Alexandra Elizabeth was born Aug 2, 2010 at 7:08pm!
She was 7 pounds 11 ounces and 19 .25 inches long. Came a bit early. We were supposed to do the C/S on Aug 3, but we had another long period of no movement, (the past month doing NSTs 2+ times a week). The Dr said there was no good reason to wait at all, and I went from the U/S with the Dr to the the hospital. I called Steve and Andrew from the Dr, told them to grab the cord blood kit, and get down the hill. I started contracting pretty hard waiting to get in the OR, but was able to make it to the table. More excitement then expected, but was so glad that it was over.
We were in the hospital 5 full days. Sucked! My insion opened, it's now a big open wound. It is so disgusting. The smell is unbelievable. On antibiotics. Really could have lived without that happening.
Alexandra lost weight, I'm not making enough milk. Expected that to happen, since I went through it with Andrew. So we are having to give formula too. But, I'm still BF at every meal, and she does do some feedings with just BF and then drops off to sleep. I'm making a ton more milk then I did with Andrew. As of yesterday, she is back up to 7lbs 7 oz.
She is a really sweet baby. I will post pics as soon as I get some.
Welcome to the world, Alexandra!!! Sounds like quite an interesting birth, Victoria. And having had dealt with major incision infections, I feel tremendously for you-that absolutely stinks. Are you feeling better now? It took me a while to really get over that aspect of it-it took months for my incision to fully close. Take it easy as much as is possible!!!
I can't wait to see pics. Sounds like she is doing really well!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!