And lately he's been confusing "how" and "why", which is odd because he was always "Why? Why? Why?" and now he'll say things like "How are you shutting off the TV?"
He also confuses blue and red. Not all the time, but he's known his colors forever and still gets those confused.
And lately he's been confusing "how" and "why", which is odd because he was always "Why? Why? Why?" and now he'll say things like "How are you shutting off the TV?"
He also confuses blue and red. Not all the time, but he's known his colors forever and still gets those confused.
Gavin does the same thing with the "how you do that?" when you means "why."
Lucas still gets hot and cold mixed up sometimes... he'll be sweating then say he is cold. I think he gets confused because he wants to ask to make it colder...
Also thanks to Martha Speaks he has digestion wrong... he thinks food goes to your brain.... thanks alot PBS cartoon.
And yesterday/ or last night is anytime before now.
mikey has some trouble answering questions. He still has trouble with what/doing questions. ie: what is the dog doing? sometimes he will answer DOG! other times he will answer "running". for example - here's a conversation:
Mikey: "Mommy, help me?" Me: "What do you need help with?" Mikey: "Me. Help me" Me: "Help you what?" Mikey: "ME!!!"
I usually have to give him a silly option or two and then he will answer. So in the above example I would say .... "Do you want me to help you ..... PICK UP AN ELEPHANT??" and then he will say "No, help zip my coat".
Something else Owen does that I think is funny/cute but not always when he does it...I will ask him "why did you (fill in the blank - write on the dresser, make a mess, hit your brother, etc.)" and he will say "because I'm sorry! I'm SO sorry!"