We are doing Easter today since the inlaws could come and since my sister in law is uper religious and would never drive up on Easter and miss her home service.
Boys already got their baskets. Egg hunt to come out in the yard. We can't do the huge one at the elementary school. I'm too scared Tristen will get into the wrong candy and have a reaction. I haven't figured out the balance of over-sheltering and food allergies yet.
I don't know what allergies he has but I know our church has a peanut-free policy.
Also last year we stopped stuffing the eggs, so now the kids trade in their eggs for prizes--little cars, stickers, bouncy balls, stuff like that.
Robin, that sounds like a dream compared to what we have here. Between peanut-safe for Tristen and red dye 40 free for Koda, we basically do orgnaic gummy bears in some eggs, and matchbox cars in the rest. The school that does that one for the whole town just does regular candy, but a lot of candy the boys can't have.