I hope everyone starts feeling better pronto! We went on a mega speed trip to Cincinnati and back yesterday. We left at 4 am and got back at 11:30 pm. It's a four hour drive each way. We are staying home today but I have a ton to do. Maybe a cup of coffee or three will assist me in working more quickly.
I don't like part-time friends. If you're not going to be my friend all the time, and only when you're happy, or in the mood, or whatever, do me a favor and NOT be my friend.
Just needed to vent a little, some IRL drama going on.
I don't like part-time friends. If you're not going to be my friend all the time, and only when you're happy, or in the mood, or whatever, do me a favor and NOT be my friend.
Just needed to vent a little, some IRL drama going on.
I feel you there.
I'm sorry you have drama.
Busy week here too! Iiiieee!
Colin and I both start school Tuesday. He has Meet the Teacher tomorrow. And then W through Friday I am in school. He goes Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. I wonder what DH and Adelaide will do while I'm in school? I'll have the van on Wednesdays because I'm in school from 1-6:15 with a two hour break in between. But if you factor in travel time and traffic to and from it makes no sense to come home.
I am excited to start.
Not excited about my FAFSA drama.
But still excited to have a direction.
Sunday today has been good. Colin was fantastic in church. I mean excellent compared to past behavior during service. He was a gentleman! He even thanked our pastor during communion for doing it instead of saying, "The power of Christ propels you." which was his usual reply.
Its been a whiney day for Adelaide. She's popping 4 teeth at once. I was hoping the girls would be over to play. I miss them. :( They were over last night for a spell. The oldest hugged me and said I love her better than her mom does. It made me well up a little. They hugged us all and told us they loved us.
DH had a tooth pulled yesterday during the dental clinic at the community college. He's been whiney since even though I pointed out that when I had 2 wisdom teeth extracted in the office I didn't complain a bit. I was just happy to be minus two troublesome teeth!
We got bunk beds yesterday and Colin has managed to complain that a)he can no longer jump on the bed (which he tried to do and then got hurt doing) and b)the poles hurt his back (which we pointed out that with a box spring and mattress is impossible since we've all laid on it and it was awesome)....He wound up in our bed.
Now my back hurts from the unusual sleep position I had to undertake between DH, Colin, and the dog. *sigh*
I don't like part-time friends. If you're not going to be my friend all the time, and only when you're happy, or in the mood, or whatever, do me a favor and NOT be my friend.
Just needed to vent a little, some IRL drama going on.