We received a call today from the Montessori program we applied to - where Kyle will be starting Kindergarten, and where Kevin was put on the waiting list. They have an opening for Kevin to start next month. Great news!
The catch: he must be potty trained. Ugh.
We've been working on it, but he's not there yet. He has very little interest and even in underwear won't tell us right away that he's had an accident. Please cross your fingers that he'll take to it very quickly and be ready to go in a month!!
We've been giving him 1 m&m or gummy bear (his choice) for pee and 2 for poop. I also have tried (lazily) doing a pirate chart with him, there are 10 steps. I'll break that out again and try to think of a good reward for the end.
I know you both can do it! Think of the prize of him going to that school, good luck! We had pretty good luck with Hannah with a prize bag. It was a shiny glittery bag with all kinds of goodies in it. Lots of motivation and once she was a pro at going the bag just kind of slipped into the background and we were good to go.
we've had a hellish time here - she's been pee trained since october and wont have accidents (good news for school in sept - we also have a PT requirement) - but she wont poop on the potty still. she withholds, she has to have a laxative everyday and then asks for a diaper to poop in, then back to underwear -- she will not poop unless she's had the laxative, but at least she's able to hang onto it till she gets a diaper... so i'm thinking school will be fine bc i can just do the laxative after school?? NIGHTMARE. i wish she'd just poop in the toilet!! this is the longest potty training EVER and i have no clue how we'll ever sort it out (we've had to do enemas, suppositories, trips to the doc, etc - it's been hell).
good luck to you and kevin - if all goes well, you should have enough time - hopefully you dont backtrack like we had to!!
good luck jo! Have you considered just stripping them both down and letting them both be naked? Kyle will know to go, and maybe Kevin will follow? and if not a few accidents later he probably will be less inclined to get dirty and may decide the toilet is the way to go! lol.
I know you need a bit of a break so Im really hoping it works for you!
I am keeping everything crossed for you, Jo!!! I had a relatively easy time of potty training the girls, but I still hated it.
Kate is still more prone to accidents-and she is less than 4 months away from being 4. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. (Not at school, as of yet, thankfully!)
Anyway, I hope you find what motivates him and that he gets it down soon. Good luck!!