i confess that a cherry pitter may have been my best splurge as of late.
i confess it is so much easier than biting around the pit.
i confess it was $15, but told my husband it was $10??
i confess then i had to delete my f/b post b/c i didn't want to incriminate myself for lying.
i confess idk why i lied over $5--he could care less.
i confess he is a big spender and i give him crap about it alot, so when i buy something overpriced i feel guilty for nagging him about the same thing.
i confess i already warned him not to make me mad this weekend...fresh cherries makes his throat swell shut so if he annoys me i might sneak some into his food in a moment of hormonal rage;)
ic i find it humerous (or scary) that your DH is allergic to cherries and your one splurge is on a cherry pitter . . .
hello, I think I have decided to change therapy places. I noticed my places website was changed and yet two weeks later no response to my email. I called the other place and like the lady I talked to at least. I hope Im making the right decision for raymond.
I am 15 weeks today and am calling places to see if they have openings today for a gender check. I doubt they do though, and I still need to convince dh we need to pay to find out this early.
My kids jacked up this computer so now everytime I press enter some box about the computer battery comes up. It makes typing up a longer post difficult.
Ive been wanting to try those mandms. Glad to know they are good.
The cheap place isnt answering their phone and the other place only had a 1040. Id prob have to beg to go there at that time and it may be taken by now.
I really have to clean the house hardcore anyway and finding out would just distract me with names.
i confess that a cherry pitter may have been my best splurge as of late.
i confess it is so much easier than biting around the pit.
i confess it was $15, but told my husband it was $10??
i confess then i had to delete my f/b post b/c i didn't want to incriminate myself for lying.
i confess idk why i lied over $5--he could care less.
i confess he is a big spender and i give him crap about it alot, so when i buy something overpriced i feel guilty for nagging him about the same thing.
i confess i already warned him not to make me mad this weekend...fresh cherries makes his throat swell shut so if he annoys me i might sneak some into his food in a moment of hormonal rage;)
ic i find it humerous (or scary) that your DH is allergic to cherries and your one splurge is on a cherry pitter . . .
i confess it is the pesticides on fruit that isn't peeled that he is allergic to...not the fruit itself.
i confess that would include cherries, pears, apples, etc. unless i buy organic.
i confess if he peels them he is fine.
i confess according to him he would need to consume quite a few before his throat went from itchy and swollen to can't breathe status.
i confess he could cut up fruit for the kids, etc and be totally fine so my purchase wasn't too too insensitive:)