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Post Info TOPIC: momsquawk has me convinced i am about to croke...

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Date: Feb 10, 2010
RE: momsquawk has me convinced i am about to croke...

daisy wrote:

Jilly wrote:


This thread is giving me a chuckle because it reminds me of my sisters and I teasing each other all in good fun.

Anyway, I know I never post, but read along nearly everyday.

I really, really appreciate all the health talk, because I am in the beginning stages of making some big health changes for my family. It really has motivated me to change our eating habits and pay more attention to toxins. I am slowly making the switch to glass storage and have pitched many of our sippies. (btw, the insulated playtex sippies are BPA they didn't all have to go...yay!!) I probably would have never made these changes without some of these health threads. It has been a huge eye opener for me! My hubby is on board too, which is surprising. 

I am also considering canceling our cable. (whole 'nother thread, I know).

Overall, I am excited that I am ready for these changes!! I don't want my kids to suffer from health problems because of my laziness and bad habits. (not intended to make anyone feel bad, just speaking of my own situation)

So, thank you and I hope these health threads continue on!


these are great changes. i'd love to hear more about what youre doing.
though i wont be starting any new health threads myself :)


well, we have not had fast food for about 2 to 3 weeks, reading labels and avoiding HFCS (we still have LOTS in the house, and they still eat it, but now I'm making different choices when grocery shopping), avoiding reheating in plastic containers, letting the kids use our glassware instead of our plastics, buying more fresh fruits and veggies. nothing earthshattering, just baby steps for now!

one of my wakeup calls was figuring my BMI. I'm in the obese category...yikes!!! I knew I was overweight but did not figure I was obese.

I have a long way to go...I still smoke (yes, shame on me!!) but I am working on cutting that out too.

 We got our cable/phone/internet bill yesterday....$160! So I am researching our options to cutting out cable. I am so bad about letting the kids watch it quite a bit so I can get some things done.

Slightly related...I was on the Human Genome Project website for one of my courses...fascinating stuff!!! I have not dug into it yet, but they are studying environmental effects on our genes (among many other things) and I can't wait to read more!

Overall, I think my kids are getting exposed to so many things that my husband and I were not when we were their age....that worries me and I'm trying to take little steps (but big for our family) to decrease those exposures.



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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Wow this is crazy. And i'll go ahead and say it even if no one else will, some of those threads were making me feel bad, but I had to really look at why and i'm better now. I'm doing the best for my family and i'll continue to do so. I can't afford all organic and all of that I think we will live long healthy lives regardless but that's just my opinion.



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Date: Feb 10, 2010

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Kelly. Do not be silly. Do not stop being who you are or doing what you feel passionate about. I have made just as many posts. People who do not want to or who do not like it can opt to not join in. I find it refreshing to actually have some meaningful and helpfully info that will make me a better person.

As you see from posts that many people like them and you are helping people.

I will step in here to say that statements like "make me a better person' is where i see a problem.  see, i don't think it makes you a "better person" b/c you eat organic food or even "healthy" food.  I just think it makes you a person who makes different choices than other people.  there is no moral attachment to it, idt.  i don't feel like anyone should be made to feel bad b/c they make different food choices.  ( I still remember a few years ago when Hiker Jen made a post equating the eating of an occasional bologna & mayo sandwich to child abuse --and that has stood out for me siince then)

(not trying to attack anyone, just pointing out that statements like that are ones that might make people feel bad and they shouldn't, imo.)

 eta that i just realized that the reference to better may be in reference to yourself, ie comparing your own actions and not a reflection on anyone else

-- Edited by Lizzy on Wednesday 10th of February 2010 11:07:08 AM



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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Jilly wrote:


daisy wrote:


Jilly wrote:


This thread is giving me a chuckle because it reminds me of my sisters and I teasing each other all in good fun.

Anyway, I know I never post, but read along nearly everyday.

I really, really appreciate all the health talk, because I am in the beginning stages of making some big health changes for my family. It really has motivated me to change our eating habits and pay more attention to toxins. I am slowly making the switch to glass storage and have pitched many of our sippies. (btw, the insulated playtex sippies are BPA they didn't all have to go...yay!!) I probably would have never made these changes without some of these health threads. It has been a huge eye opener for me! My hubby is on board too, which is surprising. 

I am also considering canceling our cable. (whole 'nother thread, I know).

Overall, I am excited that I am ready for these changes!! I don't want my kids to suffer from health problems because of my laziness and bad habits. (not intended to make anyone feel bad, just speaking of my own situation)

So, thank you and I hope these health threads continue on!


these are great changes. i'd love to hear more about what youre doing.
though i wont be starting any new health threads myself :)


well, we have not had fast food for about 2 to 3 weeks, reading labels and avoiding HFCS (we still have LOTS in the house, and they still eat it, but now I'm making different choices when grocery shopping), avoiding reheating in plastic containers, letting the kids use our glassware instead of our plastics, buying more fresh fruits and veggies. nothing earthshattering, just baby steps for now!

one of my wakeup calls was figuring my BMI. I'm in the obese category...yikes!!! I knew I was overweight but did not figure I was obese.

I have a long way to go...I still smoke (yes, shame on me!!) but I am working on cutting that out too.

We got our cable/phone/internet bill yesterday....$160! So I am researching our options to cutting out cable. I am so bad about letting the kids watch it quite a bit so I can get some things done.

Slightly related...I was on the Human Genome Project website for one of my courses...fascinating stuff!!! I have not dug into it yet, but they are studying environmental effects on our genes (among many other things) and I can't wait to read more!

Overall, I think my kids are getting exposed to so many things that my husband and I were not when we were their age....that worries me and I'm trying to take little steps (but big for our family) to decrease those exposures.


these kinds of steps are exactly where i started as well - and all the steps continue to be small steps. trying a new shampoo when this one runs out, picking up a new (cheaper) kind of detergent with no bleach, etc.

i think it's GREAT, and such teeny tiny tweaks that after a few days, it doesnt even seem like you ever did it any other way.
i'd love to cut out cable.  DH is the one who's clinging to that.  we have netflix, you can get any TV series, and my kids watch mainly movies now instead of TV - i really would love to get rid of it.

that's what worries me about environmental exposures - the genes actually change, right? yikes. i dont know a ton about how that all works, and that's where my anxiety kicks into high gear - probably not good reading for me on a day i'm couped up all day!




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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Lizzy wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Kelly. Do not be silly. Do not stop being who you are or doing what you feel passionate about. I have made just as many posts. People who do not want to or who do not like it can opt to not join in. I find it refreshing to actually have some meaningful and helpfully info that will make me a better person.

As you see from posts that many people like them and you are helping people.

I will step in here to say that statements like "make me a better person' is where i see a problem.  see, i don't think it makes you a "better person" b/c you eat organic food or even "healthy" food.  I just think it makes you a person who makes different choices than other people.  there is no moral attachment to it, idt.  i don't feel like anyone should be made to feel bad b/c they make different food choices.  ( I still remember a few years ago when Hiker Jen made a post equating the eating of an occasional bologna & mayo sandwich to child abuse --and that has stood out for me siince then)

(not trying to attack anyone, just pointing out that statements like that are ones that might make people feel bad and they shouldn't, imo.)



omg, that's really ridiculous. i dont remember that one!




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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Picture-Perfect wrote:

Wow this is crazy. And i'll go ahead and say it even if no one else will, some of those threads were making me feel bad, but I had to really look at why and i'm better now. I'm doing the best for my family and i'll continue to do so. I can't afford all organic and all of that I think we will live long healthy lives regardless but that's just my opinion.

i'm sorry for that. that was seriously never my intention.

i cant afford all organic either, if it's any consolation.  i also dont think that all organic is worth it.



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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Okay, this is just silly. Most specifically the fact that Leah feels bad that Kelly feels bad. I started the thread as a joke, mostly because my pregnant self is usually eating one or more of these foods whenever I sit down to browse the board! I was drinking soda from a plastic cup and eating Lays and onion dip from tupperware yesterday when I opened the soda thread. I just thought it was ironic that this one snack embodied so many recent threads at the same time.

Around the same time--maybe a little earlier--i had seen Leah post a hilarious picture of Hannah eating pancakes and syrup topped with marshmallows. I didn't say anything about Kelly at all, nor did she in particular, enter my mind at all. I merely thought of the recent m/s trend for healthy eating and posted something to the effect of being glad I wasn't the only one that hadn't jumped on the healthy bandwagon yet.

I got many people hooked on coupons, but if someone mentioned not being into it and another person wrote back that they were relieved to see they weren't the only one not on that trend I wouldn't care or think it was a dig at me specifically.

Kelly, you and I have too much history im'ing over the years for me to say something crappy behind your back.


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Date: Feb 10, 2010

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Kelly. Do not be silly. Do not stop being who you are or doing what you feel passionate about. I have made just as many posts. People who do not want to or who do not like it can opt to not join in. I find it refreshing to actually have some meaningful and helpfully info that will make me a better person.

As you see from posts that many people like them and you are helping people.

 Kelly I absolutely agree with what Melissa wrote here.  I am one of those people who love reading the info you share and I am not even making those changes right now.  I take change slowly and am doing a little at a time which works for me. 

Regarding Leah, she honestly (and I have not spoken to her at all off board) was not trying to be hurtful nor catty towards you.  The only fault she made was to even say anything in this thread b/c you were never mentioned on FB. I think I have a good grasp of her humor and I believe she was just being herself.  She probably had fresh MS info in her head and then took a look at what she made Hannah and her first thought was that you would not approve.  It wasn't meant as anything (I believe).  I actually gave Anna her 10th cup of milk the other day and thought Melissa wouldn't approve based on a conversation she and I had.  So if anything take it as a compliment that you have made an impact on our lives.   




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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Corey wrote:

Okay, this is just silly. Most specifically the fact that Leah feels bad that Kelly feels bad. I started the thread as a joke, mostly because my pregnant self is usually eating one or more of these foods whenever I sit down to browse the board! I was drinking soda from a plastic cup and eating Lays and onion dip from tupperware yesterday when I opened the soda thread. I just thought it was ironic that this one snack embodied so many recent threads at the same time.

Around the same time--maybe a little earlier--i had seen Leah post a hilarious picture of Hannah eating pancakes and syrup topped with marshmallows. I didn't say anything about Kelly at all, nor did she in particular, enter my mind at all. I merely thought of the recent m/s trend for healthy eating and posted something to the effect of being glad I wasn't the only one that hadn't jumped on the healthy bandwagon yet.

I got many people hooked on coupons, but if someone mentioned not being into it and another person wrote back that they were relieved to see they weren't the only one not on that trend I wouldn't care or think it was a dig at me specifically.

Kelly, you and I have too much history im'ing over the years for me to say something crappy behind your back.

i totally believe you guys!
i woke up needing to clarify it, bc just knowing your comment to leah's pic didnt get rid of the fact that leah was going to message you about your comment. that's where my brow raised.
seriously you guys, it's totally fine - i dont feel i was singled out, and i believe you guys if you say you werent saying mean things about me.

that clarification was the only reason i brought anything up this morning.




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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Michele wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Kelly. Do not be silly. Do not stop being who you are or doing what you feel passionate about. I have made just as many posts. People who do not want to or who do not like it can opt to not join in. I find it refreshing to actually have some meaningful and helpfully info that will make me a better person.

As you see from posts that many people like them and you are helping people.

Kelly I absolutely agree with what Melissa wrote here.  I am one of those people who love reading the info you share and I am not even making those changes right now.  I take change slowly and am doing a little at a time which works for me. 

Regarding Leah, she honestly (and I have not spoken to her at all off board) was not trying to be hurtful nor catty towards you.  The only fault she made was to even say anything in this thread b/c you were never mentioned on FB. I think I have a good grasp of her humor and I believe she was just being herself.  She probably had fresh MS info in her head and then took a look at what she made Hannah and her first thought was that you would not approve.  It wasn't meant as anything (I believe).  I actually gave Anna her 10th cup of milk the other day and thought Melissa wouldn't approve based on a conversation she and I had.  So if anything take it as a compliment that you have made an impact on our lives.


ack you guys this is really not this big of a deal!!
thanks michele for the post - i'm totally fine.  it's not a big deal, i believe leah and corey.

by the way, i would *totally* approve of a pancake breakfast - my kids get one at the diner every sunday (wchih i mentioned in the fast food thread) and i have the pancake mix out right now for their snowday lunch. whether or not i add the sweet potato puree is still up for debate - lol.



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Date: Feb 10, 2010

daisy wrote:

Jilly wrote:


daisy wrote:


Jilly wrote:


This thread is giving me a chuckle because it reminds me of my sisters and I teasing each other all in good fun.

Anyway, I know I never post, but read along nearly everyday.

I really, really appreciate all the health talk, because I am in the beginning stages of making some big health changes for my family. It really has motivated me to change our eating habits and pay more attention to toxins. I am slowly making the switch to glass storage and have pitched many of our sippies. (btw, the insulated playtex sippies are BPA they didn't all have to go...yay!!) I probably would have never made these changes without some of these health threads. It has been a huge eye opener for me! My hubby is on board too, which is surprising. 

I am also considering canceling our cable. (whole 'nother thread, I know).

Overall, I am excited that I am ready for these changes!! I don't want my kids to suffer from health problems because of my laziness and bad habits. (not intended to make anyone feel bad, just speaking of my own situation)

So, thank you and I hope these health threads continue on!


these are great changes. i'd love to hear more about what youre doing.
though i wont be starting any new health threads myself :)


well, we have not had fast food for about 2 to 3 weeks, reading labels and avoiding HFCS (we still have LOTS in the house, and they still eat it, but now I'm making different choices when grocery shopping), avoiding reheating in plastic containers, letting the kids use our glassware instead of our plastics, buying more fresh fruits and veggies. nothing earthshattering, just baby steps for now!

one of my wakeup calls was figuring my BMI. I'm in the obese category...yikes!!! I knew I was overweight but did not figure I was obese.

I have a long way to go...I still smoke (yes, shame on me!!) but I am working on cutting that out too.

We got our cable/phone/internet bill yesterday....$160! So I am researching our options to cutting out cable. I am so bad about letting the kids watch it quite a bit so I can get some things done.

Slightly related...I was on the Human Genome Project website for one of my courses...fascinating stuff!!! I have not dug into it yet, but they are studying environmental effects on our genes (among many other things) and I can't wait to read more!

Overall, I think my kids are getting exposed to so many things that my husband and I were not when we were their age....that worries me and I'm trying to take little steps (but big for our family) to decrease those exposures.


these kinds of steps are exactly where i started as well - and all the steps continue to be small steps. trying a new shampoo when this one runs out, picking up a new (cheaper) kind of detergent with no bleach, etc.

i think it's GREAT, and such teeny tiny tweaks that after a few days, it doesnt even seem like you ever did it any other way.
i'd love to cut out cable.  DH is the one who's clinging to that.  we have netflix, you can get any TV series, and my kids watch mainly movies now instead of TV - i really would love to get rid of it.

that's what worries me about environmental exposures - the genes actually change, right? yikes. i dont know a ton about how that all works, and that's where my anxiety kicks into high gear - probably not good reading for me on a day i'm couped up all day!


That's exactly it, it's just little changes here and there, and has not been hard at all. Just making different choices. We are far from being super healthy just easing into it slowly and being aware of alternatives.

The human genome website is not scary at all (at least what I have read) just super fascinating (to me) what they are going to do with this tailor-made drugs and medical treatments specific for your DNA to get the best possible effect. That is just one example, there are tons of other ways their findings can someday be applied. Everyone's body makeup is so unique and reacts so differently to the same exposures/drugs/microbes, etc. that I think this knowledge will lead to so many positive outcomes. (Sorry if I got off topic!!)  


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Date: Feb 10, 2010

daisy wrote:

Michele wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Kelly. Do not be silly. Do not stop being who you are or doing what you feel passionate about. I have made just as many posts. People who do not want to or who do not like it can opt to not join in. I find it refreshing to actually have some meaningful and helpfully info that will make me a better person.

As you see from posts that many people like them and you are helping people.

Kelly I absolutely agree with what Melissa wrote here.  I am one of those people who love reading the info you share and I am not even making those changes right now.  I take change slowly and am doing a little at a time which works for me. 

Regarding Leah, she honestly (and I have not spoken to her at all off board) was not trying to be hurtful nor catty towards you.  The only fault she made was to even say anything in this thread b/c you were never mentioned on FB. I think I have a good grasp of her humor and I believe she was just being herself.  She probably had fresh MS info in her head and then took a look at what she made Hannah and her first thought was that you would not approve.  It wasn't meant as anything (I believe).  I actually gave Anna her 10th cup of milk the other day and thought Melissa wouldn't approve based on a conversation she and I had.  So if anything take it as a compliment that you have made an impact on our lives.


ack you guys this is really not this big of a deal!!
thanks michele for the post - i'm totally fine.  it's not a big deal, i believe leah and corey.

by the way, i would *totally* approve of a pancake breakfast - my kids get one at the diner every sunday (wchih i mentioned in the fast food thread) and i have the pancake mix out right now for their snowday lunch. whether or not i add the sweet potato puree is still up for debate - lol.


 Just want to say I am relieved to hear this.  Love you girl!



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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Liz, could not quote, but this is to you.

I cannot help if someone feels bad because I feel like these changes in my life are healthy changes and make ME a better person. It is my own feelin and not one you need to share with me. I do not know why me making changes in my life for my health and that of my family causes someone to feel that strong of an emotion. We all make our own choices in life. I was not saying I am better then anyone, but what Kelly and I discussed was making me a better person both physically and mentally.

I should be allowed to feel that way. If you feel bad the you need to look at the real reason you feel bad. I am pretty sure it is not me directly. Me eating healthier should not make you feel bad.

This is all so silly. Honestly this may have been started as a joke,but that comment you just made to me was personal. Do not use the terms others feel bad. They can tell me that.



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Date: Feb 10, 2010

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Liz, could not quote, but this is to you.

I cannot help if someone feels bad because I feel like these changes in my life are healthy changes and make ME a better person. It is my own feelin and not one you need to share with me. I do not know why me making changes in my life for my health and that of my family causes someone to feel that strong of an emotion. We all make our own choices in life. I was not saying I am better then anyone, but what Kelly and I discussed was making me a better person both physically and mentally.

I should be allowed to feel that way. If you feel bad the you need to look at the real reason you feel bad. I am pretty sure it is not me directly. Me eating healthier should not make you feel bad.

This is all so silly. Honestly this may have been started as a joke,but that comment you just made to me was personal. Do not use the terms others feel bad. They can tell me that.

i think you guys might just be using the term "better person" a little differently. i think melissa is saying "better person" like "improved, better sense of well being than before, etc" and not "better than those who are not doing this."

i really just think that no one should feel badly about any of this.  i feel way better knowing that i havent been gossiped about - that was my main concern in this thread.

those who have not done a health overhaul, it's totally fine. we all try hard everyday in everything we do, and we're all good moms regardless of our milk labeling. melissa and i havent said anything that hasnt been discussed on oprah, or that you wouldnt learn on an episode of 60 minutes, kwim?




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Posts: 5514
Date: Feb 10, 2010

You know what is very stupid. We are all women and we cannot just be happy that people are opting to get healthy ?



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Posts: 1714
Date: Feb 10, 2010

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Liz, could not quote, but this is to you.

I cannot help if someone feels bad because I feel like these changes in my life are healthy changes and make ME a better person. It is my own feelin and not one you need to share with me. I do not know why me making changes in my life for my health and that of my family causes someone to feel that strong of an emotion. We all make our own choices in life. I was not saying I am better then anyone, but what Kelly and I discussed was making me a better person both physically and mentally.

I should be allowed to feel that way. If you feel bad the you need to look at the real reason you feel bad. I am pretty sure it is not me directly. Me eating healthier should not make you feel bad.

This is all so silly. Honestly this may have been started as a joke,but that comment you just made to me was personal. Do not use the terms others feel bad. They can tell me that.

Melissa....I edited my post to add that I think i misread your post.  I understand what you were saying is not a reflection on anyone else's habits, ie. you were sayiing that it makes "you" feel like a better person, right? 

what  I had a problem with is not anything you said....i referenced a previous poster who did make a judgment about another person's eating habits.  I hope that you are not offended b/c i did not mean to heart.gif




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Date: Feb 10, 2010

CoffeeQueen wrote:

You know what is very stupid. We are all women and we cannot just be happy that people are opting to get healthy ?

Nobody is unhappy for you. Or Kelly, or anyone else.

Can we seriously just drop it, and I think that's a reasonable freaking request considering that the whole thing started over me and what I said, and I've already said everything that I feel needs to be said as far as a direct apologize to Kelly for how this whole thing played out, and how I worded it to make her and obviously others, think I've got nothing better to do all day than sit around and mock everyone.

Now, I seriously AM bowing out, and if someone needs to here from me, further verification about what I said, or what I meant, then you can pm me. For all rights and purposes, I could have been talking about any sort of health post. I'm not retarded, marshmallows in breakfast aren't healthy, and they probably go against 8 million posts on this board, not limited to the ones started by you or Kelly. There are a ton of other posts on here that are health related, and no where did I EVER say anyone's name, or anyone's specific cause.

It was a freaking silly little joke, that meant nothing to me, and it's jumped into this whole crazy hot topic. Eat what you want to eat, I don't care, but I feel like NOW you are talking down to me, and I'm pretty over it.

Nobody's unhappy with your change of habits. Rock it out.




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Date: Feb 10, 2010

Lizzy wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Kelly. Do not be silly. Do not stop being who you are or doing what you feel passionate about. I have made just as many posts. People who do not want to or who do not like it can opt to not join in. I find it refreshing to actually have some meaningful and helpfully info that will make me a better person.

As you see from posts that many people like them and you are helping people.

I will step in here to say that statements like "make me a better person' is where i see a problem.  see, i don't think it makes you a "better person" b/c you eat organic food or even "healthy" food.  I just think it makes you a person who makes different choices than other people. there is no moral attachment to it, idt.  i don't feel like anyone should be made to feel bad b/c they make different food choices. ( I still remember a few years ago when Hiker Jen made a post equating the eating of an occasional bologna & mayo sandwich to child abuse --and that has stood out for me siince then)

(not trying to attack anyone, just pointing out that statements like that are ones that might make people feel bad and they shouldn't, imo.)

eta that i just realized that the reference to better may be in reference to yourself, ie comparing your own actions and not a reflection on anyone else

-- Edited by Lizzy on Wednesday 10th of February 2010 11:07:08 AM


Let's take this on a different HT tangent... LOL

I completely agree with the blue. People are far more than the choices they make, food included. And everyone deserves be accepted and respected.

Regarding the red, though, I'm not sure what you meant here, but if you're implying that there are not "good" and "bad" food choices, merely "different ones" -- that I'm going to disagree with. (I'm guessing that's probably not what you meant, but your use of the word "different" instead of "bad" was confusing to me.) A person who makes bad choices is not somehow lesser of a person, because none of us are perfect. But their choices are BAD, not different.

And regarding the whole sentiment -- my opinion about all of this changes wildly if we go to a single payer healthcare system, which is my biggest problem with the concept. If our society is so clearly and directly impacted through the choices that an individual is making, I think it's totally unreasonable to expect that same society would sit idle and accepting of those bad choices.

Said more succinctly -- if I'm paying for someone else's healthcare, it is my business what they do, because it does impact me directly.

Just food (healthy or junk, I'm not sure) for thought.




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Posts: 988
Date: Feb 10, 2010

CoffeeQueen wrote:

You know what is very stupid. We are all women and we cannot just be happy that people are opting to get healthy ?

I don't want to drag this out if it's dying down, but I just don't really think this is it Melissa. I like you a lot and totally respect your opinions but I don't buy this. For me it's just a vibe I get from those threads and like you said people can choose not to read or to read but honestly when just about every thread goes from something general to an overwhelming presence of how bad pretty much everything is it gets hard. I'm trying to formulate the words for this. In one of the threads it was mentioned that a toothpaste to stay away from is baby orajel. I use that for Bryson and i'm sorry I don't think he's going to die from using it(and I know you didn't say that it's not about who said it) and it's not personal but if so many threads go to that type of thing it's hard for me to not read it. I think it's wonderful that you and others are getting healthy, i'm making small baby steps too, nothing like some of the things that others are opting for but it's like a CONSTANT barrage of this is bad, this is bad, this is bad and honestly it makes me feel bad. Stupid? Ok, but while we are all respecting each other maybe we could go a little easier.  Now people's feelings are hurt and I stand by what I said even if no one else wants to speak up that's totally great but the vibe and tone of some of the threads is not purely informational and I doubt i'm the only one feeling that way. I'm sorry if i'm sensitive and i'm sure i'll get analyzed as this is guilt because my toothpaste has whatever bad things toothpaste has in it or my babies lotion has parabens and that's ok too :)



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Posts: 1771
Date: Feb 10, 2010

Picture-Perfect wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

You know what is very stupid. We are all women and we cannot just be happy that people are opting to get healthy ?

I don't want to drag this out if it's dying down, but I just don't really think this is it Melissa. I like you a lot and totally respect your opinions but I don't buy this. For me it's just a vibe I get from those threads and like you said people can choose not to read or to read but honestly when just about every thread goes from something general to an overwhelming presence of how bad pretty much everything is it gets hard. I'm trying to formulate the words for this. In one of the threads it was mentioned that a toothpaste to stay away from is baby orajel. I use that for Bryson and i'm sorry I don't think he's going to die from using it(and I know you didn't say that it's not about who said it) and it's not personal but if so many threads go to that type of thing it's hard for me to not read it. I think it's wonderful that you and others are getting healthy, i'm making small baby steps too, nothing like some of the things that others are opting for but it's like a CONSTANT barrage of this is bad, this is bad, this is bad and honestly it makes me feel bad. Stupid? Ok, but while we are all respecting each other maybe we could go a little easier.  Now people's feelings are hurt and I stand by what I said even if no one else wants to speak up that's totally great but the vibe and tone of some of the threads is not purely informational and I doubt i'm the only one feeling that way. I'm sorry if i'm sensitive and i'm sure i'll get analyzed as this is guilt because my toothpaste has whatever bad things toothpaste has in it or my babies lotion has parabens and that's ok too :)


no one will die from parabens. believe me.
i was the one to bring up orajel. my friend had just told me about it. 
i'm sorry if it's felt like a constant barrage.
i promise, i'll stop. if i know it's bothering you guys or making you guys feel a certain way about your parenting, it's not worth it to me.  i never want to make anyone feel like that.

in bringing up something like orajel, i figured "ok if people are worried about this sort of thing, they'll be interested to hear this. if they're not, no harm-no foul." i didnt really think of it any other way.

i really dont think my tone has been one of judgment, but maybe it has, and if so, i really do apologize.
i am in no way judging you guys on what toothpaste youre giving your kids. i didnt even know about orajel till another mom-friend told me.  this is the kind of thing my mom-friends and i discuss. since this is a board of moms, i figured it was an OK place to share the info.

now if you were telling me you werent brushing your kids' teeth at all, i might judge ;)

i dont think you're guilty. i think some people will be very concerned about something like parabens, and other people will not.  just an individual difference kind of thing.


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