now that we have been home for 16 months and goes to bed really late so I think the mornings would be hell!



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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Domimom wrote:

Lucy wrote:

Joe started last monday. He seems to be enjoying it so far, which is a nice change from last year. He has a male teacher which I hadn't even considered as a possibility but am so glad about now. During swim lessons this summer I noticed that he has a completely different disposition with female teachers than with male teachers - tries to slack off and get away with messing around with the female ones :eyeroll.

He rides the bus everyday which he likes, I am so happy to not to have to deal with school traffic and drop off lanes. It is only a 10-15 minute ride on the bus so he probably gets home quicker than if I went to pick him up.

I'm so excited for him, I know that so long as he doesn't let his stubborn side take over he is going to have a great time.

Does Joe get on the bus by himself? I don't think Dominic could do it, I think he would wander off or totally get lost so I will have to pick him and take him everyday.


-- Edited by Domimom on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 12:18:41 AM

On our bus they are really safety conscious with the kindergarteners.  So I take him to the bus stop and when the bus comes the driver gives him a special red lanyard ID tag, then he has to sit on the front row of the bus.  Then when they get to school the driver lets all the other kids off but keeps the K kids on the bus until an aide comes to escort them to the school yard where their teachers are waiting to round their class up.  Then at the end of the day an aide comes round all the K classes to collect the bus riders and put them on their bus.  They have to wear the red lanyard again on the bus and then when they get to their stop the bus driver wont let him off unless me or dh is there to meet him and she always lets the K kids off first.  

We followed the bus the first day just to see what happens and they seem to have a real good system in place.  I wanted him to ride the bus at first just cause I knew that was when they would have the most helpers out there, like if his first bus ride was in a few months I wonder if they be as much of a stickler for their system.  Also I made a card that goes in one of the outside pockets of his back pack with his name and teachers name and classroom number and the bus route number.  ThankfullyJoe can be really sensible when he knows it is a serious time.  





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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Domimom wrote:


Lucy wrote:

Joe started last monday. He seems to be enjoying it so far, which is a nice change from last year. He has a male teacher which I hadn't even considered as a possibility but am so glad about now. During swim lessons this summer I noticed that he has a completely different disposition with female teachers than with male teachers - tries to slack off and get away with messing around with the female ones :eyeroll.

He rides the bus everyday which he likes, I am so happy to not to have to deal with school traffic and drop off lanes. It is only a 10-15 minute ride on the bus so he probably gets home quicker than if I went to pick him up.

I'm so excited for him, I know that so long as he doesn't let his stubborn side take over he is going to have a great time.

Does Joe get on the bus by himself? I don't think Dominic could do it, I think he would wander off or totally get lost so I will have to pick him and take him everyday.


-- Edited by Domimom on Wednesday 18th of August 2010 12:18:41 AM


Lucy's reply about how they keep track of them is similar to most schools.  In the various schools I was a substitute teacher and taught school there was never a school that the kindergarten class was not escorted to and from the bus.  They also would not let them off the bus unless they had someone authorized to pick them up.




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Date: Aug 18, 2010

kris wrote:

Jake started one week ago today!

Every night before bed we chat and I ask him his favorite part of the day.  Tonight I asked what his favorite part of Kindergarten is.  His reply?  "Nothing."  hmm I said do you like riding the bus?  "No, it's too hot."  He couldn't tell me any favorite part at all.

He has seemed different to me the last couple of weeks.   Pretty sassy, back talking.  This was before K started.  Now that it has started I try every night to talk to him and he doesn't want to talk about it.   I can tell he's tired.  I know he is trying to adjust to his new normal and it's taking some time.  I've pushed bedtime up to 8:00 p.m.  We start brushing teeth at 7:30 and book reading, chatting and bed.  He's pretty whiny most nights if things don't go exactly his way (which I attribute to him being tired).  He wakes up every morning begging to sleep just a little bit longer.

Tonight at dinner he did tell me about a game they played in gym class so I was excited that he opened up and shared a little.

E started last week too and has had a similar reaction. He is going full day plus to the after school program. It's the same amount of hours as daycare, which he's been attending since 3 months old. And yet he's exhausted and super cranky when he gets home. I think it's the lack of nap--which he didn't always take and used to complain about but I guess he needed it.

Biggest surprise to me is he doesn't like buying lunch. Insists he needs to bring it. So now I'm scrambling to come up with easy lunch ideas because he's so picky right now.




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Date: Aug 18, 2010

I'm glad all the little ones are adjusting well.

I've moved Mark's bedtime back to 7pm because he is EXHAUSTED after school.

So far, he's been asleep at 7 one day and in the bed reading or talking with us by 7.

Monday evening, the first "real" day of school, he poked himself in the eye with a book and hollered and fussed for 45 minutes straight, then when he finally settled and closed his eyes, he was snoring instantly.

He tells me about the fun stuff they do. He really enjoyed music class yesterday, and he was thrilled that the heat advisory was lifted so they could play outside on the playground. He always tells me if he sees any of Henry's friends in the hallways.

I can tell he's missing me because he told me that some kids in his class have parents that work at school, and he asked me if I would stay in the building while he's at school. He asked me if I would work in the library like I did last year but only when *his* class has library. And he wanted me to watch his class play on the playground. I told him grown-ups who don't work at the school aren't allowed to watch the kids play on the playground. (Creepy.) This morning, he asked when moms could come read to his class so I could come do that.

My friend Delia is a lunch volunteer for the kindergarten this week to help them go through the lunch line and stuff. She's updating me on fb each day how Mark is doing.

So far, so good . . .


Robin, mom to Henry and Mark



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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Robin wrote:

I'm glad all the little ones are adjusting well.

I've moved Mark's bedtime back to 7pm because he is EXHAUSTED after school.

So far, he's been asleep at 7 one day and in the bed reading or talking with us by 7.

Monday evening, the first "real" day of school, he poked himself in the eye with a book and hollered and fussed for 45 minutes straight, then when he finally settled and closed his eyes, he was snoring instantly.

He tells me about the fun stuff they do. He really enjoyed music class yesterday, and he was thrilled that the heat advisory was lifted so they could play outside on the playground. He always tells me if he sees any of Henry's friends in the hallways.

I can tell he's missing me because he told me that some kids in his class have parents that work at school, and he asked me if I would stay in the building while he's at school. He asked me if I would work in the library like I did last year but only when *his* class has library. And he wanted me to watch his class play on the playground. I told him grown-ups who don't work at the school aren't allowed to watch the kids play on the playground. (Creepy.) This morning, he asked when moms could come read to his class so I could come do that.

My friend Delia is a lunch volunteer for the kindergarten this week to help them go through the lunch line and stuff. She's updating me on fb each day how Mark is doing.

So far, so good . . .

Awww...that is so cute.

I am glad Kindergarten isn't until a bit after 9 because Gavin would need to go to bed much earlier if not and then I'd see him less after work. :(

Anyway, that is super cute and I am anxious to see what Gavin thinks about it.



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Date: Aug 18, 2010

I have to share how strange Mark is.

Last Tuesday, on his one staggered K day, Mark insisted on setting his alarm early and taking a bath before school.

I ran the bath right before I knew his alarm was going to go off, and he jumped right out of bed and played happily in the bath.

He did the same thing Monday and Tuesday morning this week.

My mom thinks that is so bizarre that Mark wants to get up early to take a bath. I think it's cute.

This morning, he didn't get up in time to get a bath but he INSISTED on cleaning the toilet in his bathroom "with the blue stuff" before he would get dressed.

I cleaned it yesterday so it wasn't gross or anything.

He just HAD to clean a toilet before he could continue with his morning routine.

Girl moms--he's going to be a great catch. ;D


Robin, mom to Henry and Mark


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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Lucas' first day is Aug 30. We have his open house on the 27th. He will be going from 9:00AM-3:40. He went there for all day prek last year and loved it. It is a regular elementary school that goes through 5th grade. We live 2 miles from the school and I still haven't decided if I am going to take him or he will ride the bus. Last year I took him and picked him up.

He has to wear a uniform (red or white collared shirts, black or khaki pants, belt if there are belt loops on the pants. Shirts must be tucked) They also have to have a clear or mesh backpack. He will eat school lunch



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Date: Aug 18, 2010

kris wrote:

Jake started one week ago today!

Every night before bed we chat and I ask him his favorite part of the day.  Tonight I asked what his favorite part of Kindergarten is.  His reply?  "Nothing."  hmm I said do you like riding the bus?  "No, it's too hot."  He couldn't tell me any favorite part at all.

He has seemed different to me the last couple of weeks.   Pretty sassy, back talking.  This was before K started.  Now that it has started I try every night to talk to him and he doesn't want to talk about it.   I can tell he's tired.  I know he is trying to adjust to his new normal and it's taking some time.  I've pushed bedtime up to 8:00 p.m.  We start brushing teeth at 7:30 and book reading, chatting and bed.  He's pretty whiny most nights if things don't go exactly his way (which I attribute to him being tired).  He wakes up every morning begging to sleep just a little bit longer.

Tonight at dinner he did tell me about a game they played in gym class so I was excited that he opened up and shared a little.

kris, mason was going full day pre-k last year.  before school, he was going to bed at 8:30 and waking at 7ish.  i had to keep moving his bed time back because he was so grumpy when he got home.  after a couple of months he was going to bed at 7pm.  i was shocked, but that really was the time he needed to sleep.  he would still wake at 7am and he wasn't grumpy any more when he got home from school.




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Date: Aug 18, 2010

Juni wrote:


Robin wrote:

I'm glad all the little ones are adjusting well.

I've moved Mark's bedtime back to 7pm because he is EXHAUSTED after school.

So far, he's been asleep at 7 one day and in the bed reading or talking with us by 7.

Monday evening, the first "real" day of school, he poked himself in the eye with a book and hollered and fussed for 45 minutes straight, then when he finally settled and closed his eyes, he was snoring instantly.

He tells me about the fun stuff they do. He really enjoyed music class yesterday, and he was thrilled that the heat advisory was lifted so they could play outside on the playground. He always tells me if he sees any of Henry's friends in the hallways.

I can tell he's missing me because he told me that some kids in his class have parents that work at school, and he asked me if I would stay in the building while he's at school. He asked me if I would work in the library like I did last year but only when *his* class has library. And he wanted me to watch his class play on the playground. I told him grown-ups who don't work at the school aren't allowed to watch the kids play on the playground. (Creepy.) This morning, he asked when moms could come read to his class so I could come do that.

My friend Delia is a lunch volunteer for the kindergarten this week to help them go through the lunch line and stuff. She's updating me on fb each day how Mark is doing.

So far, so good . . .

Awww...that is so cute.

I am glad Kindergarten isn't until a bit after 9 because Gavin would need to go to bed much earlier if not and then I'd see him less after work. :(

Anyway, that is super cute and I am anxious to see what Gavin thinks about it.


i'm dreading this too, jen, now that i'm going back to work.  if mason still needs to go to bed at 7, then i don't even know how i will get home, get him some dinner and bath and get him in bed that early, let alone get to play :(


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