I am cautiously optimistic that I am getting better!
Yesterday I was only in the bathroom twice-I had to rethink the entire day to make sure I was right about that. Then this morning, I went to the bathroom as usual, and when I wiped, there was no blood!!!! That is a first since this flare started, and hopefully a sign that things are turning around.
Interestingly enough, I started a new supplement on Tuesday night, and I think that is playing a part in this as well (turmeric-which is what is in curry-I take pill form though because I am not a huge fan of curry-it is supposed to be a good anti-inflammatory)
Yipee!!! I hope things keep getting better so I can get back on track over here!!! Thank you, as always, for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers!!
that's great news laura! i was taking turmeric for my eyes (needed an anti-inflammatory). i'm with you on not liking curry - but the pill is fine. i didnt have a prob with aftertaste or antyhing like that. GOOD LUCK!!!
That is fantastic news! Dr Oz is a big fan of using curry in everything because it's so good for you. Not going to happen here, well DH uses it, but not me. Didn't know they made pills. Good to know.