I super love yard sales, but only certain yardsales. There is a huge difference between someone looking to move their stuff, and someone looking to make a profit- and the two aren't always the same. Same with thrift stores. I guess I'm cheap even by yard sale and thrift store standards, lmao.
Biggest find: Travis found a first edition Stephen King book for $1 back in Ohio. First editions are worth hundreds by collectors (my wedding gift to him was a $400 first edition).
We held yard sales when I was a kid. I loved it. My parents let us keep the money from our stuff we sold. It was their way of having us weed out stuff. We would price it, and we handled the money for our own table. In retrospect, what a good learning experience. We never made tons at our tables, but enough.
We had one HUGE yard sale when we lost our house when I was in middle school. We were down sizing majorly. I remember people showed up at 5am for a 7am start, and at the end of the weekend my parents made over $2,000. That's a lot of sh*t to sell. Of course, selling furniture and stuff helped.
Today I need to get the boys fed, bathed, and dressed decently before Travis gets home from teaching. We are off to meet with the headmaster this afternoon for a campus tour.
Bribery will be in full force today. No melt-downs and proper manners will pretty much equal whatever they want. I'll start with lollipops and progress as needed. I need them to not make a scene today ;)
I have had yard sales and I have gone, but to be honest I don't have much luck with them. I am a better clearance shopper. Maybe it's also where I live.
I need to get moving this morning. E has a birthday party and I need to get both of us in the shower.
Jenn, I hope that the boys are really well behaved for you today. I think they must be pretty interested in Travis if they are inviting you and the boys up to tour. They probably like that you have boys since it's a boy's school. This is so exciting. You will have to tell us what you think.
I'm a big garage saler! Yesterday I got Kaylin two shirts and a pair of jeans. Carter got 3 pair of pj's and a book. Braydon got a new pair of track pants. Plus, I got two brand new lamps to hang by the boys' beds. All of that for $8. Not bad!
I have to have a sale in the next few weeks. Yes, they are a lot of work, but I usually make 400-500 dollars, so worth it!
Today Braydon has a hockey game and then I am going golfing with my BFF's from college.
Jenn, I hope the boys are on their best behavior today!!!!!
I have had maybe one yard sale and it was combined. I wouldn't have one otherwise, I bet. A lot of work for not a lot of money, IMO. But maybe when we eventually move, if we have furniture to sell or something we would do it. For now, I think I will stick to CL for the few things I want to sell.
I feel like people who come to yard sales are supa cheap. If I am selling something, it is because it is nice or worth a fair amount, and I don't want to sell it for $1, kwim? Like my double stroller-it is in great shape and I want to sell if for a reasonable amount.
If I have a bunch of old books or CDs or other junk, I just donate it.
I don't go to yard sales. I have been to maybe 2 or 3 in my entire life and we didn't find anything worth getting up for, lol (this was pre-kids). I am sure I could find things now that I have kids, but I just don't get a lot of enjoyment out of it I suppose. I feel like yard sales are worth it if you enjoy them-but I don't like getting up early for good deals, and i don't like to haggle with people-it makes me anxious!!
I am running on hardly any sleep today and it STINKS!!! I have to take benedryl or tylenol PM everynight these days because the prednisone keeps me awake otherwise.
Well, last night, I was up late folding laundry, and I had a glass of wine, and I was already tired, so I figured I would try not taking anything. That was a MISTAKE!!!!
I was up until 3:30am. Then I woke up again before 6:30am and couldn't get back into a sleep after that. Boo hiss.
I am happy though because I managed to get all of the girls' clothes switched for warmer weather, and packed up the winter stuff-except we need another bin. We have SOOOOO many clothes, it is ridiculous. Thank goodness we have pass down the clothes to other people. It would make me sick if we didn't.
Or maybe I would have a yard sale, lol!!
I really needed to get this stuff done today because we have 4 bins of clothes to give to Matt and Jaime for Claire, and they will be down today for a birthday party. We need those bins out of my small house!!!
I also pawned off 2 bins of maternity clothes to my neighbor as well. She is due in August. Maybe it won't be long after she gives them back that I will need them!! One can hope, right???
I usually try to keep the TV volume low when the girls are "resting" if I am watching TV.
I decided it against it today-they aren't trying too hard to be quiet, so I won't either. Thankfully it is a nice day, so when we go to the party they can play in the yard and won't get too fussy over being tired.
We are back :) The boys did really well, no melt downs. The school is in a SUPER rural area, but it is right across the road from a family ski hill and right in the middle of a ton of wooded trails. We couldn't see the apartment because someone is living there now, but it is right next to a park and the dining hall where we are invited to all meals.
The closest store besides one gas station is a good 15 minutes down the road and at that, there is the worst walmart I've ever seen (makes Kmart look like gold), one grocery, and an old school mcdonalds. Not much else.
I think Travis has done all he can, so we will just have to be patient and wait to see if he is invited to interview with the board.
I am a fan of yard sales (or garage sales as they are known in these here parts).
I wish I could have one but we have a bit of a hazardous driveway and I'm certain some crazy old garage sale lady would crash over the side into a creek and we'd be in big trouble. I wish I could have one - I have so many things that I need to sell that will end up just being donated b/c I haven't had much luck lately on CL.
We are back :) The boys did really well, no melt downs. The school is in a SUPER rural area, but it is right across the road from a family ski hill and right in the middle of a ton of wooded trails. We couldn't see the apartment because someone is living there now, but it is right next to a park and the dining hall where we are invited to all meals.
The closest store besides one gas station is a good 15 minutes down the road and at that, there is the worst walmart I've ever seen (makes Kmart look like gold), one grocery, and an old school mcdonalds. Not much else.
I think Travis has done all he can, so we will just have to be patient and wait to see if he is invited to interview with the board.
That's great, Jen!
Does the town start with L about an hour up from where you are now?
We are back :) The boys did really well, no melt downs. The school is in a SUPER rural area, but it is right across the road from a family ski hill and right in the middle of a ton of wooded trails. We couldn't see the apartment because someone is living there now, but it is right next to a park and the dining hall where we are invited to all meals.
The closest store besides one gas station is a good 15 minutes down the road and at that, there is the worst walmart I've ever seen (makes Kmart look like gold), one grocery, and an old school mcdonalds. Not much else.
I think Travis has done all he can, so we will just have to be patient and wait to see if he is invited to interview with the board.
That's great, Jen!
Does the town start with L about an hour up from where you are now?
We are back :) The boys did really well, no melt downs. The school is in a SUPER rural area, but it is right across the road from a family ski hill and right in the middle of a ton of wooded trails. We couldn't see the apartment because someone is living there now, but it is right next to a park and the dining hall where we are invited to all meals.
The closest store besides one gas station is a good 15 minutes down the road and at that, there is the worst walmart I've ever seen (makes Kmart look like gold), one grocery, and an old school mcdonalds. Not much else.
I think Travis has done all he can, so we will just have to be patient and wait to see if he is invited to interview with the board.
That's great, Jen!
Does the town start with L about an hour up from where you are now?
Rymes with stinkin...you got it ;)
I hsould clarify. Both towns start with L, lmao. The town with the most horrific walmart ever rymes with Stinkin ;)