things are going well for me. i'm looking into career changes for the fall - i've contacted NY state about perhaps getting licensed in psych, and i've got all my requirements done except a 2 yr post-doc, so i've been looking for work, but there's not a ton out there (especially not part time, and i dont want fulltime) - so maybe something will come my way, but maybe not. i'm not being super aggressive about it at this point. if not, i'll continue teaching (might pick up another course next semester) and working in my research lab as i have been, and just see what happens.
so tired of stressing about career stuff.
C starts preschool 5 mornings in sept, and R will be in fullday K, so i have more time to dedicate to work - PLUS i have more sitter time lined up for afternoons so that i can get more work done from home.
besides that, just sort of trying to get more serious about working out - i've been running a bit more (i hate it though, so much) and tried "the bar method" today for the first time and loved it. cant wait to go back :)
also constantly redecorating the house as usual! having a blast with that!
Jen, I'm so sorry you went through that!! I had more to say but that's all I can think about right now -- I really, really hope they catch them! Grrrrrr
Things here are rolling along. Not much has really changed. Holly turned 5 on June 14th, Lance turned 3 May 31st. Evie is about to turn 17 months old. Crazy.
We're all set for Holly to go to (all day) K in the fall at a school a couple of miles from the house.
I've been starting to work on *me* again. I'm still hovering around the 155-160 mark weight-wise, which is frustrating, but also not the most horrible thing ever. Trying to figure out what else I want to do eventually, preferably something that doesn't require 80 years in school, although I loved college and if it was practical, would be a student there foreva. Still strongly considering getting additional degrees and going the professor route.
But I love music...I get so torn. I have no idea. My life kind of got interrupted (well, not really, but ykwim?) right after I graduated college and I never really got a chance to see myself in action, so to speak...lots of possibilities in the future, I guess, and not too many years between me and whatever comes after changing diapers all day every day (that sounds bad, but you know?). I'm just looking forward to having something of my own too.
Jen, I'm so sorry you went through that!! I had more to say but that's all I can think about right now -- I really, really hope they catch them! Grrrrrr
Things here are rolling along. Not much has really changed. Holly turned 5 on June 14th, Lance turned 3 May 31st. Evie is about to turn 17 months old. Crazy.
We're all set for Holly to go to (all day) K in the fall at a school a couple of miles from the house.
I've been starting to work on *me* again. I'm still hovering around the 155-160 mark weight-wise, which is frustrating, but also not the most horrible thing ever. Trying to figure out what else I want to do eventually, preferably something that doesn't require 80 years in school, although I loved college and if it was practical, would be a student there foreva. Still strongly considering getting additional degrees and going the professor route.
But I love music...I get so torn. I have no idea. My life kind of got interrupted (well, not really, but ykwim?) right after I graduated college and I never really got a chance to see myself in action, so to speak...lots of possibilities in the future, I guess, and not too many years between me and whatever comes after changing diapers all day every day (that sounds bad, but you know?). I'm just looking forward to having something of my own too.
email me at some point mel - i can tell you about "the professor route" - lol.
Most people see my life on my favebook wall but i'll give a little update.
I moved on March 1st into a tiny 1 bedroom condo with Nikki and Lucas. Travis currently lives with his father and the arrangement although odd seems to be going ok. Of course had I known that a week later I would fall in love with the man of my dreams I might have rented something bigger LOL
My divorce was final on 4/20 (yes I celebrated 4/20 style LMAO).
Joe is the most amazing wonderful man I have ever known and we could not be happier. I am 11.5 weeks pregnant which was a bit of a surprise but we are thrilled and trying to find him a job here so he can move. We will be breaking my lease at some point since my place is WAY too small as it is let alone adding another adult and a baby.
As a whole I am the happiest I have been in an extremely long time although the long distance thing is torture and my heart hurts when he isn't here.
Boots and Bananas was kind of put on hold thtough everything but a friend of mine is opening a children's store and I have an amazing opportunity in the works. More on that as it gets finalized. Otherwise I still like my job I'm just not sure this is what I want to do forever and am looking at other possible future options.
I am just getting to read all of the updates-great thread idea!!!
I hope I won't forget anything...
Kristi and Erin-you both make me proud and inspired with your weight loss!!! Kristi, I am so happy for you that everything is going so well, and I am very glad you shared that!!
Jo-I hope things get easier with Katelyn. I hate hearing that it has been a struggle!!! (selfishly too, since I am leaning towards TTC a 3rd, lol) I'm glad Dom has been awesome-that helps a lot, I am sure. And you should just go for it with the moms group. I am sometimes kind of awkward in social situations to start up with (I am a bit slow to warm up, I guess), but I have been really happy that I have made the effort. Even though we have a lot of family in the area, and I have some close friends, it is nice to have people to call and have playdates with, or have girl's nights with.
Alison-congrats again on 12 years!! I really hope that things turn a corner for you with Peepers. I can only imagine how hard that is to deal with.
JenM-holy cow. I am so sorry you have had to go through all of that...twice. I would be devastated as well, and I hope hope hope they catch the idiots who did this.
Sara-I am anxious to see pics of your newest little man and find out his name (once you pick one). I know that if I were in your shoes, the gender disappointment for me would be palpable, and I would struggle to get over it. I really think you have handled it with a lot of grace.
Leah-YIPEE on school!!! I have to admit, I thought to myself, "watch her get pregnant now" because that seems to be the way things happen for people, but it sounds like independently of another baby, you have a lot of wonderful things happening in your life.
Barbie-it is so good to see you post!! The girls are getting big-it is hard to believe Katie Lenn will be 3!! Keep us posted on #3 plans!
Mel-Hooray for working on you!!! It is about time, lol. You have had a lot of distractions in the past 5 years-now seems like the perfect time to focus on yourself.
Kelly-I really hope the perfect part time job falls into your lap. That would be awesome!!! I can't believe how much more time you will have this fall (well, we all will with these little ones in school more and more). Any new paintings or other dolls or anything else your crafty self has been working on?
LLLL-I am THRILLED for you. So glad that life is so happy for you-you deserve it!!! I hope Joe finds a job and gets to move very soon so you all can be together. Yay for a new baby!!!
Stacey!!! HOORAY on the business!!!! I hope it is very successful for you. One thing is for sure, talking with you has made me realize that we need to have our rugs professionally cleaned-doing it ourselves was not a good idea!!
As for me, you all probably already know what is going on in our lives, lol, but here it is anyway...
First, my health. Things are stable for now. The remicade is working, even though it is not quite as good as I would like it to be. I don't have urgency or bleeding, which are my two flare hallmarks, but I do have some discomfort and mild pain, which is not normal, and I am going to the bathroom 2-3 times/day, and I would rather it be 1-2. But all in all, I can't complain. It is just that I worry the remicade will stop working sooner than the Humira did, since it isn't working quite as well, kwim? The GI wants to start me on purinethol, or 6mp, which is an immunosuppressant similar to Imuran. He said the research indicates that the combo works better, and for longer, than either med on their own. I haven't started yet because it is rated Cat D for pregnancy, which I'll expand on in a minute. He assures me it would be safe, but I am not satisfied with that, nor is Bill, and we want to talk with the GI in the office that handles pregnant women.
I am at my all time highest weight, which sucks. The gain is due to the steroids, but it is still disheartening. I have been off of the steroids completely for a few weeks now, and am still not deflating. Hopefully I will turn the corner soon and start losing the weight-much of which is fluids, disgustingly enough. But I also need to really pick it up on the exercise front too. I have been walking on the treadmill, but it just isn't enough. I think I am going to start back up on the Power 90. NOT the p90x, lol, I am nowhere near ready for that.
Bill is doing well. Not much new with him. He isn't thrilled with his job because of the horrid commute (it is 1hour 15 minutes each way with no traffic-but when there is beach traffic or accidents-both of which are frequent, especially beach traffic this time of year, it can be 2 hours for him just to get home) and also he feels there is no real room for advancement there. He is grateful to have a job, but wants to get his resume up to date and start keeping his ear to the ground for new opportunities. But he also knows it isn't a good time to be looking, and he is committed to his current job for as long as he has it. He keeps really busy this time of year also because he and his brother have a .25 acre of wine grapes planted on his parent's farm, and with the climate in this area, he has to go over there and spray them weekly, plus there is pruning, tucking vines, weeding, etc to be done. And his brother has not been helping, so it is all falling on Bill right now. I told Bill that since his brother hasn't been helping, depending on how the wine turns out from this year's harvest, his brother will either get none of it, or have to take all of it, lol.
The girls are good. Anna is starting K this fall as well, and she is very excited. I am nervous as hell. Kate will be skipping to the 4s class at preschool, which will be 3 mornings a week. Then the following year, she will be in their pre-K class, which is 5 mornings a week. They have been taking swimming lessons this summer and have loved that. They fight all the time, like they are right this moment, but they love each other.
Bill and I will celebrate 10 years this September, and we are in disagreement on how to celebrate, lmao. But we are excited about it, and while we are pretty boring these days, we are very happy. We have been having the 3rd child discussion, but have not reached any agreements. I want to try this fall, and he wants to wait. There are a lot of factors, and IHNI if it will even happen. Between my weight and how the meds have messed with my cycles, I don't have high hopes, but I want to try. I am scared to death of it though-I have heard so many horror stories from UC moms having their worst flares during pregnancy. But then there are some who feel better than ever, you just don't know in which group you will fall. But not knowing scares me. IDK what kind of agreement we will reach about when to TTC, but needless to say, I will keep you posted.
Phew-that is a lot more than I had intended to say...
I think everyone always knows what's going on here but anyway--
I'm not working this summer so the boys and I have been doing lots of activities and swimming A LOT. We go to the cheap kids' movies, and they've done some Wild Wednesday church activities. This Wednesday our church is having a Wild Water Day. Henry is getting taller and more independent. Mark is excited about Kindergarten and about being 5.
Glen is the same. He's actively looking for a higher salary. We've been struggling a bit with living within our means. I had to call an emergency budget meeting with him the other day. And we're TRYING to stick to it but of course Mark's birthday is today so that took a little extra. He's had a couple more interviews.
I don't think I'll have a job at Mothers' Day Out in the Fall (except as a sub) because so far there are only 3 out of 5 classes filled. So they'll only need 6 teachers, and I don't have seniority. So I'll probably apply to substitute teach at the kids' school. However, my teaching license has expired and I'd like to get that renewed in order to make a higher sub salary.
I've been spending a lot of time trying to do all the great coupon/sale deals, and I'm doing okay. I have two rebate checks that I need to cash right now.
Our church's VBS starts this Sunday and I have some MAJOR prep work to do because I'm in charge of crafts. I need to delegate especially because there is some stuff that I know I cannot do well--like cutting 200 rectangles of fabric. But y'all know me--I'm not stressing about it. It will get done.
I cannot believe that our summer is almost over. Registration is on August 3rd, and school starts on August 9th.
Good golly its been awhile for me. Don't navigate this way! Time and life don't allow it. Neither does FB. LOL
Life is life. Crazy, loud, frustrating.
Grant is still out of work. Nothing here in this area, really. He got a call back in February for a job down in SC with the company he was laid off from but the contract wasn't set in stone so they had to wait before offering him the job officially but otherwise it's his. Not sure if he will take it or not since he doesn't want to really uproot us. But the $$$ is good. His being home 24/7 annoys me to no end. Its like one continuous weekend. And he refuses to go out and enjoy himself sans us. So we argue..a lot. But we're learning to work around it. We both go to separate counseling. Its been great for me. Now if only the stress would go away! Apparently that's the biggest reason my BP is so high..Hrm. LOL Colin is Colin. Frustratingly wonderful. And on track to start Kindergarten next month. He finished up pre-K and about went bonkers when school let out. Thank goodness for camp and VBS!! Adelaide turned 1 on the 8th. Gosh time flies. She's quite the beauty. I :: her so much. She is so sweet and funny and I love her stinker face. She kisses everything. Pfft. I should start school in the fall. I basically need a 4 yr degree in pretty much anything to get into seminary which, provided I'm not bonkers, will be a breeze for me to get into since my senior pastor is on the candidacy board for NC. :) I'll be going for psychology/religious studies. And then 4 years of seminary after that! And then hopefully ordained. Very excited about it. Otherwise life trucks on as normal with the regular hurdles and the unexpected.
What a great idea. I just finished reading all 3 pages of updates. I can't beleive all our 05 babies are so grown up... I remember ABH making a comment years ago (and I'll probably get it wrong) that our babies were turning two, which was almost 3 which was half way to being 6 year olds and here they are all turning 5!!!!)
2010 has been a pretty crazy year for us so far. Last year I was helping care of my Grandma (feeding her, bathing, helping her go to the bathroom) and then she passed away in Dec. In January I started babysitting Lucas' 2 best friends 5 days a week (which was too much) and now I just watch them 3 days a week from 2-5. Helps give us a little extra cushion in the bank account. (Although I won't have them the next 6 weeks since there mom is having surgery)
In January Curt got a final settlement check from an accident when he was a kid... we paid all off all our debt and started house hunting. We closed on our first house on Feb 26th and we are so happy and blessed and live in this quiet little neighborhood right down the road from Lucas' school. He starts Kindergarten on Aug 30th.
We've been going through ups and downs with Lucas health. He has been wearing glasses for almost a year now and his vision is getting progressively worse instead of better. We were given a referral to Emory in Atlanta (about 5 hours away from us) and we went at the end of June. They think he may have pin holes in his retinas so we have to go back at the end of June and he will be sedated so they can look at his eyes better. If they do have pin holes then they will do laser surgery. If they don't find pin holes I guess it means more tests and more trips back and forth to Atlanta.
We just found out Curt's mom has early onset Alzheimers. She is only 46. Right now she is still able to live on her own and work but she only drives to and from work. She cannot function if she deviates off her routine. We keep track of her work schedule and also pay her bills now since she couldn't remember to pay them. Sometimes she can't remember Lucas' name... I know it breaks her heart. The plan is for her to move in with us in the future. I guess helping take care of my Grandma was good practice.
I have MAJOR baby fever right now but haven't told Curt because of everything going on right now. He is so stressed with his mom, and now owning a home. He is so scared of falling back into debt and losing the house.... he is a total worst case scenario thinker... when he first heard that Luc had to see a specialist he instantly thought that Lucas was going blind.
Even with all of the craziness going on right now we are doing great and I feel so blessed. I am also so proud of Curt... he quit smoking almost 3 months ago. Aug 10th is our 9 year anniversary. Lucas turns 5 on July 27th, the day after he gets put to sleep for his eyes.
Wow, guess I should wrap up now... I think I really did write a novel
We made a big move last September and moved into the city. We got an amazing deal on a great apartment so we listed the house and said good bye to our hour long commute/sit in traffic and hello to a place where we can walk to work and the kids daycare.
It's been just wonderful.
The house hasn't sold yet. I just got to staging it and making it look decent in the pictures on mls this last week. Hopefully we'll get more interest now. It's a great house:
The kids are doing well in daycare. Charlie will be on the 6th of August and will be starting school in the fall. He's excited and I'm a bit of a wreck about it. Josie will be 3 on the 7th of August and she's turning into quite the handful. MAN! We are going to have our work cut out with that one. Yikes.
I switched jobs in March and I am SO happy (I'm a computer programmer/consultant). The new company is simply fantastic and love my work and the people i work with. Such a good move for me.
I'm traveling one night a week (since April 8th) and it's really actually been quite nice. One night by myself in a hotel room, dinner out, lunch out, all expensed, and three hours each way in the rental car by myself listening to audio books. What's not to love!
Mike is up for tenure at the university this year so that has us biting our nails. He's met all the requirements (good teaching evals, lots of publications, many many conferences, grants and funding for projects) but it is still in front of a board of people so you just never know. Fingers crossed. It's a great job and even though he doesn't always love it (dealing with students, etc), it's where we want to live and it's a great "lifetime" job.
We're spending the weekends at the house this summer which is lovely. It's close to beaches and is much cooler than the city so it's been fun. A lot of work but fun. I'm glad Josie will have a chance to get to know and remember the house she lived in until she was two.
Well, that was long! It was great catching up with everyone! Keep them coming!!!!
i lurk some but don't post much because i can't access this site from my new gig. so i read on the phone and don't get the chance to reply.
this thread is a great idea erin. :wave everyone. proud of you girls who have made big changes and are enjoying positive results. that's awesome. and jen, i'm mortified about your home break ins. holy crap. glad you're making it out of the other side of all of that now.
this year, from cole's 4th birthday, to today, has been one of the roughest of my life. as ya'll know (b/c i'm an open book) cole was diagnosed with alagille syndrome 9/16/09. this year has been filled with all sorts of testing, gentics, labs, doctors, hospitals. i know it could be worse, but that doesn't make it less hard. a year ago, all i wanted was answers, now i'm so scared of the answer we have.
the truth is though, he's doing well. we are BLESSED to be here in houston with one of the premiere childrens hospitals less than 5 minutes from our house. his care is constantly monitored and though not all of his numbers are good, they are better than they were a year ago, and that's amazing.
family life has been stressful. in the past 12 months ALL of my brothers and sisters have divorced, due to catastrophic events. it's hard to watch your sibling struggle. my marriage has also been on the rocks at points too, and i feel the pressure from my family to be the 'couple that makes it'. marriage is something that feels like a daily battle, so..uh...yeah. we have started seeing a new therapist though, and i hope that holds answers.
crap, talking too much. in very good news, i graduated in december with my BBA in accounting. started a new job April 30 and LOVE it. it was a big risk for me and it'll be a couple of years until i know if it paid off, but i love the company and people. i feel safe and protected and am really getting to spread my wings. i am wrapping up my very last class to meet the credit hour requirement for the CPA exam and will begin the process of sitting for the exam soon.
jack is amazing. and awful. and amazing. he loves me beyond comprehension, which is frustrating b/c he's always under foot, but which is awesome because he really thinks i'm the 'bees knees.' he is a devil child, into everything, physically adept like nothing i'm used to, and is practically potty trained and is writing his name. ummm, and he just turned 2.
I am so glad to be able to catch up on all that is happening. It's wonderful to see the successes! I hope those that are riding over some bumps in the road are past them soon.
In some ways not much has changed here. My ds is about to be a college graduate and is most likely going to go teach English in South Korea. Elizabeth is excited to be 5, but we are sending her to preschool again this year.
I have decided to branch out a little. I have applied to be on a board for rape crisis, advocacy and intervention. I am also joining Jr. League, which helps out families in the community. Both are volunteer positions and not anywhere near full time hours.
In general, our life is good. Maybe not exciting, but good.
I am so glad to be able to catch up on all that is happening. It's wonderful to see the successes! I hope those that are riding over some bumps in the road are past them soon.
In some ways not much has changed here. My ds is about to be a college graduate and is most likely going to go teach English in South Korea. Elizabeth is excited to be 5, but we are sending her to preschool again this year.
I have decided to branch out a little. I have applied to be on a board for rape crisis, advocacy and intervention. I am also joining Jr. League, which helps out families in the community. Both are volunteer positions and not anywhere near full time hours.
In general, our life is good. Maybe not exciting, but good.
wow!! i am so happy to hear that he is graduating. you must be really proud
We were toying with the idea of moving to North Carolina but with the job market it just hasn't happened (or anything close) so we've decided to stick it out here at least until Jake finishes high school.
Mikey finished his treatment June 1. I *sort* of feel relieved but am mostly a bundled mess of nerves. At least during treatment you feel like you're doing something. Now we just wait and hope nothing happens. For at least the first year he has blood tests every month and every three months he has a spinal tap & bone marrow biopsy. He starts a program called "early childhood kindergarten" in the fall. It's for kids who aren't ready for kindergarten yet but runs parallel to the kindergarten program and is in the elementary school building.
Caroline is doing really well in most areas except the potty accidents. She still wets her pants at least once a day (at home, not at school) so I'm getting ready to take her to the pediatrician to be 100% sure that there is nothing physical going on. Otherwise she is starting Kindergarten in the fall and is in an equine therapy program once a week that she loves.
Jake did not meet the requirements we set for him (a B average) to keep him at his old high school so he will be changing to the other school in town this fall I'm realy sad and anxious but we tried everything we could to help him. Offers to help with homework, talking (email) to teachers & school counselors, taking him to a social worker for therapy, more time with parents, etc..... and he just doesn't want to do the homework so in the end his test grades (all A's and a few B's) were not enough to make up for the poor homework scores. On the bright side he doesn't seem all that upset about switching and already has friends at the new school. Also, he's having a great season in baseball and has started being more responsible at home (helping out without complaining, etc...).
Bennett is .... 2. He is SUCH a handful but at the same time he is so fantastic. He's speaking in full sentances, making jokes and just makes my heart burst he's so damn cute! He has been partially potty training by his choice since december - yes, since he was less than 2 years old - but he just doesn't want to commit. That's usually not an issue for me except he also doesn't want to wear diapers. I bought a carpet steam cleaner for just this reason - ick!!
Dan is still at his same job (he's been there 3 years next month). He's not thrilled with it but he's realizing the market sucks and he's lucky to have a good paying job.
Notice I haven't said much about me?? There's not much to say right now. I'm home with the kids because I have to be (day care is too costly) but I don't feel like the best sahm. I try but with my kids' needs I am pretty worn out emotionally. I am thinking about trying to finish up my associates degree through the local junior college. They have an adult fast track program and I think I could be done within a year or so and only go one night a week (I already have about 1/2 the credits I need). Otherwise I don't have much to report.
This has been so nice to read (not because of bad news, but because I feel like I have lost touch with so many of you over the years). it's nice to have this "catching up", kwim?
We've had so, so many changes here, and while some are not great, most have been ok.
Most of you know I lost my job last year, and relocated to Wisconsin. The move has been great, but the job market is AWFUL. I finally bit the bullet and started school. I am on track to start nursing school in January 2011, and it's a 2 year program. My intention is to work as a clinical nurse researcher when I'm done, which would combine my past job with some healthcare. I'm actually letting myself get excited about it. I just yesterday was hired to work as a nursing assistant at a nursing home, which I have mixed feelings about. The pay is so low that I will have to do something else on the side (I'm looking at cleaning houses), but at least it's a job that will give me some healthcare experience. So we are still adapting to being broke all the time, but I think we will be ok.
George LOVES his job. I cannot believe how much difference working for a good company can make. He is much happier, which comes out at home. He's contemplating taking classes at the local college to try and move up in the company, but I don't know how 2 of us in school will work out.
The girls are wonderful. Some of you know about our biggest newsmaker lately, which is that Danielle has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. After YEARS of battling with her regarding school, worrying about her social awkwardness, emotional meltdowns, and general lack of manners, we finally have some answers. I'm finally settling down inside about it, and she is seeing a great child psychiatrist. She is happier, and seems calmer, but we still haven't discussed the diagnosis with her. But George and I have had so many "ah-ha" moments as we learn about the disorder; so many things are making sense. And now we have a way to help her.
Juliette is awesome. She is so great, and so sweet, and is so excited to start kindergarten. Her and Dani will be taking the bus together, and I get misty thinking about it. She'll be with several of her preschool friends, and is so excited. It's strange for us to have such a social child, after raising Danielle. Jules is like the anti-Dani in many ways; she is super affectionate, a real people pleaser, but she is really struggling with things like reading. By this age, Danielle was reading chapter books. We are working with Jules with the BOB books, because she really wants to know how to read. It just seems very difficult for her, but we are taking it slow and keep encouraging her.
I have dealt with a lot of depression over the past year, as we have dealt with looking for a job, money issues, and Danielle issues, so I have really drawn into a little shell. I'm trying to pull myself together, which is why I'm back here.
Still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.LOL I need to go back to school but not sure what for or where to start. I volunteered in Raven's library at school when she was in class. That was 4 half days and not sure about doing that all day. Do I want to go to school, make money now or spend my time volunteering? I know I'm going to get to a point where I feel like I need to make money.
Ray is still driving a truck and gone weeks at a time. He thought he had the perfect job and he would of been home weekends and some during the week but that didn't work out. It's hard to find a trucking job in this area where he is home every night with good pay. I can tell he doesn't like his job anymore.
Stephen will be 16 next month and I will have a driver. I guess that could be something to use as an reward for school. He got his geometry credit during summer school. It took him six days. He tried pot but not sex. Still has a lot more girls as friends instead of girlfriends. I really think I have it easy with him.
Raven got her cast off Friday but they want her to keep a brace on for 3 weeks and repeat the xray. Actually the doctor said she only needed the cast on when she was active.LOL Raven is always active. She climbs on the counter to get things out of cabinets, sits on the back of the recliner, pretends she is surfing on the coffee table.
Things have been good around here (knock on wood!). I am still working full time as a financial analyst, three days in NYC, two days at home. Thank god for my flexible work arrangement or I would probably lose my mind! I consider the days I work from home double duty - getting lots done around the house, while getting work done as well. It is a race from morning till night! Working in the office is MUCH easier. Ed and I are pretty good about sharing responsiblities around the house and we have been in a good place lately. Our marriage has had its ups and downs, but we have been on an upswing for the past year or so. I think the stress of babies and toddlers is finally behind us!
My kids are good. The boys have been in baseball camp and are both playing on summer baseball teams. They start 1/2 camp at their school next week and then football in August. They are truly sports fanatics! We are at the baseball field 4 nights a week and most weekends. Ed coaches Jake's team and helps out on Logan's team. I love that they love it so much - but it gets a little tedious at times. We are constantly racing through dinner and washing uniforms for the next day!
Natalie is also doing well. She has been in 1/2 camp at her preschool and will be starting Kindergarten in Sept. She is such a sweet, social little girl, and is still a complete mama's girl. And I enjoy every moment of it! She is starting cheerleading this August (which is great since all my kids will be at the same field at the same time). And she will be taking tap/ballet combo and playing soccer in the fall. She loves playing with friends and can strike up a friendship with just about any little girl she comes across.
As you all know, we put in the pool and the kids are really enjoying it! This summer has been HOT, so the pool has been great. Since Ed and I both work full time, and a lot of the other moms are home, the pool is something that the kids can rely on for summer entertainment - especially since many of their friends are going to the beach/pool, etc. One more point for working parent guilt, lol.
And I apologize to anyone who has wanted a new signature. My heart just isn't in it anymore. If I ever reinstall PS7, I'll let you know!
It's so nice to read the updates, I have been wondering about all of you and like Erin said, reading snippets on FB does not really give a full picture of what's going on. It also breaks my heart to read sad news so my heart goes out to all of you who are struggling...
There have been lots of changes in my life: I graduated in May and got my MA degree in International Studies/Security Studies with 4.0 GPA. I was also unexpectedly offered a full-time job in Washington DC in January so I packed up and moved there with Christopher and my mom in February but after a while realized that the job/lifestyle was not for me so I quit the job last month and moved back to NC. It was very hard for me to make the move because I was making a lot of $$ and I don't easily quit things and always try to make things work but there were waaay more negatives than positives with me staying with the job and I am not regretting my decision. The workload/stress in DC was so high that some days I felt like I would not be able to make it. I was so stressed out that I had a bad car accident in May but luckily nobody got hurt. So now I am back home working as a freelancer again. I am not planning to aggressively apply for jobs until Tom is done working in the Philippines but I will apply if I see something interesting, especially something in Georgia since I really want to work/live there for a few years... I have also been thinking about going for a PhD, I will probably make an appointment and talk to my Professor about it who used to encourage me about it... still not totally sold on it just yet...
Tom is still working in the Philippines, he is home right now and we are loving the time together. We are going to celebrate our 10 year anniversary while he is home. He is going to work overseas for another 18 months but we are hoping that he can get out of it earlier... it is so hard to be apart and it is really hard to raise Christopher on my own but we are trying to stay positive... in the meantime we are going to try to see each other at least once in three months. Out marriage is great, we are happy as ever and we are pulling through this as a team.
Christopher is such a sweet boy, he loves me to pieces and even though he has his moments, overall he is a great kid. He has been gaining a lot of weight lately so we are working on his diet with a nutritionist. I am trying to change his diet and have cut out a lot of snacks. His picky eating habits are making this hard but we are working on it. I have been having a major baby fever but Tom does not want to hear about it... I am still not giving up though:)