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Date: Jul 7, 2010
5 Year Check In

I can't believe the babies who brought us together are 5!

What's going on in their lives?








Pictures, please!



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Sonya wrote:

I can't believe the babies who brought us together are 5!

What's going on in their lives?

School? Pre-K, no Kindergarten until next year

Bikes? training wheels but we haven't tried without, 3rd child, too lazy

Friends? not many, I'm hoping she'll make some good ones this year

Reading? hahahaha

Writing? letters got way better the last couple weeks of school

Drawing? she's definitely an artist, I just framed the cutest picture that she painted

Sports? she did soccer, karate, ballet and gymnastics at her after school program last year, nothing serious. I'm thinking about signing her up for real soccer in the fall.

Pictures, please!




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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Sonya wrote:

I can't believe the babies who brought us together are 5!

What's going on in their lives?

School? She starts Kindergarten Aug. 24 I cannot wait!

Bikes? She has one. Im too lazy to take her outside to ride it so shes probably really bad at it.

Friends? Has a few but again Im too lazy for playdates often but she goes to church with them and will go to school with them at the church this year.

Reading? She can read basic words and is good at guessing some words in context.

Writing? She writes ok but I hear our school is super strict with penmanship. They also do Cursive in Kindergarten and she hasnt started that yet.

Sometimes shes good and sometimes she sucks.

Sports? NO sports she used to do ballet but stopped. I dont think  shes a sports kid though. She was outside 15 minutes the other day at church and fainted. She tends to faint fairly easy if she gets hurt or is hot.

Pictures, please!

None on this comp. Maybe Ill get one out later.




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Date: Jul 7, 2010

kdrew wrote:

Sonya wrote:

I can't believe the babies who brought us together are 5!

What's going on in their lives?

School? Pre-K, no Kindergarten until next year

Bikes? training wheels but we haven't tried without, 3rd child, too lazy

Friends? not many, I'm hoping she'll make some good ones this year

Reading? hahahaha

Writing? letters got way better the last couple weeks of school

Drawing? she's definitely an artist, I just framed the cutest picture that she painted

Sports? she did soccer, karate, ballet and gymnastics at her after school program last year, nothing serious. I'm thinking about signing her up for real soccer in the fall.

Pictures, please!


SHes gorgeous



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

I know, I can't believe it either! It goes by too fast.

School?  He will be starting kindergarten in August.

Bikes?  He has a small 2 wheel with training wheels that he is finally good at riding although he doesn't watch where he is going so I have to help him stay on track! 

Friends? Doesn't really have any, he did at school but now that it is out there aren't any in our neighborhood for him to play with, I am not comfortable with him going to anybody's house so even if he did have friends I don't know that they would get to hang out alot. He has 2 cousins that he spends alot of time with and my friend has a 3 1/2 year old that we try to get them together pretty often.

Reading?  He loves for me to read to him, has not picked up on it yet.

Writing? Has been writing for awhile now, can spell his name and write all letters, pretty legible too and he is left handed.

Drawing? Not into it as much, he used to do it ALL the time but not so much anymore.

Sports? None yet.

Pictures, please!





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Date: Jul 7, 2010

School? K in the fall!! She is very excited, and I am getting more excited about it as well, but very nervous.

Bikes? Yes, but with training wheels.  She just never took to the balance bike, even though we tried and tried to get her to ride it. But she loves her bike with training wheels!

Friends? She has a little BFF from pre-K, but they won't go to the same K.  She does have another little friend from her 3s class that will be in the same school and our neighbor's daughter will be also, so she will have at least those two friends in there.  She has really opened up and is making friends a LOT more easily now.

Reading? Not really-she is working on sounding out words, so she likes the phonetic books on her own, like Jake Bakes a Cake and those kinds of things.  It will be a while yet before she is reading on her own.

Writing? She is a creative speller, lmao. Sometimes I can even tell what she meant to write!!  She also has poor grammar (think too instead of two), but I'll let it slide, lol. She knows how to spell mommy, daddy, Anna and Kate, and other simple words, but she has a hard time with our last name!!!  My poor kids...

Drawing? Her drawings are funny.  She loves to draw and you can usually tell what she is trying to draw, but I don't think she is going to grow up to be an artist, lol.

Sports? They have been taking swim lessons the past three weeks and she is doing great!!!  She is doing freestyle and backstroke, though she still has a hard time doing side breaths on freestyle.  She is dying to do swim team next summer because she is VERY competitive.  But she has a lot of practicing to do to get her strokes down, and she still obviously has a lot to learn.  She loves it though, so she has picked it all up MUCH faster than Kate.  Kate is still bobbing around trying not to get her head too wet, lol.  She also wants to try soccer this fall, and she and Kate still both love dance, so we'll keep up with that.

IDT I have any new pics on this computer, but I'll try and find some.  They are all growing up so so fast!!

ETA-I do have some pics-they are FB repeats, but here they are!! (from the month of June...)

-- Edited by Supafly on Wednesday 7th of July 2010 08:06:24 PM




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Date: Jul 7, 2010

I can't believe they're FIVE!

Kyle will be starting a Montessori Kindergarten program at the local public school on Aug. 17

Not yet, but he'll be getting one for his bday on the 19th.

No new ones here since we moved, but he still talks about his friend, Liam, often.  We had a chance to visit his old friends from school at the end of April, it was fun.  We've been able to meet up with Kiera and Rhys a few times and hope to see them more.

He can sound out simple words and read short sentences, but he doesn't want to read on his own very often.

Again, he can but would rather not do it often.  I feel like his penmanship went way downhill after we moved and since he's not been in school. :(

He prefers to color pictures but will draw from time to time.

Nothing at the moment and it's been awhile.  I would like to sign him up for soccer, t-ball or basketball soon.

Pictures, please!

-- Edited by Jo on Wednesday 7th of July 2010 07:45:45 PM



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Kristi-Sarah is gorgeous!!! (just like her mama heart.gif)

Tracy-I can't believe K faints so easily!!! That would scare me to death, holy moly!!

Jasmine-Dominic is such a handsome little man-he has grown so so much. He looks like a very happy child-you can tell he has a lot of love!!! heart.gif



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Jo, Kyle is so handsome!!! I LOVE that pic of him and Katelyn. heart.gif

I think that will be the story of our lives, then forgetting things over the summer. Maybe year round school isn't such a bad idea after all...



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Sonya wrote:

I can't believe the babies who brought us together are 5!

What's going on in their lives?

School? He will be starting kindergarden on August 5

Bikes? He uses the bike but he prefers the scooter.  And he loves the Nintendo DS.

Friends? Too many. He is a very social kid.  He says he wants to be 10 so he can kiss a girl.

Reading? Only the basic words.

Writing? Very good. He loves to write on EVERYTHING.

Drawing? Getting better. He knows stays inside the lines.

Sports? Does I have to say it? SWIMMING.  Actually he loves baseball and basketball.  He is a very competitive kid.

Pictures, please!



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Sonya wrote:

I can't believe the babies who brought us together are 5!

What's going on in their lives?

School?  She'll be starting Kindergarten this fall

Bikes? Loves to ride them, with training wheels still

Friends?  She has lots of friends, only Allie has been over for playdates

Reading?  Sort of

Writing?  Loves to write, does it all the time.  Loves to spell any and all words, lol

Drawing? She's all the time coloring and drawing!!  LOVES it!

Sports? She played t-ball this year for the first time and loved it so much.  She wants to play soccer this fall, so we'll see :)

Pictures, please!

This is one I cropped of me and her that I love and one from her t-ball game:




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Date: Jul 7, 2010

I cannot believe how big our babies are all looking!! It has went entirely too fast!

What's going on in their lives?

School? Owen will go another year of pre-k.

Bikes? Loves to ride his bike! Has been riding a 2 wheeler since he was 3 1/2.

Friends? He has quite a few, though most of my friends have girls.

Reading? Kind of, he knows words but I think some is repitition though some I do know he truely knows.

Writing? Kid loves to write! Does great with letters and numbers. He is also doing simple math and is obsessed with states and their flags.

Drawing? Yep, I love their drawings at this age.

Sports? He is about to finish up tball right now. He did so, so. If he could be a full time designated hitter he would be set. He also did 2 weeks worth of swimming lessons in June and is such a fish in the water this year compared to last year when he would not even go under.

Pictures, please!

-- Edited by Sara on Wednesday 7th of July 2010 09:12:29 PM



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

What's going on in their lives?

School? She's starting half-day kindergarten in the fall. To say I'm nervous is pretty much the understatement of the year. Probably doesn't help that we are both starting school at about the same time, lol.

Bikes? She's riding with training wheels. She wants us to take her out after her birthday without them. But, we need to get knee pads and elbow pads, and I need some kind of heavier anti-anxiety meds.

Friends? She has a circle of girlfriends that are really cute to watch play. Her "bff" changes like the wind, depending on who she's seen that day (or if she's seen someone that day, depending on how much they gave her her way, lol). She has a little boyfriend that it's really adorable to watch her interact with. He's such a boy and is SO not interested in any of her shananigans.

Reading? She's doing really well! She knows all her letter sounds and is doing really well putting them together... Learning on the rules is hard for her, but I'm not pushing her. She sets her own pace, and when she's interested she's REALLY interested. If she's not, there's no talking to her!

Writing? We've been slacking lately, but she loves to write grocery lists for me and watch me try to figure them out, lol. I stopped worrying about it when she wrote "Hannah haz a stoopid mom." on her wall during a time out. I'm sure she'll do fine, lol.

Drawing? She draws better than I do, lol.

Sports? She's played basketball and soccer, and loved both. She wants to do gymnastics, soccer, basketball, softball (next spring), and dance this year. She'll have to prioritize what she wants to do the most, especially since she's going to be in school. She's really into horseback riding, too. She's going to a daycamp in a couple of weeks, where she'll get to ride, bathe, brush, and feed her horse, so we'll see how she feels after all that work.

Pictures, please!

I've been sucking at taking pictures lately, but here are two of the most recent... one from 4th of July weekend, and the other is of her getting ready for my niece's wedding last month.

Dang, I wrote a novel. Oops!



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Great thread... I'm enjoying reading about all of the kiddos -- and I can't believe how grown up they all look (and are!).

As for Jibbers... 

School? She's continuing at her IB school for kindergarden. 

Bikes? She has one (with training wheels), and she rides it periodically, but not as often as I'd like. When we get back into town in August, getting them out on bikes more is a primary goal of mine.

Friends? She has some, and it seems she goes through phases. She doesn't have a strong BFF like she had at her last school, though.

Reading? She's really an unbelievable reader. IHNFI how she learned... I know they give her books at school, but I'm just amazed at what she reads. She read the word "daughter" the other day... shocked the hell out of me. She also reads things in Spanish and tells us what they mean in English. It's going to be her strong suit.

Writing? She spells things out phonetically, and it cracks me up. Supa, fwiw, she struggles with our last name, too. (She prefers Calle, LOL). They taught her cursive at school, and without fail, she forgets the second A in her name (Alexndra).

Drawing? She does an ok job. She loves to do it. She is constantly drawing family pictures, and she always draws the girls in triangle dresses and tries to draw Damon in a t-shirt, which comes out hilarious. I love it.

Sports? She's been taking swimming once a week and little gym once a week all year. She's doing ok in both, but she's got some movement patterns that I recognize in my own issues (difficulty with trunk rotation, which really limits both swimming and gymnastics), so we've got her in OT twice a week over the summer to work on that.

Pictures, please!

We were an absolute mess on the 4th, but here's a couple from then.



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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Sonya wrote:

I can't believe the babies who brought us together are 5!

What's going on in their lives? Mark started swimming lessons on Monday. He's doing great although he's still mad that he has to put his face in the water. Also, he's not 5 until Monday. His bday party (a water party in our backyard) is on Sunday.

School? Mark starts full-day K in mid-August. He went to "Kindergarten Camp" for a week in June, and he loved it.

Bikes? Mark has a red bike with training wheels. We haven't tried without the training wheels yet.

Friends? Mark is the complete opposite of Henry. Mark has a gazillion friends. He wanted to invite his entire preschool class plus our neighbors plus some other friends plus his friends' siblings to his party. He ALWAYS wants to invite people to the house for playdates. Social butterfly.

Reading? Mark is not reading and can't recognize all of the letters although he's getting better.

Writing? Mark loves to write and trace letters. His fave thing to do is create letters out of other things like sticks or bendaroos.

Drawing? Mark likes to draw and is pretty good at it. He really likes making smiley faces.

Sports? He is not really into any sports although I think he's interested in starting soccer in the fall. He likes to jump on our trampoline and play in the pool.

Pictures, please!




Robin, mom to Henry and Mark


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Date: Jul 7, 2010

Supafly wrote:

Kristi-Sarah is gorgeous!!! (just like her mama heart.gif)

Tracy-I can't believe K faints so easily!!! That would scare me to death, holy moly!!

Jasmine-Dominic is such a handsome little man-he has grown so so much. He looks like a very happy child-you can tell he has a lot of love!!! heart.gif

Laura, thank you!

Anna is so beautiful, I remember she was such a cute baby and she has turned out so beautiful! Dominic would like to reserve a date with her when they are 16! biggrin 




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Date: Jul 8, 2010

Sonya wrote:

I can't believe the babies who brought us together are 5!

What's going on in their lives?








Pictures, please!

Holly turned 5 on June 14th; I'm still in shock! 5 going on 13, I swear.

She's out of pre-K now; graduation is on the 16th.

No bike; she has the German pedal-less one but she's not big into it right now.

Her BFF Haley is gonna go to a different elementary school than she will. cry I'm sooo bummed for her. They've gone to each other's birthday parties and that's about it outside of school.

Holly can read most/all of the stories in many Dr. Seuss-type books, some Frog and Toad, stuff like that. She's constantly making cards (think: birthday cards, etc.) that say things like "Holly loves Mommy" and things like that; we go through a LOT of paper here! Her "y" can use some work, but she has a recognizable alphabet. She can usually read my handwriting, which is about 95% cursive and pretty loopy; not sure how she manages that.

(And no, she can't spell her last name, often as I have to spell it out loud over the phone though, she'll get it sooner than later!)

She draws all the time...better than I do.

No sports so far, no real interest (also like her mom!).

So cool to see what everyone's up to!

(and yes, that is an LL bow wink)

-- Edited by Sunshine on Thursday 8th of July 2010 01:39:55 AM

-- Edited by Sunshine on Thursday 8th of July 2010 01:48:00 AM


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Date: Jul 8, 2010

What's going on in their lives? She had her birthday yesterday and was very excited about it. She loved all her presents but tends to get selfish with them. Today she's getting portraits done.

School? She'll start up again in just over a month with the rest of my kids. She's excited about it, the rest of my kids aren't.

Bikes? She has a bike with training wheels. I need to teach Brenna to ride without training wheels so they don't have to share. Then again, it may be easier to teach Brittany first because she's much more daring and much more careful.

Friends? Just Brenna. She's too shy to make any new ones.

Reading? Yes, I taught her a little last school year. We'll hit it hard this school year.

Writing? She knows how, but doesn't do it often if I don't make her.

Drawing? She loves to draw but seems to have my lack of talent/ability. However, she could develop it. I'll wait and see.

Sports? Ballet. I think she'd like gymnastics better but it's hard to find a class.


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Date: Jul 8, 2010

School?   She will start K Aug. 11.

Bikes?   She just got a bike a couple of weeks ago and using training wheels.

Friends?  Most were school friends that she doesn't see in the summer.  I wish she had more neighborhood friends and then I don't.

Reading?  She was beginning to read at the end of preschool.

Writing?   She writes all her letter and numbers and puts together some words but that's about it.

Drawing? Drawing is still a mess.   She puts toes and fingers on her stick figures.  I thought that was interesting.LOL

   Soccer so far.  She had to skip the summer session because of her broken wrist.  She loves soccer so she will do that in the fall.  Actually she wants to do everything.

I don't have any new pictures on the computer.  From April.

-- Edited by Alicia on Thursday 8th of July 2010 11:22:44 AM



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Date: Jul 8, 2010

Domimom wrote:


Supafly wrote:

Kristi-Sarah is gorgeous!!! (just like her mama heart.gif)

Tracy-I can't believe K faints so easily!!! That would scare me to death, holy moly!!

Jasmine-Dominic is such a handsome little man-he has grown so so much. He looks like a very happy child-you can tell he has a lot of love!!! heart.gif

Laura, thank you!

Anna is so beautiful, I remember she was such a cute baby and she has turned out so beautiful! Dominic would like to reserve a date with her when they are 16! biggrin


Thanks, Jasmine!!  I'll have to double check with Bill, since he had previously mentioned 25 as the dating age, tee hee!  But aside from that, consider them set up! biggrin


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