Mason is pretty sensitive, and will tell us when he doesn't like a movie or show he's watching because of violence or whatever. John doesn't think he's old enough to watch Star Wars, but I think that if we tried it and Mason was scared, he would tell us to shut it off.
Has your '05er watched Star Wars yet, and if so, what did they think?
Mason's favorite ride at Disneyland is Star Tours, which is based on Star Wars but has no SW characters in it, so there isn't much plot. He insisted on going on it 3 times in 2 days this week!
I've been wondering that too. A lot of the boys in Joe's class are big fans of the Clone Wars but I would rather him watch the star wars movies first.
I think Mason would be ok since he will tell you if it's something that bothers him. Joe wouldn't do that, he has this 'scarier the better' attitude and then will dwell on stuff for a couple day before he let's you know it scared him.
I've been wondering that too. A lot of the boys in Joe's class are big fans of the Clone Wars but I would rather him watch the star wars movies first.
I think Mason would be ok since he will tell you if it's something that bothers him. Joe wouldn't do that, he has this 'scarier the better' attitude and then will dwell on stuff for a couple day before he let's you know it scared him.
Raven loves that. Raven has watched the live action ones but none of them held her interest from beginning to end.
Actually, both of our boys have watched them and liked them. They prefer Star Wars The Clone Wars but they've seen the live action movies as well with no issues.
Stacy, I was wondering that too but figured that Joe would care less about which one was made first but that it would be easier for him to follow the story if we go for Episode I first.
Hannah's little boyfriend, who's only a few months older, has been watching them for a while. He's obsessed (like, has a million figures, light sabers, masks, etc.) and the whole thing. And just ftr, he's probably the most shy, most sensitive kid I've ever met. Ever. The only reason Boo hasn't seen them yet is because she'd have an aneurysm if they called Princess Leia a princess when she has neither a tiara or a frilly pink ball gown.
Meghan is *obsessed* with Star Wars. I think Mike has watched all of them with her already. She didn't have any issues with them but she's not all that sensitive to scary things in movies. We just discovered the Clone Wars a few weeks ago and she loves it. She's getting into Batman too now since her Uncle got her the Lego Batman game.
Stacy, I was wondering that too but figured that Joe would care less about which one was made first but that it would be easier for him to follow the story if we go for Episode I first.
That's what I was thinking. I guess they will care less about the lack of special effects in the originals.