My favorite thing about my job is that I get to help people feel better..whether it be medically, or just by a touch on the arm, a hug, whatever.
That sounds so cliche' but I swear it's the truth!! I can't tell you how many hugs I get on Wednesday, or how many backs I rub while talking to them or how many hands or arms I hold and talk to them.
Well, it is definitely not the getting up at o'dark thirty part.
I love interacting with my patients. Making sure they are as comfortable as can be, answering all of their questions, teaching as much post-op care as I can. I like knowing that because of what I do someone was less worried about and better prepared for their surgery.
I love being a nurse..if it wasn't for all the bs paperwork we have to do..I wish sometimes I had been born way back in the day, when nursing was exactly what it was intended to be, and not what it's become
I love the kids. I love hearing them sing in class and their little voices just float down the hall. I love the great hours. It is a great place to be raising a child. She comes to work with me, goes to school and then we go home together.
totally off the subject. My contcts feel like they are so dry and I want to rip my eyes out of my head. My glasses are at home :( Going to be a long day at work.
I love being a nurse..if it wasn't for all the bs paperwork we have to do..I wish sometimes I had been born way back in the day, when nursing was exactly what it was intended to be, and not what it's become
I am home with E right now, and I really love that I have the freedom to really enjoy her and do all sorts of things with her. I generally like being with her and wouldn't change it.
When I was teaching, I really loved it when the kids were getting excited about something they were learning. I just love to see those lights go off in their heads! I also liked figuring out and being successful at reaching a kid so that the light bulb could go off for him/her. Like the nurses, I do not like or miss the paperwork. I also get to see this with E without the paperwork which is also why I like being a sahm.
I love the flexibility - getting to work from home a couple of days a week or whenever I need to. I love the great mix of brain stimulating, adult time it gives me while allowing me lots of time to be Momma
I love going to lunch with girlfriends on the days I come to the office!
my favorite thing is seeing them learn something new. With scott its watching him take a step now and then. Raym when he says or understands something new. Kaylen learning to read. I just love seeing their new accomplishments.
I'm happy to see everyone finding things they enjoy about their jobs. (even if it is a bad day to ask!!)
I am a SAHM, as everyone knows, and I love most all of it. I love the flexibility it allows me to be able take on being room mom at the preschool and such, and I love being the person who is spending the majority of the time with my children. I am far from perfect, but I know I love them more than anyone, and I am grateful for the opportunity to stay home with them and have these early years with them. All too soon, they are going to be gone most of the day, and that makes me sad.
Something else that I am very grateful for is the close proximity of my bathroom, lol. I do not think I could go back to teaching at this point. Certainly not in the capacity that I was, since there would not be anyone available to watch the class I am teaching for me to run to the bathroom. If I ever do go back to having a traditional job again, this will be something I have to consider.
I'm happy to see everyone finding things they enjoy about their jobs. (even if it is a bad day to ask!!)
I am a SAHM, as everyone knows, and I love most all of it. I love the flexibility it allows me to be able take on being room mom at the preschool and such, and I love being the person who is spending the majority of the time with my children. I am far from perfect, but I know I love them more than anyone, and I am grateful for the opportunity to stay home with them and have these early years with them. All too soon, they are going to be gone most of the day, and that makes me sad.
Something else that I am very grateful for is the close proximity of my bathroom, lol. I do not think I could go back to teaching at this point. Certainly not in the capacity that I was, since there would not be anyone available to watch the class I am teaching for me to run to the bathroom. If I ever do go back to having a traditional job again, this will be something I have to consider.
Laura I hope today is a turn for the better for you. Do you have an appointment now?
I'm happy to see everyone finding things they enjoy about their jobs. (even if it is a bad day to ask!!)
I am a SAHM, as everyone knows, and I love most all of it. I love the flexibility it allows me to be able take on being room mom at the preschool and such, and I love being the person who is spending the majority of the time with my children. I am far from perfect, but I know I love them more than anyone, and I am grateful for the opportunity to stay home with them and have these early years with them. All too soon, they are going to be gone most of the day, and that makes me sad.
Something else that I am very grateful for is the close proximity of my bathroom, lol. I do not think I could go back to teaching at this point. Certainly not in the capacity that I was, since there would not be anyone available to watch the class I am teaching for me to run to the bathroom. If I ever do go back to having a traditional job again, this will be something I have to consider.
Laura I hope today is a turn for the better for you. Do you have an appointment now?
No-I haven't called them yet. I am fortunate in that because I am a trial patient, I can generally get in to see them quickly if I need to, or they will call in a new script for me if need be. So far, things seem a bit calmer today. And this morning, things were a bit more formed, which is an improvement. I am wiped out from the blood loss, but I think if I take it easy, I can get things back on the right track.
If I don't see further improvement after my injection, I'll call them for sure. Thank you, Libby, for asking.
I like being home when my teen is home. I like not having to go anywhere when they don't have school. I like sleeping in when they don't have school and when Raven lets me. I like the one-on-one I get with Raven when Stephen's in school.
Even though I'm not crazy about the age/s of the babies in my Mother's Day Out class--I'm in the 6 - 12 months class, I super-love my co-teacher. We laugh until we cry every Monday and Thursday. Also when the weather cooperates, we get to take really long walks outside.
I also love staying home with Mark on the other days of the week. My favorite part of staying home is watching how much he loves to help me and how good he is getting at everything--washing fruit, sweeping, spraying and wiping off whatever he sees.