Congratulations on your little princess! please post pics!
do you mind me asking why you had a scheduled induction?
I had an induction because I needed to have the kids somewhere they could stay, and my mom and Davids parents had to schedule off to be able to do so. I know its bad, but fwiw, my other two were also induced.
Posting pics now...there are already some on FB though. : )
Thanks for all the well wishes. Avery is doing great, we had a bout with borderline jaundice this weekend, so that was scary. We never could get her to latch right, so breastfeeding lasted all of two days. She was what they called a tongue "thruster" so she never cupped her tongue like she was supposed to. And now that my milk is in I tried again to feed her and she is still doing the same thing. Needless to say I am disappointed that it didnt work, but with her jaundice issue, I had no choice but to resort to formula. But she is beautiful and we are so happy she is here and healthy. Today was Davids first day back at work, so I am flying solo with the three kiddos. I had to take Avery to the pedi this morning to get her checked out again. She is down to 5lbs 13 oz, but they didnt seem concerned. She eats 2 oz every 2 hours and the past two nights, she has gone four hours straight, so I am feeling good and rested. Anyway, I am attaching pics of my pretty girl. : ) Thanks again.