Watched her yesterday - teacher said each girl was to dance with her doll.
All 17 girls did- except lala. She propped her doll against the mirror and proceeded to dance while looking at herself on the mirror. Totally into herself.
Megan, that sounds like a fun camp. Where on earth is it? I may have to keep that in mind for next year and plan a trip to my mom's house then. I am glad Miss C is loving it so much and is enjoying herself, solo or otherwise.
Watched her yesterday - teacher said each girl was to dance with her doll.
All 17 girls did- except lala. She propped her doll against the mirror and proceeded to dance while looking at herself on the mirror. Totally into herself.
Yes, the world does revolve around her!
that is so funny and reminds me of SG
we have a curio in the living room that has my precious moments collection in it
she can't talk to us when she's in there because she's too busy looking ar herself in the mirror in that thing, lol
Megan, that sounds like a fun camp. Where on earth is it? I may have to keep that in mind for next year and plan a trip to my mom's house then. I am glad Miss C is loving it so much and is enjoying herself, solo or otherwise.
Dublin dance center
They do tons of cute dance stuff
If you cant see the link go to and there is a camp link on the homepage.
I'm considering raising my prices in my Etsy store again. I really hesitate to do that, though, because some of my things are expensive as it is. But I'm not getting a decent wage for my time as they are now. Then again, does it really matter what the prices are when hardly anyone buys my things? What to do, what to do....
Went to the clinic. I diagnosed myself incorrectly. Apparently I am having muscle spasms in my back. I have a perscription for muscle relaxers, but not sure if I really want to take them. Medication like that usually knocks me for a loop.
Went to the clinic. I diagnosed myself incorrectly. Apparently I am having muscle spasms in my back. I have a perscription for muscle relaxers, but not sure if I really want to take them. Medication like that usually knocks me for a loop.
The muscle relaxers I got were the only thing that helped with my pain - even with all the physical therapy that is what finally pushed me into feeling normal. I didn't take it for very long or that much but it really helped a lot.
i was just cleaning out my purse and noticed that my license expired... flipping january.
tG i haven't been pulled over!
When I got in my accident my license was expired. Good thing I dnt have to renew it because Im out of state military. That was a good chunk of my ticket that got thrown out once I finally contacted FL for the paperwork.