Hey everyone, I have been thinking about everyone and wondering what everyone is up to and how everyone is doing. I see snippets on FB, but, thought it would be nice to have a check in thread where people can pop in and say hi - kinda like the 5 year old check in.
I have been working full time since I went back to work after having R. It has been very hectic, but even more so the past couple of months because I agreed to take on some projects that I thought might allow me to demonstrate some more leadership. Im up for partner this year (its about time, right? lol) So, Im working a ton and miss the kids alot. I feel like I say "mommy has to work" too much. Work is well, thats a whole 'nother (cocktail) thread. lol.
I had to essentially bail on a project so I could attend the bday party we had for Kiera last week. Its a constant juggling act. Kiera is pretty fragile about mommy time, so we try and carve out time for her. We are taking her to a show and to get a bike this weekend, just the three of us. I try and have one on one with Rhys, but thats even more rare. But, I sure love it when it happens - he is a total sweetheart and so easy when he and Kiera arent fighting.
Financially, things are tight. Kyle's biz has ben struggling. He took on a steady well paying gig, but it is in a town about an hour away, which means all the flexibility he had to help manage at home is gone. It has been hard for both of us, but the temoporary peice of mind as far as income goes is nice. Still have a ways to go before we are out of the hole entirely though. Makes "us" strained, but, we are doing ok. again, just constantly juggling.
Im really hoping to fit in some travel this year but with some trials coming up, it may not happen. Im a longshot for MS vegas this year. But, Im running regularly again and hope to do a half marathon in the fall and Im also planning to do a half marathon in Phoenix in January and hope to round up any other interested peeps - Tex? Leah? Dorian? Apies? to have an MS Phx :) with Amber and Kristi and Jen.
(For those not in MSBL, I have lost about 40 lbs since January, and finally feel like "me" again in my skin." Still have lots of "problem areas" I had before at this weight, but, its remarkable how little of a problem they seem now. ha!)
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. I think about everyone often.
-- Edited by Erin on Saturday 10th of July 2010 02:28:59 PM
You all know I left my job back in November and have been staying home with the kids. We moved from Tucson to Albuquerque at the beginning of December and lived with Dom's sister until we finally decided to rent (instead of buy) and moved into our own place in April.
Katelyn was born on May 18th and things are going okay. It's been a really tough transition for me in moving from 2 to 3 kids. I wish I fell in to the 2-to-3 kids was easier than the 1-to-2 kids group, but no luck there. Because she screams non-stop in her carseat, I hate leaving the house and so we rarely go anywhere. I'm fine staying home, but I feel badly for the boys. Hopefully things will start to get easier and we can get out more often.
Dom has been a lifesaver, and he's been so understanding about everything. Seriously, if he didn't work from home I would have gone crazy by now. He picks up A LOT of my slack when it comes to cooking and helping out with the boys, as well as running errands like grocery shopping and such. A lot of times I feel like such a housewife failure and the guilt gets the best of me, but he's always reassuring and that means the world to me. I'm not looking forward to his work travels picking back up after August.
I still haven't made any new friends here, and that's something I really need to work on. I've been hesitating about reaching out to a mom's group, I get nervous thinking about it. I'm not a chattery type person, it's hard to open up and make friends. I have been trying to go to the breastfeeding support group meetings at the hospital when I can, there are some nice ladies there.
Who do I talk to about joining MSBL? I need to get moving again and try to lose this weight. I've managed to keep an extra 10 lbs for each kid, so I'm 30+ lbs from where I want to be. Unfortunately, breastfeeding has done squat in the weight loss department for me. I hope to ease myself in to running and get back to exercising regularly.
I'm tentatively still in for the Rock n' Run. Very tentative, though, unfortunately, but I'm going to try to make it work, which means I need to get off my butt again and start running. My sister is for sure going, so it increases my odds. I have to kind of see where I am with school, Joe's work, etc.
I requested info about a nearby career college 2 weeks ago, because I was thinking about going back to school when Hannah was in first grade (her school doesn't do full day kindergarten yet)... Anyways, they called the same day, invited me in for a tour, and I ended up doing some testing and getting a healthy amount of scholarships and grants that I couldn't pass up. So, I'm starting this week. I'm freaking the eff out, but I'm excited. I get to dive pretty much right into what I'm going for (veterinary technician), and only have a handful of credits that aren't directly related to my degree, so I'll be doing surgeries and tons of craziness really soon. Crazy considering 2 weeks ago I didn't even know if I wanted to go to school. I think it's really going to help all of us... Joe and Hannah don't get much alone time together, and Joe is so excited and supportive of me going back that he put in a request for now more traveling overnight for work during the time I'm at school, and since I'm going in the evenings, he'll be here with Hannah when I'm gone. It's going to be great for them, and I'm excited that maybe I won't feel so taken for granted since I won't be available at the drop of a hat like I am now.
My weight loss has really stalled. Partially because I haven't been working as hard as I should, and partly because I let my sisters really invade my headspace. They've most lost about 70 lbs, and I want to use it to motivate me, but we are all really competitive, and I hate being the only fatty, lol. We aren't ttc at this point anymore... When I started my new meds, we had to quit since it's not safe at all for a baby, and now that I'm going to school, it's going to be something I have to let go of for now. Joe seems to think this is the when I'll get pregnant though, since I can't really afford (time wise) to do it, but it's definately not something I'd be pissed about, of course, lol. I'm fine with it... We've got a lot of great stuff going on, so it feels like anything else would be selfish to want.
I am writing a novel, so I'll end it there since I need to go grab my niece from the airport anyways! Cliffnotes version is that we are fantastic. I'm glad that for the most part everything is okay with you girls though!
-- Edited by Cuppycake on Sunday 11th of July 2010 09:08:50 AM
The biggest news around here is that Mark left his job so we can run our business full time. That was two weeks ago. Everyone thinks we're crazy, but I think it's going to be ok. After all, everyone has dirty floors, we just have to convince them to let us clean them. So that is keeping us very busy.
We have a deposit down on a trip to DisneyWorld for October. I'm so excited about this!! It's a total secret from the kids. They won't know until we're on the way to the airport. One week at the Happiest Place On Earth with free dining!!!
Well things are the same around here as far as me being a stay at home mom. It's gotten SO much easier now that the kids are older and in school all day. The boys are doing more activites and getting more serious about the sports that they like so there's more driving involved and more sitting at practices but that's downtime for me where I can take a book and read while Sarah plays with the other little girls that are there.
Last year I decided that I wasn't going to look like sh!t when I turned 40 so I started on my "year of vanity." LOL. I've made some major changes one of the biggest was losing 50 pounds. I can't believe how it's changed my life. I am so much happier and confident and having so much fun with clothes and physical activity, etc. Making such major changes, not only saying I was going to do it but actually following through, has inspired me to make changes elsewhere in my life. Starting with my kids and where I've been slacking there.
Anyway overall things are amazing right now. This has definitely been one of the best years of my life. My family life is really good, my husband's business is doing great and we're just really enjoying things right now.
I feel bad getting on here saying all of this when so many people are down but I feel like I've worked really hard to get to this place and I guess if I can't share it with my friends, who can I share it with.
Wow, WTG Erin! That is no small feat with all the stress you've been under!
And hang in there Jo - Peepers was a nightmare in the carseat around that age too, and she got over it. She's so good in the car these days that sometimes I just take her for long drives when she's making me crazy at home, LOL! We did a 3.5-hour round trip drive this morning for Hannah's birthday party, and she slept most of the time and babbled for the rest!
Tomorrow is mine and John's 12th anniversary. :) We have no plans, and will have to bring the kids to dinner with us since Peepers can't handle being away from me for 5 seconds. But yay us for 12 years!
To celebrate, I think we're going to do a little laundry and play some Wii, LOL.
Well things are the same around here as far as me being a stay at home mom. It's gotten SO much easier now that the kids are older and in school all day. The boys are doing more activites and getting more serious about the sports that they like so there's more driving involved and more sitting at practices but that's downtime for me where I can take a book and read while Sarah plays with the other little girls that are there.
Last year I decided that I wasn't going to look like sh!t when I turned 40 so I started on my "year of vanity." LOL. I've made some major changes one of the biggest was losing 50 pounds. I can't believe how it's changed my life. I am so much happier and confident and having so much fun with clothes and physical activity, etc. Making such major changes, not only saying I was going to do it but actually following through, has inspired me to make changes elsewhere in my life. Starting with my kids and where I've been slacking there.
Anyway overall things are amazing right now. This has definitely been one of the best years of my life. My family life is really good, my husband's business is doing great and we're just really enjoying things right now.
I feel bad getting on here saying all of this when so many people are down but I feel like I've worked really hard to get to this place and I guess if I can't share it with my friends, who can I share it with.
I'm happy things are so great for you right now.
I'm turning 40 later this year too and like you decided this is the year for me to make some changes - mainly I started running. It's still early in my running career but I am motivated and excited about it.
And I don't think you should feel bad for where you are at - we've all walked rough roads in life and marriage and parenting and turning 40 and being happy is nothing to be hesitant to share - it can be motivational to woman who have not yet walked the rough road or who are walking it right now. 40 just seems to be a turning point - at least for me - a point where maybe you stop trying to please everyone else and figure out what pleases yourself and go after it!!!
I feel like such a complete tool that I am scarce around here. I can't believe how much things have changed for everyone.
Life has been crazy the last few months around here.
On May 7th, our house was broken into. They came in, trashed the entire house.. I mean emptied garbage, threw bottles against walls, broke our tv and entertainment centers, broke the kids' keepsake stuff, rifled through my underwear etc.. and stole everything of value we had. Including every memory card I had, and my brand new Canon DSLR with every picture of my niece on it from birth. all of our game systems, all of our DVD;s, anything of worth. I was completely devistated .We didn't have rental insurance, because it was costing a fortune and things have/had been tight for us financially. But we decided to stay in the house, get an alarm installed, get renters insurance etc.
I got a brand new Nikon D5000 for my birthday @ the end of May as a gift from Ryan and my FIL. On June 7th ,we were broken into a second time. This time they destroyed everything again, broke the couch and got my brand new camera, which is btw not even paid off. I had it hidden (because that's how I had been living life for a month, hiding things) and they found it. Stole it of couse. The only thing they didn't take is my hard drive, which did luckily have some of my pictures saved (BACK UP YOUR PICTURES!!!!!! please!) Our insurance was due to kick in on the 15th
So, that day we started packing our stuff and moved everything into storage in 3 days. We stayed with my FIL and Aunt (who were on vacation in Alaska). We ended up staying with them for about a month. Luckily, they are so awesome and really were so good about us all being there (8 people total in a 3 bedroom house).
So, we are finally in a new house. Things are starting toget better. The house is looking really cute (my Aunt has been busting her ass helping me decorate). But, I've been stressed beyond recognition. I hate feeling so vulnerable, and scared and pathetic. It really did a number on me. I am starting to feel better everyday, but I get pissed at myself often.
The kids have been amazing. They have taken it all really well, considering. They really only had a few times where they were really upset (which is so understandable). They enjoyed staying w/ my Aunt and FIL (I kind of did too lol!) but they are loving their rooms, and have just been so well behaved.
Ryan and I have been ok, kind of rocky. I know it's all because we are both stressed beyond anything we've ever had before. But, we are working it out, and I'm really lucky and happy because he really is a greay guy. And even though I want to throttle him sometimes, lol. he's awesome. We are getting away alone this upcoming weekend and I'm really excited. We need it SO bad we haven't had time away alone since I was pregnant with Jillian.
Work is work. I'm sick of my job, sick of stress and abuse but of course more than thankful to be working. how's that for an oxymoron?
So that's it for me. Sorry for the effing novel. Besides that, Jillian starts K August 16th (day before her birthday!) @ a Charter school here. And Ryan will be going into 2nd at the nearby public. They have started charging @ public school for full day K, so we decided to send her to the high rated Charter to check it out. I'm starting classes again in the fall, still trying to get the RN thing done. Somedays I really question my choice but I know I eventually want to go to PA school, and that once I'm in pediatrics, I'll love it more. So i'm working on it.
Anyways I miss everyone terribly. I know I've been such a posting loser, but i really do think about you all, and love seeing/reading your updates on fb.
That's horrible about what happened to your stuff. I can't blame you for moving.
DYK who did it?
They left lots of fingerprints, so they police collected them both times.
We lived in a nice neighborhood, but apparently there was a string of robberies in like a 1 mile radius of my house. Hopefully they are stupid enough, and get caught.
They think it was younger people, based on the way they handled it. They touched everything, broke things etc. Experienced criminals take what they want and go.
Im upset about the stuff of course, but I'm distraught about the pictures I'll never get back. I don't care that much about the camera (I mean, don't get me wrong it sucks) but I'll never get the pics back, and that's heartbreaking
It is so nice to read about everyone. I know some are struggling but it is also nice to see those in a great place right now as well.
Way to go, Erin and Kristi for all the weight you have lost, that is seriously awesome! I know John has dropped about 25 lbs and his attitude is completely different, just such more confidence about everything.
ABH - Happy Anniversary!
Jo - I am sorry about Katelyn. O was my rough car seat screamer and it lasted about 6 months. I wish I knew what to say to make it easier.
As far as us here, it has been a busy summer of baseball. Bryce played spring ball then tried out for the 7 year old all star team and made it and so has been playing with that as well. Owen is playing tball but his last game is this week.
I am here, nearly 33 weeks pregnant. I have not a thing ready for this baby, good thing by the fourth one I know in the beginning not a lot has to be done. He still does not have a name, we really just haven't had a chance to discuss it since we have been so busy. But I know he will have one eventually. I have struggled as you all know a lot with having a fourth boy, and I still am having some emotional issues but I am getting anxious about seeing what this little guy will look like and welcome him into our family.
All three boys are doing great. Keegan will be 2 in just a few weeks. Owen will be 5 in two weeks, so birthday party for them will be happening soon.
Jen that is completely and utterly heartbreaking and horrible :( I'm so very sorry you had to go through that twice. I would be a wreck. I really hope the police find the people that did that to you.
Hi everyone! I'm still around, even though I don't post much anymore....
I just celebrated my 33rd birthday, and 6 year anniversary with Malachi. Mary Beth turned 5 on July 1st. She'll be starting kindergarten on Aug. 11th. Katie Lenn will be 3 on July 27th. We will be in Daytona Beach that week and are going to celebrate her birthday at Disney. AND, my baby fever has kicked in HARDCORE. :) Even though Malachi denies it, I think he's about ready for a 3rd too.
I'm teaching again and was excessed from my school, where I had just started last year. Basically the enrollment #'s were down, but I was just moved to a different school. I'll be teaching 6th-8th grade reading at the district's new alternative school. These are my kind of kids, and I'm VERY excited about the new position!
I've also went back to school last year and am working on my Master's in Secondary Education. After this summer semester is over I'll only have three classes left.
I found out today that one of my dog's needs to have several teeth removed, BUT I'm glad to finally know why her breath is soooooo disgusting.
I really can't believe I've "known" you all for almost six years now! It is so nice to read updates on everyone. A lot of times I feel like I have no idea what's going on, which is why I don't post a lot.
edited to add my name, because I realized I have no signature! :)
-- Edited by beckhamgirls on Saturday 10th of July 2010 09:58:43 PM
this is a great thread - i love the catch-up. jen, i cant believe the robberies - how TERRIBLE for you guys!! :( that is really awful and must be such a violated feeling. erin, wtg on the weightloss and the up-for-partner - how exciting. i am sure its tough working this hard though. hang in there. jolynn, i'm SO SORRY that the baby is crying in the car! that is the WORST and i know the feeling all too well. it passes. but my god, i know. it's the most powerless feeling when youre behind the wheel just pulling your own hair out - you cant even think straight. the worst. stacey that's great that you guys are doing the floor business full time! good luck!!
oh - leah that is SO COOL that youre going back to school - i love that idea for you too. good luck - keep us posted! and kristi i seriously am floored by how amazing you look. seriously. i'm so happy things are going well for you :)