I've seen the Dr a few of times since I last posted. Talked with the OB about his staff trying to make we wait 2 weeks to see him, when he told me 1 when he wasn't there for an appt. He said that I did the right thing in insisting that I be seen sooner. Apparently they talked to him about me, and he said that because of that, he came in and saw people on a Wed morn, when he isn't usually there. I told him I wasn't trying to be pushy, but had been having problems. Been dizzy alot, cramping, having contractions... Am supposed to call him if the contractions turn regular, go to hospital... He was going to have me do a high detailed U/S, but I had one schedualed already.
Saw high risk OB for U/S. Said baby is for sure a girl. Andrew had another melt down over that. Now when I say her or sister, he says brother or he or him. Baby is on the small side. They said girls are usually smaller than boys; but, second babies ore usually bigger than first babies. Still taking aspirin for clotting problems. She wants me to have the swap test, can't remember what it is, to see if I'll go into labor with in 2-3 weeks. My regular OB is supposed to do it. She said if I pass that, then I can cry abou being in pain all I want and she'll tell me to get over it. She's kind of blunt. She also told me pregnant women pass out all the time, so that's not that bad. I, am not really into passing out, so not happy to here that. I'd like to know why, and how to fix it.
Passed out last night. I knew I was going to, so I kind of tried to slip off my chair to lay on the floor. Good times. Steve was here, so he was able to tell Andrew I was ok.
That sounds horribly scary, but I'm glad your docs feel like they have a handle on everything you are worried about. Congrats on the girl confirmation! Andrew will come around!
i hope you get better. it seems like your OB is not very sympathetic. passing out is a big deal to me. i mean, what if you fall and hurt yourself or the baby?
i hope you get better. it seems like your OB is not very sympathetic. passing out is a big deal to me. i mean, what if you fall and hurt yourself or the baby?
i agree with crystal.
i'm sorry you aren't getting the sympathy and answers i would want if i were in your situation.
Thanks. My regular OB is a better listener then the high risk OB. I guess she sees people with lots bigger problems then me.
I really thought that Andrew was ok with having a sister. I can't believe him at the office. He tried to hide behind the table, where all the electrical cords were. He's been being...moody lately. Getting upset over small things. We had a huge blow up last weekend. I was crying. He was crying. I feel like such a horrible parent. He's 4. I'm an adult. I'm trying to understand that his whole world is changing, new baby coming, PS ending in May, new (all day) school coming up, Daddy going back to his usual working nights after spending the last 5 months on days, and to be understanding. But this weekend, I just lost it. We ended up forgiving each other, but it just sucked. Just feeling so stressed out about everything.
Ugh, Victoria. That stinks. I can't believe they are rude like that.
I was dizzy and almost passed out with Charlie a bunch of times - it turned out my blood pressure was really low. I don't know if that helps or not but that was my issue.
I hope your regular OB can have a better answer for you. I've been pregnant three times now and I never passed out. Its got to have an underlying issue.
Ugh, Victoria. That stinks. I can't believe they are rude like that.
I was dizzy and almost passed out with Charlie a bunch of times - it turned out my blood pressure was really low. I don't know if that helps or not but that was my issue.
My blood pressure is usually really low. But I feel like it's low before I pass out. I feel like I don't have any blood in my head, and my face and lips get all tingly feeling. Were you like that?
Ugh, Victoria. That stinks. I can't believe they are rude like that.
I was dizzy and almost passed out with Charlie a bunch of times - it turned out my blood pressure was really low. I don't know if that helps or not but that was my issue.
My blood pressure is usually really low. But I feel like it's low before I pass out. I feel like I don't have any blood in my head, and my face and lips get all tingly feeling. Were you like that?
It was so long ago...
I just remember getting really light headed and feeling like I was going to faint. I don't remember the tingly feeling but it was 5 yrs ago.
my blood pressure is crazy low normally.
I hope they take you seriously. Being pregnant is so stressful.
Thanks. It's funny how you forget stuff. When I was in the hospital with the cramping and stuff and passed out there, later the nurse was asking questions. It came up that I'd been in there for 4 full days after I had Andrew. Came in at like 7 am on the 1st, left after 6pm on the 4th. She wanted to know why so long. You know what? I don't remember. She said even w/ a c/s, that seemed long. I know it was something with me, but IDK. LOL. Must not have been to bad.
It seems like I get dizzy after bending down a couple of times. Like picking up toys, or getting stuff on the bottom shelf at the grocery store. Steve says it may be positional and that with the baby in there, I'm bending a nerve or something when I bend.