All my kids have graduated/finished school for the year. Now they are all at my house eating my food and making a mess.
I have my first o/b appt today. I should be right at the time period where they *might* be able to hear the heartbeat so fingers crossed LOL.
Joe told his parents and in an extremely unpredicted turn of events they are absolutely over the moon thrilled. The only thing we got from his mom was "when are you getting you married" LOL. I am so relieved that they were so great about it I was sure his mom would be cursing me forever.
All my kids have graduated/finished school for the year. Now they are all at my house eating my food and making a mess.
I have my first o/b appt today. I should be right at the time period where they *might* be able to hear the heartbeat so fingers crossed LOL.
Joe told his parents and in an extremely unpredicted turn of events they are absolutely over the moon thrilled. The only thing we got from his mom was "when are you getting you married" LOL. I am so relieved that they were so great about it I was sure his mom would be cursing me forever.
Just what you needed! I'm so glad his parents are being great about it. Now you just have to wait for your mom to come around. I know it will happen. :)
Have you posted pictures of Joe? I need a mental image to go with the name. :)
Do you know there is not a single pic of the two of us together in existence. I'm hoping to fix this when he is here next week. I have been terrible taking pictures the last few months, there werent even new pics of my kids until graduation last night.
Is his facebook private or can you click on him from my relationship status??
most of the pics he sends to my phone are for my eyes only hee hee hee, but I'll look through and see what I have if you can't get to his facebook.
All my kids have graduated/finished school for the year. Now they are all at my house eating my food and making a mess.
I have my first o/b appt today. I should be right at the time period where they *might* be able to hear the heartbeat so fingers crossed LOL.
Joe told his parents and in an extremely unpredicted turn of events they are absolutely over the moon thrilled. The only thing we got from his mom was "when are you getting you married" LOL. I am so relieved that they were so great about it I was sure his mom would be cursing me forever.
Just what you needed! I'm so glad his parents are being great about it. Now you just have to wait for your mom to come around. I know it will happen. :)
She was at Nikki's graduation last night. It was not brought up at all. Apparently it is going to be the untalked about family skeleton right now LOL
FWIW I was 11w 2 days monday at my appt and couldnt hear the heartbeat via doppler.
I did have an US though and saw it. Dont you have an US scheduled soon.
Really?!?! not at 11 weeks?? I'm not expecting to be able to hear it just kind of wishful LOL and yes I have an u/s next wednesday which Joe will get to be here for :)
so were your dates what you thought they were after the u/s. What's your official due date??
i do use aim but not often if you want i can pm you my name.
The baby measured exactly what they thought. I was bummed however she did say she couldnt get a good measurement because the baby wouldnt sit properly and she could only get "teddy bear" measurements, but all three she did measured the same. So Im stuck with a a 1-1-11 due date
so were your dates what you thought they were after the u/s. What's your official due date??
i do use aim but not often if you want i can pm you my name.
The baby measured exactly what they thought. I was bummed however she did say she couldnt get a good measurement because the baby wouldnt sit properly and she could only get "teddy bear" measurements, but all three she did measured the same. So Im stuck with a a 1-1-11 due date
Well that would be a pretty cool birthday LOL
I was at my o/b for 2 hours (well it was a midwife that I saw). Craziness LOL. She added all kinds of extra bloodwork and she is making me do a 24 hour urine protein to make sure my currently perfect blood pressure is accurate (because of the way my body was with Lucas) My u/s is next week but right now my due date is 1/21/11. She did say my uterus seemed to be exactly the right size LOL