I haven't been here in so long, so sorry! I just wanted to drop in and say hello to my favorite gals.
I keep up with most of you on FB, but wanted to hop on over and say hello. We are doing great, Rylen is 3 and Shea will be turning 5 in July (duh, lol).
Shea just finished up her first year in preschool and will be proceeding to the 4yr. preschool class in the fall. Rylen will be starting the 3yr preschool class in the fall as well.
Shea misses the cutoff date for Kindy by a few days, which is just fine with me, as I don't think she's ready emotionally/socially yet.
So, I'm wondering where our 4yo's are with reading, etc? I'm working on sight words with Shea, but she's not reading yet.
RockyTop Design is doing great, and I'm going to be launching my own website in the near future.
I just wanted to pop in and say hi, I really miss being a part of a community like this, but that doesn't mean that I don't think about you all the time.
Thanks for reading, I hope you all are doing well!!
Im so glad to see you Ive been stalking your etsy shop as Im pregnant again. Im sad I dont see the bibs etc anymore, but I totally see how busy you are with the crib bedding. Which Im begging dh for btw LOL.
As far as reading K can sound most words out up to words with silent e but not words like boat or coin. Sight words she knows a few but has trouble as she wants to sound them out.
Seems like your doing great. Im glad to see this has taken off for you.
Evan is not going to kindy this next year (he's not socially there yet) either. He does sound out easy words and knows a couple of sight words but likes math much better.
I am so proud of you and your designs and can't wait to see your website!!