today I spent lots of time in the shampoo aisle investigating organic shampoos/conditioners. I studied Burts Bees for a long time. In my head I hear Melissa "I don't care for Burt's Bees shampoo." I think I'm going crazy!!!!
also, my husband does not care for ultra pasturized stuff - some organic milk is ultra pasturized. I need to study up on what that means, exactly.
maybe you could address that in an upcoming episode
today I spent lots of time in the shampoo aisle investigating organic shampoos/conditioners. I studied Burts Bees for a long time. In my head I hear Melissa "I don't care for Burt's Bees shampoo." I think I'm going crazy!!!!
also, my husband does not care for ultra pasturized stuff - some organic milk is ultra pasturized. I need to study up on what that means, exactly.
maybe you could address that in an upcoming episode
yeah the ultra-pasteurized thing had me reading a little while back. i think it's why organic milk lasts so long (and it's not necessarily a good thing).
i think unless youre getting milk from a local farm, the whole UHT (ultra pasteurized) thing is hard to avoid. for me, for milk, organic and non-plastic containers are my two biggies. i think most organic milk is ultrapasteurized, but i'm not willing to give up the organic label on milk (not yet anyway - of course if i read enough and learned enough i might feel differently).
i have heard issues with cardboard cartons (there's like a layer of plastic coating, whcih is usually petroleum, plus they arent recyclable in the ways that other cardboards are) - but i cant control all of it (though a local milkman with glass jugs is very tempting, and something i've been looking into - not sure though if this milk would still be UHT).
by the way, coffee cups typically have the same petro-issue - i bring my own thermos cup to starbucks and havent used one of theirs in a long time. plus you get 10% off for doing this.
if you have a trader joe's, i am really liking this tea tree peppermint shampoo. burts is totally not great. at whole foods, the prices on most of the shampoos were just too much (though i saw one intriguing brand - but the fact is, if i'm going to WF for shampoo, i'm going to end up spending too much on random stuff and i'm not willing to do that).
Hi! I just finished my bottle of that tea tree shampoo from Trader Joe's---doesn't it smell great?!
(But doesn't it have parabens in it? I thought it did. I might be thinking of their grapefruit shampoo that I also use.)
Next move---getting everyone to stop drinking cow's milk at all!! ;)
(That one was super easy for me.....I don't like it anyway.)
as far as i know, it does not. it is not listed in the ingredients :dunno smells SO good. as for drinking cow's milk, i probably drink one small cup a week - not my thing really - but the kids drink it. what do your kids drink?
Hi! I just finished my bottle of that tea tree shampoo from Trader Joe's---doesn't it smell great?!
(But doesn't it have parabens in it? I thought it did. I might be thinking of their grapefruit shampoo that I also use.)
Next move---getting everyone to stop drinking cow's milk at all!! ;)
(That one was super easy for me.....I don't like it anyway.)
as far as i know, it does not. it is not listed in the ingredients :dunno smells SO good. as for drinking cow's milk, i probably drink one small cup a week - not my thing really - but the kids drink it. what do your kids drink?
I must be thinking of the grapefruit one then. : )
(Another great thing about the tea tree oil shampoo---it's supposed to repel lice! haha Someone I know found out their children brought lice home from school----aaaaagggh!! They were at our house the DAY BEFORE--yuck, yuck, yuck!!! I started researching like crazy, and was like, "Phew---I have been using that tea tree oil shampoo. I might be in the clear!" In the end, we didn't get it, THANK GOODNESS!!! But just a heads up about the tea tree oil shampoo!!! : ))
My kids don't really drink any milk---they will sometimes have rice milk, and we have almond milk too. I am sort of kidding about the milk thing, but if you want a new "thing" to research, do cow's milk. It's pretty interesting.
Hi! I just finished my bottle of that tea tree shampoo from Trader Joe's---doesn't it smell great?!
(But doesn't it have parabens in it? I thought it did. I might be thinking of their grapefruit shampoo that I also use.)
Next move---getting everyone to stop drinking cow's milk at all!! ;)
(That one was super easy for me.....I don't like it anyway.)
as far as i know, it does not. it is not listed in the ingredients :dunno smells SO good. as for drinking cow's milk, i probably drink one small cup a week - not my thing really - but the kids drink it. what do your kids drink?
I must be thinking of the grapefruit one then. : )
(Another great thing about the tea tree oil shampoo---it's supposed to repel lice! haha Someone I know found out their children brought lice home from school----aaaaagggh!! They were at our house the DAY BEFORE--yuck, yuck, yuck!!! I started researching like crazy, and was like, "Phew---I have been using that tea tree oil shampoo. I might be in the clear!" In the end, we didn't get it, THANK GOODNESS!!! But just a heads up about the tea tree oil shampoo!!! : ))
My kids don't really drink any milk---they will sometimes have rice milk, and we have almond milk too. I am sort of kidding about the milk thing, but if you want a new "thing" to research, do cow's milk. It's pretty interesting.
oh i totally have researched the cow milk thing, believe me. especially when i was off dairy for nursing and researching substitutes (and finding that soymilk isnt all that, either). my kids dont drink a ton of milk anymore at all. they seem to be over that major milk-chugging stage.
the tea tree oil is totally good for lice-prevention and for eczema/cradle cap/dandruff as well. i've been using california baby's tea tree & lavendar shampoo on the kids, whcih smells AMAZING, and im noticing that R's cradle cap is finally loosening up (can you believe she still has flakes?!? her hair is thick so we barely see it, but that stuff is like GLUED ON. this shampoo is definitely doing the trick).