I'd like to get Peepers some of her own books for her birthday. I don't mind if she prefers Mason's tractor and train books, but I thought some girly ones might be fun. :)
Any suggestions? We already have "Olivia", because Mason is obsessed with the show, LOL.
Not exactly girly but B loved the Oivirer Dunrea books (she probably still would, I need to pull them out). They aren't particularly girly but are real gentle which B always likes (Joe always liked loud and rough). Also what about the That's Not My Truck/Dragon/bear series I think they do a princess or fairy one . Oh and another fave round here is My Mom and also My Dad by Anthony Browne (ftr we adore all of his books) but those two come in board versions.
Anna has a really cute book called My Pretty Pink Purse. I think it would be age appropriate for peepers and it is so cute and girly. We also read lots of Dora books, Fancy Nancy and Pigeon books ie, Don't let the Pigeon drive the Bus.
Faith has some of the princess board books and just loves them. She actually takes them to bed with her. I think they would be perfect size too since they are small. We have actually had to replace some of them since they get so worn down. (Not to mention dumped in the toilet.