yes Jake is going. We went to the assessment today. They tested a group of incoming kids to see who needed extra help thereby qualifying them for full day. Unless the child is in need they will only go half day.
I don't think it's really sunk in on me yet. We have applied to a school district outside of our own and have to wait to see if we are accepted. I'm fairly certain we will be b/c I got our app in very early but you never know. If the population booms we could be rejected. That seems to be what I'm focusing on most as opposed to being sad he's starting K and the what ifs if we do not get accepted. We do not want the two little ones going to the school district we live in. It will slam me in the face later this summer, I'm sure of it!
At the assessment today they took the kids back to the classrooms to do the testing. They called each child by name and they went up and got a name tag and when the entire group was called they started to walk down the hallway and 2 girls and 1 boy L.O.S.T. it! They were hanging on their Mommas legs bawling and screaming and begging not to be forced to go. It was a bit dramatic. Not my boy though - he followed the teacher and never looked back! I'm so glad he did b/c until I saw those 3 kiddos it NEVER entered my mind that this could not go smoothly!
We still don't know for certain what we are doing with Elizabeth. I thought we were waiting, then she went to the screening and we changed our minds. Then we went to her preschool conference and we have changed back to waiting again. It makes my head hurt.
Regardless if we wait of if she goes I am going to feel a sense of loss this year because her friends she started with are almost all going to kindergarten. She has other friends at preschool, but it just kind of feels like we are being left behind. On the other hand, it will be good for her to be the big kid on the block for a change.
All I know is that right now this just seems like such a huge decision and hope we make the right one for her.
I went to the parent night tonight and he'll go tomorrow afternoon.
I was doing well in the meeting until the woman in front of me started to cry. I had to do some major eye fanning to stop.
I cannot accept that he's old enough to go to school. He's dying to go, though. I just want him to be a baby for a while longer.
So, the entire primary class is 50 kids so far. The teacher was telling us that there are only 12 girls in the whole group! Isn't that nuts?
Charlie will be doing English but the school has the majority of the kids starting in French immersion. There are only 4 kids in english right now (though that will change) and Char will be in a split class. He'll have the same teacher for two years (who seems great) and then likely, Josie will start with her. Four years! I hope we like her! I'm actually thrilled with the idea of him being in a split class. His time in daycare has prepared him a lot for the basic school stuff (like sharing, listening to the teachers, etc) so I'm not worried about him being with older kids. I think he'll love it.
Tomorrow is going to be so crazy. He's beyond excited. All he talks about is how he needs science to be a paleontologist, lmao.
I think he's ready to start. I was worried about his August birthday but they changed the cut off til Dec so he'll be right in the middle.
Owen is not going this year. He is more than ready academically, it is just the trend here, plus he is a boy and small for his age and I have no daycare issues since I am home so we will wait.
Gavin will be going to Kindergarten. He can't wait! I'm super excited for him. I know I will be sad but I am really so happy because he loves school and I know he is so excited about the school he is going to go to.
We did the kindergarten registration and they do an assessment then. He did well and I think he is ready. I guess we find out in April whether it's AM or PM and who his teacher will be.
Our school doesnt have orientation for the kids, just meetings for the parents. Its at our church though so she already knows and likes her teacher.
She is one of 4 girls in a class of 21 I think.
Shes really excited to go and I think it will be really good for her because she really craves attention when Rayms therapists are here and if she can be at school when we do that it would be good.
Am I ready? Absolutely since Im so exhausted at the moment but Im sure Ill ball my eyes out and ask dh if we can take her out by day 3. LOL
Kyle will be going to a Montessori early elementary program at a local public elementary school. The kids will range from 5 to 8 years old, so Kinder thru 3rd grade I think.
As of right now I don't know of any orientation scheduled, but registration opens up on the 26th, so I'll probably find out more then.
I'm excited for him, he really needs more structure. I'm not sad, but I can't believe it's already time for him to start school.
He's excited, too and talks all the time about how he'll be going to school after he turns 5. I worry a little bit about him being in school with big kids, like 10 year old kids because I feel like he's still so little, but I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm happy that the school is so close to where we live, I'll be able to walk him to and from. I'm also happy we were able to find a tuition-free Montessori program for him.
Mason will be going to the first year of a 2-year kindergarten program at the elementary school. It's for kids who are already 5 but not yet ready for kindy yet, so it's perfect for him.
He'll be going half days, which I'm kind of bummed about, LOL.
No orientation yet; registration was yesterday and I don't think there is an orientation until late August.
I'm nervous about getting him there every day, LMAO. I'm going to have to park a couple of blocks away and then walk, because the traffic is a nightmare, but it's up a hill and I can totally see him throwing a fit about walking up the hill when he's tired.
Mason will be going to the first year of a 2-year kindergarten program at the elementary school. It's for kids who are already 5 but not yet ready for kindy yet, so it's perfect for him.
He'll be going half days, which I'm kind of bummed about, LOL.
No orientation yet; registration was yesterday and I don't think there is an orientation until late August.
I'm nervous about getting him there every day, LMAO. I'm going to have to park a couple of blocks away and then walk, because the traffic is a nightmare, but it's up a hill and I can totally see him throwing a fit about walking up the hill when he's tired.
But I think he'll do well.
I can't believe our kids are going to be 5!!!
oh this reminds me of andrew when he started kindergarten. i had to carry him to :bag:
We still don't know for certain what we are doing with Elizabeth. I thought we were waiting, then she went to the screening and we changed our minds. Then we went to her preschool conference and we have changed back to waiting again. It makes my head hurt.
Regardless if we wait of if she goes I am going to feel a sense of loss this year because her friends she started with are almost all going to kindergarten. She has other friends at preschool, but it just kind of feels like we are being left behind. On the other hand, it will be good for her to be the big kid on the block for a change.
All I know is that right now this just seems like such a huge decision and hope we make the right one for her.
we're almost in an identical situation, libby. ivy's preschool teacher said that she thought she would do good to go to pre-k because, although, academically she is ready, emotionally, ,she is not. but, we are going to schedule a tour with a school and see what the kg teacher says, etc. I want her to go but, at the same time, i am really sad :(
Joe is going to K next year. We open enrolled at the closest school to us(our side of the street is a diff school district to the other). I completely missed K Round Up by one week but the office staff told us right away that we were in, I guess they do a first come first in system.
Joe had a screening a couple weeks ago, which he enjoyed - really good for us since he is in a 'I hate pre-k' mode as of late. And we got a letter today with a supplies list so it is all moving forward. I'm excited for him to go cause I think he is going to love it. I'm not a crier, but whenever I speak to my mum about it she keeps saying I'm going to cry and miss him so much. Incidentally school starts here the day before my bday, I'm thinking I won't be crying. I swing from being excited to terrified. I got my first nightmare last night about him going on the bus and getting lost all by himself.
B will be starting preK in September too, she is super excited about it.
-- Edited by Lucy on Friday 14th of May 2010 08:16:32 AM
Andrew had his registration on May 4th. He had to meet with the Nurse, a speech therapist, a phycologist, the teachers, stand on one foot... It went well.
The phycologist wanted him to draw a picture of a person. He stared at the Dr really hard, annouced he was going to draw a picture of him, and drew a huge square head. Then said, "you, as a robot!". Don't know what that'll mean for his file...
I am not happy about him going to kindergarten. They just shifted this year to all day kindergarten. It's 7.5 hours a day, 5 days a week. This kid has never had a baby sitter. Not ever left with a family member or anything. A neighbor has watched him a handfull of times. Other then that, if Andrew can't go, we don't go. So this will be a huge adjustment.
Also, we will have just had the baby. I think that will be a huge thing to adjust too. I don't want him to feel like we're bringing home his sister and throwing him out the door. (yes, I think too much and have issues...)
I'm am still waivering on if he'll be ready work wise. I'm afraid that the work will be too much for him. He is very, very smart. But, he has a hard time with writing. He doesn't like to do it. He can write letters and some simple words, though still mixes up W and M, not a big deal. For instance, he can write Dad by himself w/o having to be shown how. IDK... I think he's just fine, but the school seems to have a bigger push on writing then I think a 4 yo needs to know how to do.
He also doesn't want to go. He doesn't like change. So, this will be hard on him. I'm really worried about it and making the wrong decision.
Mark will be starting K in the fall. They don't have preregistration this year but they are offering a Kindergarten camp that is one week in June--from 8:30 to 11:30. Mark is going to that.
Their "orientation" is a staggered start during which 4 of the kids in his class go for one day the first week of school, then they all go starting Monday of the second week.
Mark is excited. And so am I.
I told Mark that kids at big kid school don't wear character underwear, just plain white, and he was VERY excited last night when I brought him home some plain white undies from the store.
I'm also excited that next year, Mark won't have to tag along and hang out with the babies at my work, and he won't have to go in the nursery when I go to church meetings. Plus I'll have 2 days a week that I can run errands and go shopping by myself.
Raven will have k 5 days a week 8-2:30. It's the same school that she has been going to for the last 2 years. She will meet the teacher and check out her class room a week or 2 before school starts. Then they will do a phase-in with only half the class coming in the first couple of days of school. I've never seen a child this ready for k. The last year of preschool was what my DS was doing when he went to k. Things have changed a lot.
My only worry(that might be too strong of a word) is that this will be the first year for full day and they will be in a new school. With 3 and 4 year preschool and k that puts over 900 3-6 year olds in school(preschool is still half so not all at once I guess). Anyway I feel this year there will be some trial and error.
Kaylin will be going to the charter school Braydon attends. She will be in afternoon K. The class cap is 20, and she already knows two little girls who will be in her class. I'm not at all choked up about it right now, but I know when I leave her on the first day it will probably be another story. She's beyond ready for K, and so excited!!
As far as the school district is concerned, Brittany isn't old enough. They have to be 5 by June 1 here. However, I taught her this last year and I'll teach her again next year. By the time she's "old enough" she'll be at a 2nd grade level.
It's not exactly fun for me to have another child to homeschool. It adds a ton of work on me, but Brittany likes to learn for now so I teach her. By the time she decides she doesn't want to do school she won't have a choice.
Marcos is currently in PK so he"ll be staying in the same school. We did the orientation about twoo weeks ago but he already knows most of his classmates and his new teacher. All by boys go there so he knows he is going there for PK.
Mark will be starting K in the fall. They don't have preregistration this year but they are offering a Kindergarten camp that is one week in June--from 8:30 to 11:30. Mark is going to that.
Their "orientation" is a staggered start during which 4 of the kids in his class go for one day the first week of school, then they all go starting Monday of the second week.
Mark is excited. And so am I.
I told Mark that kids at big kid school don't wear character underwear, just plain white, and he was VERY excited last night when I brought him home some plain white undies from the store.
I'm also excited that next year, Mark won't have to tag along and hang out with the babies at my work, and he won't have to go in the nursery when I go to church meetings. Plus I'll have 2 days a week that I can run errands and go shopping by myself.
Robin the red cracked me up.
But seriously do they not? Joe loves his Spongebob undies!