So we cleaned out our garage and we had our old computer in there from when Dominic was younger, I found a bunch of videos from when he was a baby to about 16 months and it just made me realize how big he is! I know he is not a baby anymore but it just makes me miss that age so much! The total devotion to me, the smiles, he was just so happy all the time! Now I feel like we just butt heads all day, argue and just dont' have fun. I miss that age so much. I know this age is fun too because we can do stuff together, holidays are more fun, etc. But still! Ok, well I just had to rant a little because I am feeling really bummed out about this, more than I ever have before. I was always ok with each birthday and him getting older but not this year.
i can relate. if an entire day passes by without connor telling me i am mean and he wants to go find a new family it is a miracle. i miss the days when mommy was #1 :(
Aww, I know how you feel. They're really big kids now! :( I miss baby Mason. I love the current Mason, but baby and toddler Mason were so sweet! 5yo Mason never stops talking, loves to test boundaries, and whines all the time. Come to think of it, that's not that different from toddler Mason. ;)
Well, I am actually loving this age...but that is because my 3 year old is driving me absolutely crazy. Gavin has been really super sweet and a total mama's boy lately and I don't mind it one bit. Okay, just a little bit but mostly in the middle of the night when he wakes me up.
I totally get what you're saying. I want to find some kind of magic wrapper to stick Andrew in at night to make him not grow. I can feel him slipping through my fingers. I'm losing him. He's so big now. He's already lost a tooth. His hair has been cut even shorter than it is in my current pic, and he said he doesn't want his curls back and wants his hair short.
I've always told him, "there's nothin' wrong with living with mama forever". As he's gotten older, he finally decided he'd move out, 'cause he doesn't like our house and "want's one with steps" (a 2 story), but that he was going to build it next to ours. We live on 5 acres. Today he got mad because I wouldn't let him play video games, and he said he wasn't going to live by us, that he was going to live far away. And that's prolly true. He'll grow up and move away. I don't know how people do it.
I want my cuddly, little toddler back. I want him to always climb in my lap and snuggle. I don't want to let go.
Being a parent is a very stupid job. You spend your life raising your child, and if you did your job right, they leave you and becoame productive members of society. STUPID! Then you get left with a broken heart.